The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism: Eduard Bernstein's Challenge to MarxCollier Books, 1962 - 348 páginas Presents a study on Socialism from its origins, its meaning, and the impact of German Revisionist Socialism. Looks at the dilemma of how Democratic Socialists deal with the issue of power. |
3 | 60 |
The Pedigree | 85 |
If There Had Been No Bernstein | 110 |
Derechos de autor | |
Otras 7 secciones no mostradas
Otras ediciones - Ver todas
The Dilemma of Democratic Socialism: Eduard Bernstein's Challenge to Marx Peter Gay Vista de fragmentos - 1979 |
Términos y frases comunes
agrarian analysis Anti-Dühring anti-Socialist law Bebel Berlin Bern Bernstein Archives Bismarck bourgeois bourgeoisie British called capitalism Capitalist Development class struggle crises criticism debate dialectic doctrine Dühring economic Eduard Bernstein Eisenachers Engels's Erfurt Program ethical Fabians Ferdinand Lassalle Friedrich Friedrich Engels German Social Democracy German Socialists Geschichte und Theorie growing Höchberg Ibid industry Kant Karl Marx Kautsky Kautsky's labor movement Lassalle Lassalle's Lassalleans leaders Legien liberal Liebknecht Marx and Engels Marx's Marxist mass strike means Mehring middle class Neue Zeit never organization parliamentarism parliamentary party congress philosophy political production proletariat question Quoted radical reform reformist Reichstag Revisionism Revisionist revolution revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg Social Democ Social Democratic Party Socialist society Sozialdemokratie Sozialdemokratische Lehrjahre Sozialistische Monatshefte stein suffrage surplus value Sweezy tactics theoretical Theorie des Sozialismus thought tion trade unions true victory Voraussetzungen Vorwärts vote wages workers