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Controlled depravity is not innocence; and it is not the labour of delinquency in chains that will correct abuses. Never did a serious plan of amending any old tyrannical establishment propose the authors and abet tors of the abuses as the reformers of them.-Burke.


The man who pauses on his honesty,
Wants little of the villain.



Handsome people usually are so fantastically pleased with themselves, that if they do not kill at first sight (as the phrase is,) a second interview disarms them of all their power.



Drunkenness is a flattering devil, a sweet poison, a pleasant sin, which whosoever hath, hath not himself, which whosoever doth commit, doth not commit sin, but he himself is wholly sin.-St. Augustine.


The passion of love is no more to be understood by some tempers, than a problem. in a science by an ignorant man.-Tatler.


Forasmuch as to understand and to be mighty, are great qualities; the higher that they be, they are so much the less to be esteemed, if goodness also abound not in the possessor.-Sir P. Sidney.


Some when they die, die all: their mould'ring clay, Is but an emblem of their memories:

The space quite closes up thro' which they pass'd.

That I have liv'd, I leave a mark behind,

Shall pluck the shining age from vulgar time,

And give it whole to late posterity.

My name is written in mighty characters.

Triumphant columns and eternal domes,

Whose splendour heightens our Egyptian day,

Whose strength shall laugh at time till their great basis
Old earth itself shall fail. In after age,

Who war or build, shall build or war from me,

Grow great in each, as my example fires; "Tis I of art the future wonders raise,

I fight the future battles of the world.


Young's Busiris.

A man's wisdom is his best friend; folly his worst enemy.-Sir W. Temple.


Avoid the politic, the factious fool,

The busy, buzzing, talking, harden'd knave;

The quaint smooth rogue, that sins 'gainst his reason,
Calls saucy loud sedition public zeal:

And mutiny the dictates of his spirit.



If the trade of war, glittering a figure as it makes, merited only our regard, I don't see one of the ancients who can reasonably be preferred to Hannibal: but it does not follow that he who knows it best is necessarily the greatest man. Justice, magnanimity, greatness of soul, a disinterested integrity, and a universal capacity, make up the better part of those great men.—St. Evrem.


The just, though they hate evil, yet give men a patient hearing; hoping that they will show proofs that they are not evil-Sir P. Sidney.


We all take too much after the wife of Zebedee; every one would have some thing, such perhaps as we are ashamed to utter. The proud man would have a certain thing, honour; the covetous man would have a certain thing too, wealth and abundance; the malicious

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would have a certain thing, revenge on his enemies; the epicure would have pleasure and long life; the barren, children; the wanton, beauty; each would be humoured in his own desire, though in opposition both to God's will, and his own good.-Bishop Hall.


When I first devoted myself to the public service, I considered how I should render myself fit for it; and this I did by endeavouring to discover what it was that gave the country the rank it holds in the world. I found that our prosperity and dignity arose principally, if not solely, from two sources:-our constitution and commerce. Both these have spared no study to understand, and no endeavour to support.-Burke-to the Electors of Bristol.


"Tis a mortification to a prince to see an old minister torn from him; but self-preservation is the first law of nature; and any man, in his senses, would sooner submit to part with his crutch, than his leg.-T. Brown.


To those persons who have vomited out of their souls all remnants of goodness, there rests a certain pride in evil; and having else no shadow of glory left them, they glory to be constant in iniquity.-Sir P. Sidney.

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The powers of music are felt or known by all men, and are allowed to work strangely upon the mind and the body, the passions and the blood; to raise joy and

grief; to give pleasure and pain; to cure diseases, and the mortal sting of the tarantula; to give motions to the feet as well as the heart; to compose disturbed thoughts; to assist and heighten devotion itself.-Sir W. Temple.


-Kings, by grasping more than they could hold, First made their subjects by oppression bold; And popular sway, by forcing kings to give More than was fit for subjects to receive, Ran to the same extremes; and one excess Made both, by striving to be greater, less.



No man, because he hath done well before, shall have his present evils spared; but rather so much the more punished, as having showed he knew how to be good, yet would, against his knowledge, be naught; reward is proper to well-doing; punishment to evil-doing; which must not be confounded, no more than good and evil are to be mingled.-Sir P. Sidney.


Heav'n is a great way off, and I shall be
Ten thousand years in travel, yet 'twere happy
If I may find a lodging there at last,

Though my poor soul get thither upon crutches.



A trick of law hath no less power than the wheel of fortune, to lift men up or cast them down.-Sir T. More. CLV.

Mr. Sage. I have never read of a duel among the Romans, and yet their nobility used more liberty with their tongues than one may do now without being challenged.

Šir Mark.-Perhaps the Romans were of opinion, that ill language and brutal manners reflected only on those who were guilty of them; and that a man's reputation was not at all cleared by cutting the person's

throat who had reflected upon it; but the custom of those times had fixed the scandal in the action; whereas now it lies in the reproach.-Tatler.


An honest soul is like a ship at sea,

That sleeps at anchor upon the occasion's calm;
But when it rages, and the wind blows, high

She cuts her way with skill and majesty.

Beaumont and Fletcher.


Poetry is the art of substantiating shadows, and of lending existence to nothing.-Burke.


Gold can gilt a rotten stick, and dirt sully an ingot.Sir P. Sidney.


The wisdom of nature is better than of books: prudence being a wise election of those things which never remain after one and the self same manner.- -Sir W Raleigh.


Custom's the world's great idol we adore,

And knowing this, we seek to know no more.
What education did at first conceive,

Our ripen'd age confirms us to believe.

The careful nurse, and priest, are all we need,
To learn opinions, and our country's creed:

The parent's precepts early are instill'd,

And spoil the man, while they instruct the child.


I will be content to be declared infamous, if I do not, to the last hour of my life, at all times, in all places, and upon all occasions, exert every power with which I either am or ever shall be legally invested, in order to obtain and maintain, for the Continent of America, that satisfaction which I have been authorized to promise this day by the

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