(More near my life, I fear,) with my weak wit, WOL. Madam, you wrong the king's love with these fears; Your hopes and friends are infinite. Q. KATH. In England, But little for my profit: Can you think, lords, * For her sake that I have been, &c.] For the sake of that royalty which I have heretofore possessed. MALONE. *(Though he be grown so desperate to be honest,)] Do you think that any Englishman dare advise me; or, if any man should venture to advise with honesty, that he could live? 7 JOHNSON. - weigh out my afflictions,] This phrase is obscure. To weigh out, is, in modern language, to deliver by weight; but this sense cannot be here admitted. To weigh is likewise to deliberate upon, to consider with due attention. This may, perhaps, be meant. Or the phrase, to weigh out, may signify to counterbalance, to counteract with equal force. JOHNSON. To weigh out is the same as to outweigh. In Macbeth, Shak speare has overcome for come over. STEEVENS. CAM. I would, your grace Would leave your griefs, and take my counsel. Q. KATH. How, sir? CAM. Put your main cause into the king's pro tection; He's loving, and most gracious; 'twill be much Both for your honour better, and your cause; You'll part away disgrac'd. WOL. He tells you rightly. Q. KATH. Ye tell me what ye wish for both, my ruin : Is this your christian counsel? out upon ye! CAM. Your rage mistakes us. Q. KATH. The more shame for ye; holy men I thought ye, Upon my soul, two reverend cardinal virtues; But cardinal sins, and hollow hearts, I fear ye: Mend them for shame, my lords. Is this your comfort? The cordial that ye bring a wretched lady? WOL. Madam, this is a mere distraction; * The more shame for ye;] If I mistake you, it is by your fault, not mine; for I thought you good. The distress of Katharine might have kept her from the quibble to which she is irresistibly tempted by the word cardinal. JOHNSON. Q. KATH. Yeturn me into nothing: Woe upon ye, And all such false professors! Would ye have me (If you have any justice, any pity; If ye be any thing but churchmen's habits,) Put my sick cause into his hands that hates me? Alas! he has banish'd me his bed already; His love, too long ago: I am old, my lords, And all the fellowship I hold now with him Is only my obedience. What can happen To me, above this wretchedness? all your studies Make me a curse like this. CAM. Your fears are worse. Q. KATH. Have I liv'd thus long-(let me speak myself, Since virtue finds no friends,)-a wife, a true one? Still met the king? lov'd him next heaven? obey'd him? Been, out of fondness, superstitious to him ?9 WOL. Madam, you wander from the good we aim at. Q. KATH. My lord, I dare not make myself so guilty, To give up willingly that noble title 9 superstitious to him? That is, served him with super stitious attention; done more than was required. JOHNSON. Your master wed me to: nothing but death WOL. 'Pray, hear me. Q. KATH. 'Would I had never trod this English earth, Or felt the flatteries that grow upon it! Ye have angels' faces, but heaven knows your hearts. What will become of me now, wretched lady? Shipwreck'd upon a kingdom, where no pity, Ye have angels faces,] She may perhaps allude to the old jingle of Angli and Angeli. Johnson. I find this jingle in The Arraygnment of Paris, 1584. The goddesses refer the dispute about the golden apple to the decision of Diana, who setting aside their respective claims, awards it to Queen Elizabeth; and adds: " Her people are ycleped angeli, " Or if I miss a letter, is the most." In this pastoral, as it is called, the Queen herself may be almost said to have been a performer, for at the conclusion of it, Diana gives the golden apple into her hands, and the Fates deposit their insignia at her feet. It was presented before her Majesty by the children of her chapel. 1 It appears, from the following passage in The Spanish Masquerado, by Greene, 1585, that this quibble was originally the quibble of a saint: "England, a little island, where, as saint Augustin saith, there be people with angel faces, so the inhabitants have the courage and hearts of lyons." STEEVENS. 1 See also Nashe's Anatomie of Absurditie, 1589: "For my part I meane to suspend my sentence, and let an author of late memorie be my speaker; who affirmeth that they carry angels in their faces, and devils in their devices." MALONE. |