The Prologues and Epilogues of William CaxtonEarly English Text Society, 1928 - 115 páginas |
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Página xcviii
... frenshe . whyche was in prose so well and compendiously sett and wretton " that he was seized with that desire which assail all lovers of fair things , the desire to show to others the beautie which have delighted themselves . Wherefore ...
... frenshe . whyche was in prose so well and compendiously sett and wretton " that he was seized with that desire which assail all lovers of fair things , the desire to show to others the beautie which have delighted themselves . Wherefore ...
Página 2
... frenshe in to englisshe by Willyam Caxton mercer of ye cyte of London / at the comaundement of the right hye myghty and vertuouse Pryncesse hys redoubtyd lady . Margarete by the grace of god . Du- chesse of Bourgoyne of Lotryk of ...
... frenshe in to englisshe by Willyam Caxton mercer of ye cyte of London / at the comaundement of the right hye myghty and vertuouse Pryncesse hys redoubtyd lady . Margarete by the grace of god . Du- chesse of Bourgoyne of Lotryk of ...
Página 4
... frenshe . whyche was in prose SO well and compen- diously sette and wreton / whiche me thought I vnder stood the sentence and substance of euery mater / And for so moche as this booke was newe and late maad and drawen in to frenshe ...
... frenshe . whyche was in prose SO well and compen- diously sette and wreton / whiche me thought I vnder stood the sentence and substance of euery mater / And for so moche as this booke was newe and late maad and drawen in to frenshe ...
Página 6
... frenshe in to this symple and rude englissh / that is to wete my right redoubtyd lady Margrete by the grace of god suster of my souerayn lord the kynge of englond and of ffrance etc. Duchesse of bourgoyne and of Brabant etc. that she ...
... frenshe in to this symple and rude englissh / that is to wete my right redoubtyd lady Margrete by the grace of god suster of my souerayn lord the kynge of englond and of ffrance etc. Duchesse of bourgoyne and of Brabant etc. that she ...
Página 18
... Frenshe into englyssh . by the Noble and puissant Lord Antone Erle of Ryuyers lord of Scales y of Ile of wyght , Defendour and directour of the siege a tolique , for our holy Fader the Pope in this Royam Englond and Gouernour of my lord ...
... Frenshe into englyssh . by the Noble and puissant Lord Antone Erle of Ryuyers lord of Scales y of Ile of wyght , Defendour and directour of the siege a tolique , for our holy Fader the Pope in this Royam Englond and Gouernour of my lord ...
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Otras ediciones - Ver todas
The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton William Caxton,Walter John Blyth Crotch Vista completa - 1928 |
The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton William Caxton,Walter John Blyth Crotch Vista completa - 1928 |
Términos y frases comunes
accordyng alia shopa almyghty anno annu(m beseche boke Bruges Burgundy Calais chyualry Colard Mansion Cologne comyn copye crysten dayes dede desyre deth dictes Duke of Burgundy dyuerce Edward IV emonge ende endeth England English englysshe enprynte entry EPILOGUE euery F. J. Furnivall folowe folowyng fore frensshe fynde fyrst grace grete gyue Hansards Hanse Hanserecesse hath haue Henry VI heuen historye ib(ide)m iiij iiijd iijs Item King knyghtes latyn lerne London maner Mercers merchants Middelburg moche moost myght neuer noble ouer peple praye prologue prouffyte prynce recto royame ryght sayd sayd book sayd lord sayengis saynt sette shal rede shold somme souerayn symple thende Thenne ther therfore therin therof theyr thynges thys translacion translated Treaty Roll tyme Utrecht verso vertue vertuous vna shopa vnderstande vnto werke Westminster whan whyche Willem William Caxton wold wreton wyll wyse wyth xiijs yere
Pasajes populares
Página 108 - And that comyn englysshe that is spoken in one shyre varyeth from a nother.
Página 108 - ... and wente to lande for to refreshe them: And one of theym named sheffelde, a mercer, cam in to an hows and axed for mete : and specyally he axyd after eggys : And the goode wyf answerde, that she coude speke no frenshe.
Página 90 - ... so craftyly made / that he comprehended hys maters in short / quyck and hye sentences / eschewyng prolyxyte / castyng away the chaf of superfluyte / and shewyng the pyked grayn of sentence / vtteryd by crafty and sugred eloquence...
Página 108 - Englysshe now vsid, and certaynly it was wreton in suche wyse that it was more lyke to Dutche than Englysshe, I coude not reduce ne brynge it to be vnderstonden. And certaynly...
Página 92 - Rome, of whome thystoryes ben wel kno and had. And as for the thre Jewes, whyche also were tofore thyncarnacyon of our Lord, of whome the fyrst was due Josue...
Página 92 - ... many noble and dyvers gentylmen of thys royame of Englond camen and demaunded me many and oftymes wherfore that I have not do made and enprynte the noble hystorye of the Saynt Greal and of the moost renomed Crysten kyng, fyrst and chyef of the thre best Crysten, and worthy, kyng Arthur, whyche ought moost to be remembred emonge us Englysshemen tofore al other Crysten kynges.