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Early Chancery Proceedings, 128. 79.

To the moost reverent fadre in god tharchebishop of Canter

bury, chancellor of England.

Full pytously complayneth unto your most gracious lordshipp your pouer Orator and dayly bedesman, Gerard Crop, son in lawe late to oon William Cakkeston, late of Westminster bokeprynter, that where the same William Cakkeston lying in his deth bed bequaythed in his last wyll unto your said Gerardo viij li. in rady money to hym to be delyvered immadyatly after the dath of the said William Cakkeston and made his executor oon Sir Richard Ward, preest, and deyd; after wos demise your said pouer Orator desyred of the said S. Richard the said iiij**li. to hym to haue been delyuered accordyng to the said last wyll of his said farder in lawe whereto the said S. Richard said then he was ready to do with that that your said Orator woold bryng aquytaunce for ij sufficient men to record his delyvery of the said money for aquytaunce: wherupon the said Orator caused an aquytaunce to be made for and brought with hym oon Robert Stowell of Westminster, Esquyre, and oon William Myltryp, taylloure, shewyng to the said Sir Richard he had brought his aquytaunce and the said ij men to record accordyng to his forseyd desire.

Wherto then the sayd Richard of his disceytfull couetous and malycyous mynd answered (?) 1 and said that he woold not delyuer the said money onlesse he wer therto compelled by the spyrytuall lawe and also by the same discharged: wherupon your said pouer Orator to his importunate cost and charge sued in the archedycon Court of Westminster and ther recovered the said iiij** li. agenst the said S. Richard which "sayeng" the same S. Richard said then opynly in the same court that he woold not yet delyver the said money without commaundement of your grace and, to thentent that your pouer Orator shuld never have hys sayd duty but utterly to be dystryed in pryson upon and by the malicious mind of the same S. Richard, the sayd Sir Richard upon the morwe next ensuyng the said recovery had so in the said spiritual court caused your said pouer Orator to be arested in london upon an action of 1 This reading was suggested by the late Mr. Gordon Duff.

trespass and surety of possession and also caused the kinges commaundement in the name of master Raynold Bray (erasure) to be layd then upon hym wherto nayther the kynges grace ne the said Master Bray were of Knowlegge of.

And ouer that the said S. Richard purchessed then of your grace a speciall wryt of Supplicant and by the meanes therof hath keped your said pouer Orator in pryson in the countrye of bredestrete euer sythen midsomer hertherto ne wyll so sover his own wyfe to cum at hym ne releve him, which is agens all lawe and gud iustice and to the utter most wrongfull vndoyng of your said pouer Orator vnlesse thanne your speciall gracious lordship be to hym the rather shewed in that behalf.

Wherfore pleas it your said moost gracious lordship the premysses graciously considered to grant a wryt of corpus cum causa to be dyrett unto the Sheriffs of London, commandyng theym by the laws to bryng up afore the kyng in his chancery the body of your said pouer Orator with the cause of his emprysounment ther at a certeyn day by your gud lordship to be lymytted, and there then the said Sir Richard to be to answer to the premises and there then dycision to be hade therin as gud conscience shall requyre. And your said pouer Orator shall contynually pray to god for your gud grace long to endure to his pleasure, Amen.

Endorsed: Ss Coram Dno.R. in Canc. sua die Sabbi. px. futur.


Early Chancery Proceedings, 192. 47.

To the most Reverend ffader in god the lord Cardynal Archbysshep of Canterbury, Prymat and chaunceler of England.

Humbly showith unto your most gracious lordship your pour oratrice, Elizabeth Crop, that wheras the cause of devorce uppon precontract dependith in your Court before your Chancelor, betwixt your said oratrice and Gerard Crop at the sute of the same Gerard, and it is so most gracious lord that, defendyng the said cause before your said Chancelor, oon Richard Wellys of late comensid an action of dette of the some of iij li. ayenst your said oratrice before the Sheriffs of :


London, suyng by the said actyon that he shuld be (secured for the said Gerard for payment of the said lij li.

