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" Milton! thou should'st be living at this hour: England hath need of thee: she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, Have forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness. We are selfish... "
Poems,: In Two Volumes, - Página 140
por William Wordsworth - 1807
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The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, Volumen11

1808 - 532 páginas
...bower, Hnve forfeited thfir ancient Englifl) dower Of inward happinefs. We are felfifh men ; Oh ! raife us up, return to us again ( And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy foul was like a ftar, and dwelt apart : „ Thou i.ji.1'. a voice wltnfe found was like the fea ; Pure...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volumen76

1854 - 758 páginas
...— •' Milton ! thou shouldrt be living at tliis hour ; England hath need of the* ; she is a fen Of stagnant waters ; altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, : Oh ! raise us up, return to us again, And give ui manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart ; Thou hadst a voice...
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Blackwood's Magazine, Volumen26

1829 - 1000 páginas also true, that the common people of England are neither prosperous nor happy. " England is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword, and pen, Fireside...dower Of inward happiness — We are selfish men." Simplicity, and goodness, and comfort, are ebbing away from our shores — on the one hand we find...
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The Quarterly Christian Spectator

1836 - 698 páginas
...specimen : 'Milton ! thou should'st he living nt this hour: England hath need of thce : she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword and pen, Fireside,...Oh ! raise us up, return to us again ; And give us mii1iners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart; Thou had'st a voice whose...
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The British poets of the nineteenth century, including the select works of ...

British poets - 1828 - 838 páginas
...household-laws. xiy. MILTON ! t linn shouldst be living at this hour : England hath need of t lice : she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hnll and bower, Have forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness. \Ve are selfish men;...
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The Quarterly Christian Spectator

1836 - 708 páginas
...specimen : ' Milton ! thoti ahould'at b« living at this hour : England hath need oftbee : she is a fen Of stagnant waters: altar, sword and pen, Fireside,...happiness. We are selfish men ; Oh ! raise us up, return tn as again ; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like a star, and dwelt apart;...
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The Methodist Magazine and Quarterly Review, Volumen10;Volumen21

1839 - 514 páginas
...: England hath need of thee : she is a fen Of stagnant waters; altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, th' heroic wealth of hall and bower Have forfeited their...English dower Of inward happiness. We are selfish men, 0 ! raise us up, return to us again ; And give us manners, virtue, freedom, power. Thy soul was like...
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Southern Review, Volumen8

1831 - 548 páginas
...great part of liberatress of the world, which be predicted she was to play. He fondly complained that altar, sword and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth...forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness. If each single word of this complaint be well meditated, it opens nll the characteristic glories of...
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The Southern Review, Volumen8

1832 - 542 páginas
...liberatress of the world, which he predicted she was to play. He fondly complained that altar, sword and peu, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bower, Have...forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness. If each single word of this complaint be well meditated, it opens all the characteristic glories of...
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Specimens of English Sonnets

Alexander Dyce - 1833 - 240 páginas
...WORDSWORTH. 1802. MILTON! thou should'st be living at this hour : England hath need of thee : she is a fen Of stagnant waters : altar, sword, and pen, Fireside, the heroic wealth of hall and bowe Have forfeited their ancient English dower Of inward happiness. We are selfish men ; Oh ! raise...
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