Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train! Turns his necessity to glorious gain; In face of these doth exercise a power Which is our human nature's highest dower; Controls them and subdues, transmutes, bereaves Of... Poems,: In Two Volumes, - Página 34por William Wordsworth - 1807Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | William Wordsworth - 1815 - 416 páginas
...Abides by this resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train ! Turns bis necessity to glorious gain; II. In face of these doth exercise a power Which is our human-nature's... | |
 | 1857 - 914 páginas
...light, That made the path before him always bright ; Who, doom'd to go in company with pain, And four and bloodshed, miserable train, Turns his necessity...In face of these doth exercise a power Which is our human nature's highest dower ; " and, looking on their deeds, will breathe the wish that it may be... | |
 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1818 - 390 páginas
...childish thought ; Whose high endeavors are an inward light That make the path before him always bright ; Who doom'd to go in company with Pain, And Fear and...miserable train ! Turns his necessity to glorious gain ; By objects, which might force the soul to abate Her feeling, render'd more compassionate. WORDSWORTH.... | |
 | 1822 - 486 páginas
...his prime care ; And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train! Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, Turns his necessity to glorious gain ; In face of these doth exercise a power Which is our human nature's highest dower; Controls them and subdues, transmutes, bereaves Of their bad influence,... | |
 | Noah Worcester, Henry Ware - 1822 - 506 páginas
...Abides by this resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being bis prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed, miserable train! Tarns his necessity to glorious gain ; In face of these doth exercise a power Which is our human nature's... | |
 | William Wordsworth - 1827 - 418 páginas
...Abides by this resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed,...In face of these doth exercise a power Which is our human nature's highest dower ; Controls them and subdues, transmutes, bereaves Of their bad influence,... | |
 | Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1837 - 374 páginas
...childish thought ; Whose high endeavors are an inward light That make the path before him always bright ; Who doom'd to go in company with pain, And fear and...miserable train ! Turns his necessity to glorious gain ; By objects, which might force the soul to abate Her feeling, render'd more compassionate. WORDSWORTH.*... | |
 | Nicholas Patrick Wiseman - 1841 - 618 páginas
...once-flourishing country, during which whole districts had been devastated, and the track of War, " doomed to go in company with pain And fear and bloodshed, miserable train ! " was marked out by the ruins of entire towns and villages, and by cities half-depopulated, it brought... | |
 | 1843
...discern What knowledge can perform, is diligent to loamAbides by this resolve, and stops not there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doom'd...In face of these doth exercise a power Which is our human nature's highest dower, Controls them and subdues, transmutes, bereaves Of their bad influence,... | |
 | 1850 - 638 páginas
...Abides by this resolve, and stops nof there, But makes his moral being his prime care ; Who, doomed to go in company with Pain, And Fear, and Bloodshed,...train,) Turns his necessity to glorious gain. In face of those does exercise a power Which is our human nature's highest dower ; Controls them and subdues,... | |
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