Imágenes de páginas

tion commenced by Dr. Martin Luther, on the 31st of October, 1517; accompanied with an account of the solemnities and the order of divine service. By the Rev. Frederick Christian Schaffer, pastor of the evangelical Lutheran Church, in the city of New-York. New-York, Kirk and Mercein. 1817. 8vo. pp. 56.

"The chief motives by which Luther was influenced, and the principles by which he was prompted to speak and to act, when he commenced the blessed reformation, form the subject of this sermon, in which those motives and principles are traced and illustrated by a concise account of Luther's life and actions, connected with a rapid survey of the history of the times in which he lived. The subject is one of deep interest, and the reverend author has handled it with a zeal becom ing an enlightened and sincere preacher of the doctrines of that reformation which be celebrates.

The style is grave, but earnest, though unequal, and sometimes faulty. There is on the very title-page an instance, in our opin

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An Address, delivered before the Onei

da Society, for the promotion of American manufactures, in their annual meeting, in Whitesboro,' on the 31st of October, 1817; by Isaac Briggs. Utica. William Williams. 1817. 8vo. pp. 8.

There is no room in these remarks to enter into a discussion of the interesting subject of manufactures, and the expediency of promoting them by governmental patronage, at the present period, in the United States; we can only say at this time, that the Address to the Oneida society is from the pen of one of our most intelligent economists. The time and attention which Mr. Briggs has bestowed upon the subject of manufactures, as connected with the prosperity of nations, the character of the man and the extent and accuracy of his knowledge, entitle his opinions to the most deliberate consideration. L.




NEBRIS Intermittens, (Intermittent Fever.) 5; Febris Remittens, (Remittent Fever.) 11; Febris Continua, (Continued Fever,) 12; Synocha, (Inflammatory Fever,) 2; Febris Infantum Remittens, 7; Phlegmone, (Inflammation,)2; Anthrax, 1; Hernia Humoralis, 1; Ophthalmia, (Inflammation of the Eyes,) 6; Cypanche Tonsillaris. (Inflammation of the Throat.) 2; Catarrhus, (Catarrh,)3; Bronchitis, 1; Pneumonia, (Inflammation of the Chest,) 8, Pneumonia Typhodes, 1; Mastitis, (Inflammation of the Female Breast.) 1: Rheumatismus. 2; Cholera, 2; Dysenteria, (Dysentery.) 4; Erysipelas, (St. Anthony's Fire.) 1; Variola, (Small Pox.) 4; Vaccinia, (Kine Pock.) 24.


Asthenia, (Debility,) 3 Vertigo, 3; Cephalalgia, (Head-Ach,)6; Dyspepsia (Indigestion,) &; Gastrodynia, (Pain in the Stomach.) 2; Colica, 1; Obstipatio, 8; Paralysis, (Palsy.) 1; Epilepsia, (Epilepsy.) 1; Hysteria. (Hysterics,) 1; Palpitatio. 1; Hypochondriasis 1; Mania, 1; Apoplexia, (Apoplexy) 1; Ophthalmia Chronica, (Chronic Inflammation of the Eyes.) 4; Catarrhus Chronicus, (Chronic Catarrh) 4; Bronchitis Chronica, 11; Asthma et Dyspnea, (Asthma and Difficul! Breathing) 2; Phthisis Pulmonalis, (Pulmonary Consumption.) 6; Heptatitis Chronica. (Chronic Inflammation of the Liver) 1; Rheumatismus Chronicus, (Chronic Rheumatism.) 10: Pleurodynia, 3; Lumbago, 3; Hæmoptysis, (Spit ting of Blood.) 1; Ptyalismus. 1; Dysenteria Chronica, 6; Diarrhoea, 12; Eneuresis, (Incontinencs of Urine,) 1; Amenorrea, 6; DysVOL. 1.-No. II.

uria, (Difficulty of Urine.) 3: Ischuria, (Suppression of Urine.) 1: Menorrhagia, 2; Plethora, 1; Anasarca, (Dropsy.) 1; Ascites, (Dropsy of the Abdomen.) 2; Hydrothorax. (Dropsy of the Chest.) 1; Scrophula. (King's Evil,) 3; Tabes Mesenterica, 1; Vermes. (Worms,) 7; Syphilis, 18; Urethritis Virulenta, 6; Phymosis. 1; Paraphy mosis. 1; Tumor, 3; Hernia Inguinalis, 1; Cataracta. (Cataract.) 1; Luxatio, 2; Stremma, (Sprain) 2; Contusio, 8; Ustio, (Burn.) 1; Abscessus, (Abscess.) 2. Ulcus. (Ulcer,) 19; Erysipelas, 2; Herpes, 1; Eczema Mercurialis, 1; Aphtha, 1; Scabies et Pruri o, 15; Impetigo, 1; Porrigo, 5; Lepra Venerea, 1; Furunculus, 1; Eruptiones Variæ, 4.


