The laughter of the Christmas hearth With sighs of self-exhausted mirth Ye feelingly reprove;
And daily, in the conscious breast, Your visitations are a test
And exercise of love.
When some great change gives boundless scope To an exulting Nation's hope,
Oft, startled and made wise
By your low-breathed interpretings, The simply-meek foretaste the springs Of bitter contraries.
Ye daunt the proud array of war, Pervade the lonely ocean far
As sail hath been unfurled; For dancers in the festive hall What ghastly partners hath your call Fetched from the shadowy world.
'Tis said, that warnings ye dispense, Emboldened by a keener sense;
That men have lived for whom, With dread precision, ye made clear The hour that in a distant year
Should knell them to the tomb.
Unwelcome insight! Yet there are Blest times when mystery is laid bare, Truth shows a glorious face, While on that isthmus which commands The councils of both worlds, she stands, Sage Spirits! by your grace.
God, who instructs the brutes to scent All changes of the element,
Whose wisdom fixed the scale Of natures, for our wants provides By higher, sometimes humbler, guides, When lights of reason fail.
[COMPOSED at Rydal Mount, to place in view the immortality of succession where immortality is denied, as far as wo know, to the individual creature.]
Rerum Natura tota est nusquam magis quam in minimis.
BENEATH the concave of an April sky, When all the fields with freshest green were dight, Appeared, in presence of the spiritual eye That aids or supersedes our grosser sight, The form and rich habiliments of One
Whose countenance bore resemblance to the sun, When it reveals, in evening majesty, Features half lost amid their own pure light. Poised like a weary cloud, in middle air He hung, then floated with angelic ease (Softening that bright effulgence by degrees) Till he had reached a summit sharp and bare, Where oft the venturous heifer drinks the noontide Upon the apex of that lofty cone Alighted, there the Stranger stood alone; Fair as a gorgeous Fabric of the east Suddenly raised by some enchanter's power, Where nothing was; and firm as some old Tower
Of Britain's realm, whose leafy crest
Waves high, embellished by a gleaming shower!
Beneath the shadow of his purple wings Rested a golden harp; -he touched the strings; And, after prelude of unearthly sound Poured through the echoing hills around, He sang-
"No wintry desolations,
Scorching blight or noxious dew, Affect my native habitations; Buried in glory, far beyond the scope Of man's inquiring gaze, but to his hope Imaged, though faintly, in the hue Profound of night's ethereal blue; And in the aspect of each radiant orb ;- Some fixed, some wandering with no timid curb; But wandering star and fixed, to mortal eye, Blended in absolute serenity,
And free from semblance of decline ;
Fresh as if Evening brought their natal hour, Her darkness splendour gave, her silence power, To testify of Love and Grace divine.
What if those bright fires Shine subject to decay,
Sons haply of extinguished sires, Themselves to lose their light, or pass away
Like clouds before the wind,
Be thanks poured out to Him whose hand bestows, Nightly, on human kind
That vision of endurance and repose.
-And though to every draught of vital breath Renewed throughout the bounds of earth or ocean,
The melancholy gates of Death Respond with sympathetic motion; Though all that feeds on nether air, Howe'er magnificent or fair, Grows but to perish, and entrust Its ruins to their kindred dust; Yet, by the Almighty's ever-during care, Her procreant vigils Nature keeps Amid the unfathomable deeps;
And saves the peopled fields of earth From dread of emptiness or dearth. Thus, in their stations, lifting tow'rd the sky The foliaged head in cloud-like majesty, The shadow-casting race of trees survive : Thus, in the train of Spring, arrive Sweet flowers; - what living eye hath viewed Their myriads ?- endlessly renewed, Wherever strikes the sun's glad ray; Where'er the subtle waters stray; Wherever sportive breezes bend Their course, or genial showers descend! Mortals, rejoice! the very Angels quit Their mansions unsusceptible of change, Amid your pleasant bowers to sit,
And through your sweet vicissitudes to range!"
O, nursed at happy distance from the cares Of a too-anxious world, mild pastoral Muse! That, to the sparkling crown Urania wears, And to her sister Clio's laurel wreath,
Prefer'st a garland culled from purple heath, Or blooming thicket moist with morning dews; Was such bright Spectacle vouchsafed to me? And was it granted to the simple ear Of thy contented Votary
Him rather suits it, side by side with thee, Wrapped in a fit of pleasing indolence, While thy tired lute hangs on the hawthorn-tree, To lie and listen till o'er-drowsèd sense Sinks, hardly conscious of the influence- To the soft murmur of the vagrant Bee. -A slender sound! yet hoary Time Doth to the Soul exalt it with the chime Of all his years;-a company Of ages coming, ages gone; (Nations from before them sweeping, Regions in destruction steeping,) But every awful note in unison With that faint utterance, which tells Of treasure sucked from buds and bells, For the pure keeping of those waxen cells; Where She-a statist prudent to confer Upon the common weal; a warrior bold, Radiant all over with unburnished gold, And armed with living spear for mortal fight; A. cunning forager
That spreads no waste; a social builder; one
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