And afterward the said Richard was nonsute in the sai action and on that the said Richard of new of envy and malyc hath causid an action of trespass to be comensid agenst you said oratrice before the same Sheriffs in the name of oor Thomas Fachell, Gentilman, and theruppon hath her arest and in prison, the same Thomas not knowyng therof, he beyng in the servyse of our souerayn lord the king, of deforce which action your said pour oratrice is deteyned in pryson and cannot be letyn to bayle howbeit she hath offerd good and sufficient suerte to answer to the said action, yet that notwithstandyng she can nat be enlargid onlesse then she wilbe agreable to content and pay the said some of iij li. to the said Richard, unto which agrement, yf your said oratrice wuld conducend, the same Richard hath promysid to relesse the said action of trepass of the same Thomas Fachell.

Wherefore pleas it your said most gracious lordship the premysses to consider and to graunt a writ of Corpus cum Causa to be dyret unto the said Sheriffs, commandyng theym therby to bryng the body of your said pour oratrice with the cause of her arest to the Kinges Court of Chancery, there the premyss to be examyned and iudged as may accorde with ryght and conscience and this for the love of yod and in the way of charite.

Endorsed: Coram Domino Rege in Canc. suo h. instant. die

Veneris xvij die Octobris.


A loose sheet of paper at the P.R.O.

To tharchdeacon of Westm' that nowe is and for the tyme shalbe.

We, Richard FitzJames, Almoner and Counsaillor unto oure souverain lord the King, and Richard Hatton, chaplayne and counsaillor vnto our said souverain lord, greting in our Lord God euerlasting.

And whereas we, the said Richard and Richard, were appoynted, lymytted and assigned by our said souverain lord and the lordes of his most noble counsaill to examine, determyne and pacifie a certain variaunce dependyng betweene Gerard Croppe of Westminster, taillour, of the oone partie, and

Elizabeth, the doughter of William Caxton, wif to the same Gerard, of the othre partie; we, the vijth daie of May, the xjth yere of our said souverain lord, had the said parties before us in the Kinges Chapell within his palois of Westminster at this appoyntement and conclusion by theire both assentes and aggrementes :

That noon of theim, ne any othre for theim, shall from hensforth vexe, sue or trouble othre for any maner matier or cause theim concernyng for matrimony betwix theim before had; and everie of theim to lyve sole from othre, except that the said Gerard shall mowe fynde the meanes to have the love and favour of the said Elizabeth.

For thaccomplisshment of which aggrement eithre of theim of their owne voluntarie willes bound theim self unto us by their faithes and trouthes, and never to varie from their said promyses. And therupon the said Gerard to have of the bequest of William Caxton, the fadre of the said Elizabeth, xxti prynted legendes at xiij iiijd a legend. And the said Gerard to delyver a generall acquitaunce unto thexecutors of William Caxton, her said fadre, for their discharge in that behalf. And besides thies premisses both the said parties were aggreed before us to be bound, eche to othre, in C li. by their dedes obligatorie with the condicions aboue wreten to performe all the premisses.

In wittenesse wherof I, the said Richard FitzJames, have to thies presentes sette the seale of myn office, and I, the said Richard Hatton, have sette my seal, and eithre of us subscribed our names with oure owne handes, the xxti daie of May the xjth yere of the reigne of our souverain Lord.



Controlment Roll: 12 Henry VII. 127, mem. 1.

Inquirat de bonis et catallis Gerardo Cropp de villa Westm(onasterii) in compredicto taillour-Vt die Jovis prox. ante festum Sancti Egidii Abbis anno duodecimo supradicto ad sectam Rob(er)ti Redknapp nuper de London mercer de plito contempto et contra forma edictuli de conspiratoribus nuper edit. Per brevia contr. de mense Marciis Anno XII supradicto.1

1 This transcript was kindly furnished for me by its discoverer, Mr. H. R. Plomer.

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