The temperature of October has been, on the whole, remarkably mild, and favourable to the continuance of vegetation. The mornings and evenings were sometimes damp and foggy; but there has been little rain compared with some of the preceding months, the aggregate quantity amounting only to about two inches on a level. Rain fell on the 7th, 14th, 25th, 26th, and through the night of the 31st.--. Southerly winds have been on the decline, whilst those from northerly and westerly directions have been increasing in fr quency. At mid-day of the 6th, the mercury stood at 70°, and on the night of the 30th at 320, which were the maximum and minimum temperatures of the month. The greatest diurnal variation has been 250. The highest temperature of the morning has been 60°, lowest 34°, mean 47°;-highest temperature of the afternoon 699, lowest 41°, mean 579;-high

est temperature at sunset 64°, lowest 380, mean 540 Mean temperature of the month estimated between sunrise and sunset, 520 and two-thirds.

The effects of morbid action upon the human constitution, during this interval, offer little that is remarkable. The mortality among children under two years of age has dininished nearly one half, while the aggregate number of deaths of all other ages has been about the same as in the preceding month.

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Fevers have been the most predominant, as well as the most fatal of all acute diseases. They have continued in nearly the same degree, and with much the same character as stated in the last report. No less than twentyeight deaths are recorded from typhus alone, as will be seen by examining the annexed general bill of mortality.-A few cases of scarlet fever have also appeared in the city. The weather remaining warm, and being occasionally moist, dysenteries and diarrhoeas tinued to occur, though in smaller propardon than in the preceding month. Some dew cases of cholera were still met with durthe fore and middle parts of this period; but the disease has now entirely ceased. The rember of inflammatory complaints, on the contrary, has considerably multiplied. Rheumatisms are becoming more frequent; and catarrhal, bronchial, and pulmonary disorders are beginning to prevail. These will probato increase with the approaching cold of winter, till they finally become the leading complaints.-Several persons have also been seized with cough, hoarsness, and sometimes with coriza; but in general so mild as scarcey to require any medical attention.

The natural Small-Pox has again made its appearance among the poor in the upper and eastern parts of the city. Four cases of this disease have occurred in dispensary practice, three of which were of the confluent kind.

One death from small-pox was recorded in the Bill of Mortality for August. It is to be hoped that some efficient measures will be immediately adopted that will tend to prevent the extension of so loathsome and, in general, so fatal a disease; which, when introduced into the close and crowded habitations of the poor, seldom fails to multiply its victims.

The case of enuresis, recorded in the foregoing list, occurred in a female aged sixteen years. It was speedily cured by the internal use of the arbutus uva ursi taken freely in the form of infusion.

The deaths stated in the New-York Bills of Mortality, for the month of October, are as follow:

Abscess, 4; Apoplexy, 4; Asthma, 1; Childbed, 1; Cholera Morbus, 4; Colic. 1; Consumption, 42; Convulsions, 12; Debility, 2; Diarrhoea, 5; Dropsy, 5; Dropsy in the Chest, 3; Dropsy in the Head, 6; Drowned. 4; Dysentery, 8; Fever, 1; Remittent Fever, 4; Typhus Fever, 27; Malignant Fever 1; Scarlet Fever, 1; Infantile Flux, 1; Gravel. 1; Jaundice, 1; Hæmorrhage, 1; Hives, 7; Inflammation of the Brain, 2; Inflammation of the Bowels, 1; Intemperance, 5; Killed, 2; Marasmus, 1 Mortification, 1; Old Age, 10; Palsy, 3; Pleurisy, 4; Pneumonia Typhodes, 1; Quinsy, 1; Scrophula, 1; Still Born, 11; Stone, 1; Sudden Death, 3; Suicide, 1; Tabes Mesenterica, 9; Teething, 2; Unknown, 2; Ulcer, 1; Worms, 1.-Total 212.

Of which there died 40 of and under the age 1 year; 18 between 1 and 2 years; 12 between 2 and 5; 7 between 5 and 10; 12 between 10 and 20; 43 between 20 and 30; 24 between 30 and 40; 17 between 40 and 50; 17 between 50 and 60; 7 between 60 and 70; 9 between 70 and 80; 4 between 30 and 90; and 1 between 90 and 100.

New-York, October 31, 1817.


MADAME DE STAEL-HOLSTEIN. Living, thank heaveu, in a country where the sex are less addicted to political intrigue than in any other nation of Europe, we take up our pen to trace as correct a biography as our present means of information and the haste of the moment will allow, of a woman much distinguished in the annals of a neighbouring state, whether as descended from a parent deeply implicated in the Revolution, as herself participating largely in that terrible convulsion, as connected with its various factions and most famous leaders, or as a female author of the foremost rank in modern literature.

