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" enterprise, is gone ! It is gone, that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honour, which felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage whilst it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half its... "
English Prose (1137-1890) - Página 280
editado por - 1909 - 544 páginas
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Reflections on the Revolution in France: And on the Proceedings in Certain ...

Edmund Burke - 1790 - 384 páginas
...principle, that chaftity of honour, which felt a ftain like a wound, which infpired courage whilft it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itfelf loft half its evil, by lofing all its groffnefs. This mixed fyftem of opinion and fentiment...
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Reflections on the Revolution in France, and on the Proceedings of Certain ...

Edmund Burke - 1790 - 372 páginas
...principle, that chaftity of honour, which felt a ftain like a wound, which infpired courage whilft it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itfelf loft half its evil, by lofing all its groffnefs. ^, This mixed fyftem of opinion and fentiment...
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The Analytical Review, Or History of Literature, Domestic and ..., Volumen8

1790 - 618 páginas
...principie, that chaftity of honour, which telt a (tuin like a wound, which inipired courage whilil it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itlelf loll half its evil, by loling all its groflnefs.' The unbougbt grace of life is a phrafe to...
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Monthly Review; Or Literary Journal Enlarged

1790 - 606 páginas
...principle, that challity of honour, which tele a ftain like a wound, which infpired courage whilft it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice iifelf loll half its evil, by lofing all its groffnefs.' Loud plaudits inform us that this is thought...
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Reflections on the Revolution in France,: And on the Proceedings in Certain ...

Edmund Burke - 1790 - 536 páginas
...principle, that chaftity of honour, which felt a ftain like a wound, which infpired courage whilft it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itfelf loft half its evil, by lofing all its groffhefs. This mixed fyftem of opinion and fentiment...
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Reflections on the Revolution in France: And on the Proceedings in Certain ...

Edmund Burke - 1791 - 420 páginas
...principle, that ehaftity of honour, which felt a ftain like a wound, which infpired courage whilft it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itfelf loft half its evil, by lofing all its groffhefs. This mixed fyftem of opinion and fentiment...
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A Journal During a Residence in France, from the Beginning of ..., Volumen2

John Moore - 1793 - 634 páginas
...of principle, that chaftity of honour, which felt a fta'm like a wound, which infpired courage while it mitigated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itfelf loft htilj its evil, by lofmg ftll its griefs." Notwithftanding the fplendid elegance and force...
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The Anti-Jacobin Review and Protestant Advocate: Or, Monthly ..., Volumen2

1799 - 614 páginas
...of principle, that rhaftity of honour, which ich a ftain like a wound, which infpired courage, while it mitigated ferocity ; which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itfelf alfo loft half its evil, by lofing all its groflfnefs," Pp. .274, 275. The Monthly Review flates...
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Mooriana: or, Selections from the works of J. Moore, illustr. by ..., Volumen1

John Moore - 1803 - 312 páginas servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom ;" and adds, " that with these, are also fled that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honour,...felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage while it indicated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half...
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Mooriana: Or, Selections from the Moral, Philosophical, and ..., Volumen1

John Moore - 1803 - 322 páginas servitude itself, the spirit of an exalted freedom ;" and adds, " that with these, are also fled that sensibility of principle, that chastity of honour,...felt a stain like a wound, which inspired courage while it indicated ferocity, which ennobled whatever it touched, and under which vice itself lost half...
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