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" Now the bright morning star, Day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the East, and leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throws The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose. "
Laconics; or, The best words of the best authors [ed. by J. Timbs]. 1st Amer. ed - Página 300
por Laconics - 1829
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The beauties of Shakespear: regularly selected from each play ..., Volumen2

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 268 páginas
...On May-morning, he wrote, Now the bright morning-ftar, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the eaft, and leads with her .The flowery May, who from her green lap throw! The yellow cowflip, and the oa1e primrofe. Bearing.their own misfortune on the back Of fiich...
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The Poetical Calendar: Containing a Collection of Scarce and ..., Volumen5

Francis Fawkes - 1763 - 268 páginas
...MAY MORNING. BY MILTON. NOW the bright morning-ftar, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the eaft, and leads with her The flowery May ; who from her green lap throws The yellow cowflip, and the pale primrofe. Hail, bounteous May, that doft infpire Mirth, and youth, and warm defire...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical and ..., Volumen5

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 324 páginas
...IX. SONG. ON MAY MORNING. NO W the bright morning ftar, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the eaft, and leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throws The yellow cowflip, and the pale primrofe. Hail, bounteous May, that doft infpire 5 Mirth and youth and warm defire...
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The Works of the English Poets: With Prefaces, Biographical ..., Volúmenes3-5

Samuel Johnson - 1779 - 880 páginas
...IX. SONG. ON MAY MORNING. NO W the bright morning ftar, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the eaft, and leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throw* The yellow cowflip, and the pale primrofe. Hail, bounteous May, that doft infpire 5 Mirth and...
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The works of the English poets. With prefaces, biographical and ..., Volumen12

English poets - 1790 - 342 páginas
...IX. SONG. ON MAY MORNING. OW the bright morning ftar, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the eaft, and leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throws The yellow cowflip, and the pale primroie. Hail, bounteous May, that doft infpire 5 Mirth and youth and warm defire;...
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The Lady's Preceptor: Or, a Series of Instructive and Pleasing Exercises in ...

Mr. Cresswick - 1792 - 452 páginas
...beautiful fong on May morning : Now the bright morning-ftar, day's harbinger, Comes dancing from the eaft, and leads with her The flowery May ; who from her green lap throws The yellow cowflip, and the pale primrofe. Hail, beauteous May, that doft infpire. Mirth, and youth, and warm...
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The Medical and Physical Journal: Containing the Earliest ..., Volumen26

1811 - 544 páginas
...remedy. NATURALIST'S MONTHLY REPORT. MAY. LEAFING MONTH. flail! bounteous May, that dost inspire MirtU and youth and warm desire; Woods and groves are of thy dressing, Mill and dale cloth boast thy blessing. On the 1st of the month the wind was south-west; from the 2d...
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Specimens of the early English poets [ed. by G. Ellis.]. To which ..., Volumen3

English poets - 1801 - 488 páginas
...inserted here, for the purpose of exhibiting one short specimen of this great master. SONG ON MAY MORNING. Now the bright morning star, day's harbinger, Comes...cowslip, and the pale primrose. Hail, bounteous May, that.dost inspire Mirth, and youth, and warm desire ! Woods and groves are of thy dressing, Hill and...
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The Bardic Museum, of Primitive British Literature; and Other Admirable ...

Edward Jones - 1802 - 142 páginas thus they continue their FFODI, or prosperous song, and dance,until it is. dark . ,' • m ^ Hail bounteous may, that dost inspire Mirth and youth, and warm desire; Woods and groves, are of thy drefsing; Hill, and dale, doth boaft thy blefsing. Thus we salute thee with our early Song, And welcome...
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Specimens of the Early English Poets, Volumen3

George Ellis - 1803 - 474 páginas
...reprinting, only the two following short specimens are given of this great master. SONG On May Morning. Now the bright Morning Star, day's harbinger, Comes...leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throw* The yellow cowslip, and the pale primrose. Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire Mirth, and...
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