Last Saturday we announced the death of Madame de Stael-Holstein upon the 4th inst. at Paris:-she had been long afflicted with a painful disorder, which carried her to the grave, in her fifty-second year, a few months after she had witnessed the marriage of her daughter to the Duc de Broglio.

This is not the period for an analysis of the character or writings of this celebrated lady, though we look very speedily to lay such an Essay from a powerful mind before our readers: our purpose is simply to narrate facts, and if opinions are delivered they shall be only incidental.

Ann-Louise-Germaine Necker was the daughter of James Necker, a Swiss, whose financial career and conduct contributed probably more than any other cause to accomplish the overthrow of the French monarchy, and of Susan Curchod, of whom we know little till she became the wife of Necker, except that she was the daughter of a Protestant clergyman in Switzerland, admired by the renowned Gibbon during his


* In Colman's" Eccentricities" there is a bumourous story on this amour. had. Curchod is de scribed as

"A philosophic Blonde, a Charmer wise, Studious, and plump, now languishing, now prim,

residence in that country, and at one time a governess in the family of De Vermenoux. Wilhelmina was born at Paris, in the year 1766, and, displaying what such parents might well consider to be precocity of talent, was educated entirely under their immediate inspection. The incipient fame of her father seems to have grown with her growth, and she must have been about 12 years of age, when, in consequence of his eulogy on Colbert (for which he was crowned by the Academy) and other publications, he was raised to the office of Director of the Finances. Necker, though of humble birth, being the son of a tutor in the college of Geneva, had previously realized a large fortune as a partner in the Parisian bankinghouse of Tellusson and Co. in which he ori ginally set out as a clerk. His success as a private individual was taken as an augury of success as a public minister, which was miserably disappointed by the result. It is unnecessary to follow the fortunes of the father through the fluctuations of his ministerial life; now dismissed, and now recalled; now the staunch advocate for royalty, and now the friend of the people; now" the adored Minister," and now the abhorred peculator; now borne in triumph from Baste to Paris on the shoulders of an enthusiastic nation, and now flying from Paris to Geneva amid the curses of an enraged populace. These things were common in France! Neither does it enter into our design to dwell upon the literary attainments of the mother-her charities and philanthropy Suffice it to record that while Necker published political pamphlets, views of finance, and statements of administration, his spouse was no less devoted to works of benevolence, us is honourably testified by her Essay on precipitate Burials." Observations on the founding of Hospitals," and "Thoughts on Divorce."

Our chief, and indeed our only reason for touching on the progenitors of Mademoiselle Necker, is to account for her early predilection for literary pursuits. She was educated for an author. Her first perceptions were directed to science and literature. Her very infant ideas were associated with the intelligence of Marmontel, Diderot. Buffon, St. Lambert, Thomas, and all the learned of Paris, who formed the circles of her mother. Her talents were cultivated, her taste was modelled, the bent of her mind was given, her opinions were confirmed; in short her intellect was formed in this school; and the

Who, skilled most temptingly to syllogize, Chopped logic with a pair of large, blue, melting eyes."

The ascent of the lusty lover up the high hill skirting Lausanne, and the result of his courtship, is admirably told by our whimsical bard.

To the adored Minister," was inscribed on the gate of his hotel by popular admiration, and erased by popular abhorrence!!!

It was undoubtedly the effect of this publication upon the mind of her daughter, which led to the wish she expressed before her death, to have her corpse attended for three days; which wish was fulfilled with filial dury by her son, Augustus de Stael.

philosophy then prevalent in France, too often concealing dark principles under brilliant wit, and lapsing from the light of reason into the perplexities of abstract metaphysics, became the dominating principle in her nature, and imparted the tone to all her writings and life. As variety and ambition were the ruling passions of her father, so was sentimental refinement and metaphysical confusion the besetting sin of her more amiable parent. and a disorganizing experimental philosophy, the object of inquiry with nearly all those associated with her "young idea" and "tender thought."

To these sources may be traced almost every feature which marks the faculties or distinguishes the writings of Madame de Stael. The events of the Revolution only drew them forth: they were emplanted ere it commenced.

Mademoiselle Necker was little more than fourteen years of age when, in pursuit of his ambitions projects, her father published the memorable Account rendered to the King of his Administration." which created so strong a sensation throughout France, and led to the resignation of the author's official situation in 1781. He then retired to Copet, a barony in Switzerland, which he had purchased, and six years elapsed before he reappeared permanently on the public stage at Paris. In 1787 we find him in that ca- . pital, attacking Calonne; and the years 1788 and 1789 constitute the era which so intimately connected his history with the destinies of France and the annals of Europe.

