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" ... and wente to lande for to refreshe them: And one of theym named sheffelde, a mercer, cam in to an hows and axed for mete : and specyally he axyd after eggys : And the goode wyf answerde, that she coude speke no frenshe. "
The Prologues and Epilogues of William Caxton - Página 108
por W ..... J ..... B ..... Crotch, William Caxton, Walter John Blyth Crotch - 1928 - 115 páginas
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The Dunciad: With Notes Variorum, and the Prolegomena of Scriblerus

Alexander Pope - 1729 - 262 páginas
...the! taryed aft? forlond. and wents tft lande for to refrefhc them And one of theym named Sbejfelde a mercer cam in to an hows and axed for mete, and fpccyally he axyd after eggys And the goode wyf anfwerde. that me coude fpeke no frenfhe. And the merchant...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq, Volumen1

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 392 páginas
...wynde thei taryed atte forlond. and " wente to lande to refrefhe them And one of them " named Sbeffelde a mercer cam in to an hows and •' axed for mete, and fpecyally he axyd after eggys " And the goodwyf anfwerede, that file cude fpeke " no frenfhe. And the...
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Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman Invasion to ...

James Peller Malcolm - 1811 - 348 páginas
...Thanet), and wente to lande for to refreshe them. And one of them, named ShefFelde, a mercer, cam into an hows, and axed for mete, and specyally he axyd after eggys. " And the good wyf answerede, that she coude speak no Frenshe. And the merchaunt was angry, for lie also coude speke no...
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Anecdotes of the manners and customs of London from the Roman ..., Volumen3

James Peller Malcolm - 1811 - 346 páginas
...Thanet), and wente to lande for to refreshe them. And one of them, named Sheffelde, a mercer, cam into an hows, and axed for mete, and specyally he axyd after eggys. " And the good wyf answerede, that she coude speak no Frenshe. And the merchaunt was angry, for he also coude speke no...
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Annals of Parisian Typography: Containing an Account of the Earliest ...

William Parr Greswell - 1818 - 404 páginas
...forland . and wente to lande for to refreshe them And one of theym named sheffelde a mercer cam into an hows and axed for mete . and specyally he axyd after eggys And the goode wyf answerde. that she coude speke no frenshe . And the marchaunt was angry . for he also coude...
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Somerset House Gazette and Literary Museum, Or, Weekly Miscellany of Fine ...

1824 - 436 páginas
...wynde thei tarried at ferland, and wente to land to refreshe them. And one of them named Sheffelde a mercer cam in to an hows and axed for mete, and specyally he axed after eggys. And the goodwyf answerede, that she cude speke no frenshe. And the marchant was anggy....
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An historical sketch of the provincial dialects of England

James Orchard Halliwell- Phillipps - 1847 - 42 páginas
...Forlond, and wente to lande for to refreshe them. And one of theym, named Sheffelde, a mercer, cam into an hows and axed for mete, and specyally he axyd after eggys ; and the goode wyf answerde that she coude speke no Frenshe, and the marchaunt was angry, for he also coude...
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The English Language in Its Elements and Forms: With a History of Its Origin ...

William Chauncey Fowler - 1851 - 1502 páginas
...lande for to refreshe them. And one of theym, named. Sheffelde, a mercer, cam into an hows and axyd for mete, and specyally he axyd after eggys ; and...answerde that she coude speke no Frenshe, and the marchaunt was angry, for he also coude speke no Frenshe, but wolde have had epgys, and she understood...
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English Grammar: The English Language in Its Elements and Forms. With a ...

William Chauncey Fowler - 1855 - 786 páginas
...lande for to refreshe them. And one of theym, named Sheffelde, a mercer, cam into an hows and axyd for mete, and specyally he axyd after eggys ; and...answerde that she coude speke no Frenshe, and the marchauntwas angry, for he also coude speke no Frenshe, but wolde have had eggys, and she understood...
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The life and typography of William Caxton, Volumen1

William Blades - 1861 - 372 páginas
...| taryed atte forlond . and wente to lande for to refreshe them | And one of theym named shefielde a mercer cam in to an | hows and axed for mete . and specyally he axyd after eggys | And the goode wyf answerde . that she coude speke no fren- 1 she . And the marchaut was angry . for he also...
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