Reconstructing Old Testament Theology: After the Collapse of HistoryFortress Press - 399 páginas In this informative and keen look at contemporary trends in Old Testament theology, Perdue builds on his earlier volume The Collapse of History (1994). He investigates how a variety of perspectives and methodologies have impacted how the Old Testament is read in the twenty-first century including: literary criticism; rhetorical criticism, feminist, womanist, and mujerista theologies, liberation theology; Jewish theology; postmodernism; and postcolonialism. Perdue provides a sensitive reading of the aims of these approaches as well as providing critique and setting them in their various cultural contexts. In his conclusion, the author provides a look at the future and how these various voices and approaches will continue to impact how we carry out Old Testament theology. |
1 | |
8 | |
14 | |
17 | |
21 | |
From History as Event to the History of Religion Religionsgeschichte and Biblical Theology | 25 |
The History of Religion andor Biblical Theology? | 31 |
The Theology of Jeremiah and the History of Religion | 69 |
Mujerista Biblical Interpretation | 173 |
Evaluation | 180 |
From Jewish Tradition to Biblical Theology The Tanakh as a Source for Jewish Theology and Practice | 183 |
Jews Who Do Biblical Theology | 194 |
Michael Fishbane | 215 |
Midrashic and Mythopoeic Images | 225 |
Conclusion | 236 |
From History to Cultural Context Postmodernism | 239 |
Evaluation | 73 |
From Eurocentric History to Voices from the Margins Liberation Theology and Ethnic Biblical Interpretation | 76 |
Liberation Theology in Latin America | 77 |
Segovias Theology of the Diaspora | 80 |
African American Theology and Biblical Interpretation | 88 |
Jeremiah and a Theology of the Diaspora | 99 |
Jeremiah and African American Biblical Theology | 100 |
From Exclusion to Inclusion Feminist Interpretations of History | 102 |
Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza | 109 |
Carol Meyerss Feminist Social History of Ancient Israel | 135 |
A Critical Feminist Liberationist Interpretation of the Book of Jeremiah | 139 |
Evaluation | 144 |
From History to Rhetoric Feminist Mujerista and Womanist Theologies | 145 |
Feminist Literary Critics and Biblical Interpretation | 146 |
Sallie McFague | 151 |
Rhetorical Criticism and Feminist Hermeneutics | 159 |
Womanist Biblical Interpretation | 166 |
Postmodernism and Biblical Interpretation | 248 |
Walter Brueggemann | 265 |
The Value and Limits of Postmodernism | 266 |
From the Colonial Bible to the Postcolonial Text Biblical Theology as Contextual | 280 |
The Stages of Postcolonialism and Its Impact on Subaltern Religion | 292 |
Characteristics of Subaltern Writings and Readings in Religion and Theology | 300 |
Male and Female | 307 |
The Case of Senegal | 319 |
India and Dalit Theology | 329 |
A Postcolonial Interpretation of the Theology of Jeremiah | 336 |
The Changing Future of Old Testament Theology A Postscript | 340 |
Constructing a Paradigm for Old Testament Theology | 345 |
Bibliography | 353 |
Index of Modern Names | 387 |
Index of Scripture | 397 |
Términos y frases comunes
affirmation African American Albertz ancient Israel approach argues articulation Biblical Interpretation biblical scholars biblical studies biblical texts biblical theology Brueggemann canon Christian church colonialism construction contemporary context creation culture Dalit Theology Dalits discourse diversity divine dominant early engage epistemology especially ethical exegesis exile experience faith feminist biblical feminist theology Fishbane gender Hebrew Bible hermeneutical historical criticism history of Israelite History of Religion human Ibid ideology images important insights Israelite religion Jeremiah Jesus Jewish Jewish biblical theology Jews Judaism language Latinas Levenson liberation theology literary major male marginalized McFague meaning metanarratives metaphors methods Midrash modern mujerista myth narrative neocolonialism objective Old Testament theology oppression oral Torah paradigm patriarchy political postcolonial postmodernism postmodernists present prophets rabbinic reader reality reconstruction religious Rhetoric role scholarship Schüssler Fiorenza Scripture seeks shape social struggle Tanakh theologians tion Torah tradition Trible understanding variety voices Western women Yahweh
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