It was during one of the occasional visits of the Necker family to Paris, prior to 1787, that Eric Magnus Baron de Stael, by birth a Swede, was introduced to their acquaintance by Count de Creutz, the Swedish Ambassador. He was young and bandsome, and succeeded in pleasing, we know not that we can say gaining the affections of Mademoiselle Necker, who consented to become his wife Count de Creutz was shortly after recalled to Stockholm to be placed at the head of the Foreign Department, and Baron de Stael was appointed his successor. Thus dignified, and with the further recommendation of being a Protestant, his marriage was not delayed, and the rich heiress, to the chagrin of many French suitors, became Baroness de Stael-Holstein. We believe, however, that this union did not prove to be one of the most felicitons. The Lady was wealthy, young, and though not handsome, agreeable and attractive; she was rather under the middle size, yet graceful in her department and manners: her eyes were brilliant and expressive, and the whole character of her countenance betokened acuteness of intellect and talent beyond the common order. But she inherited, to the utmost particle, from her father the restless passion for distinction; and derived from the society in which she had lived not a little of that pedantry and philosophical jargon which was their foible and bane. Aiming more at literary fame than at domestic hap

piness, she was negligent in dress, and laboured in conversation; more greedy of applause from a coterie than solicitous about a husband's regard; more anxious to play "Sir Oracle" in public than to fulfil the sweet duties of a woman in private; the wife was cold and the blue-stocking ardent; she spoke in apophthegms to admiring fashion, but delighted no busband with the charms of affectionate conversation; to be brilliant was preferred to being beloved, and to produce an effect upon the many was sacrificed the higher enjoyment of being adored by the few. The Baron de Stael was a man, on the contrary, of remarkable simplicity of habit and singleness of heart. The opposite nature of their dispositions could not fail soon to affect connubial harmony; and though four children were the issue of this marriage, and what are called public appearances were maintained till the death of the Baron, it is generally understood that there was little of communion between him and his Lady beyond the legal ties of their state. Their bodies and not their souls were united.

In August, 1787, Madame de Stael was delivered of her first daughter, and immediately after accompanied her father in his exile, which was of short duration. Her other children were two sons and a daughter. Two only survive her. One of her son- lost his life in a duel.

The year 1739 is designated as the epoch at which Madame de Stael embarked upon the stormy sea of litera ure, by the publication of her Letters on the Writings and Character of J. J. Rousseau.”* But previous to this period she was well known to the Parisian world by the composition of several slight dramatic pieces, which were performed by private amateurs, by three short novels published afterwards, 1795. at Lausannet and by a tragedy founded on the story of Lady Jane Grey, which obtained considerable circulation among friends and admirers.‡ Her reputation was therefore no secret when her first public appeal was made. The letters on Rousseau inet with great success, and the budding fame of the writer was attended with all the eclat usual

among our continental neighbours. This triumph was, however, abridged and embittered by the critical and rapid advance of the Revolution. On the 11th of July. M. Necker was involved more desperately in its vortex. While seated at dinner with a party of friends, the Secretary of State for the Naval Department waited upon him to intimate his banishment from the territory

* 12mo. pp. 140. The later edi ions have a letter of the Countess de Vassy, and Mad. de stael's answer. The author also published "A Short Reply to the Author of a Long Answer" defence of the work against an anonymous criticism by Mr. Champçenets.

The title is "Collection of Detached Pieces," and the Essay on Fiction." written long after the novels, and a Poetic Epistle to Misfortune," inspired by the Reign of Terror, form part of the contents of this volume.

Only a few copies were printed.

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Madame de Stael, who had gone to Copet in 1790, returned on the following year to Paris and took an active part in the intrigues of that eventful period. Whether she plotted to save or to dethrone the king, is not for our present inquiry;* but at this time she formed or matured intimacies with Talleyrand, Sieyes, Lafayette, Narbonne, the ungrateful Lameths. Barnave, Vergniaud, and other characters distinguished for the parts they played in the Constituent. Legislative, and other bodies, whose operations nourished the germ of discontent into the tree of liberty. As the wife of an Ambassador she was protected from the first violent shocks of revolution; but the bloody ascendancy of Robespierre rendered all protection vain, and in 1793 the Baron and Baroness de Stael found it expedient to fly together to Copet. The Duke of Sudermania, Regent of Sweden, having acknowledged the Republic, M. de Stael was appointed ambassador, and in 1795 returned with his lady to Paris. About this date she published her "Thoughts on Peace, addressed to Mr. Pitt;" and is believed to have exercised a powerful influence over the manœuvres which distracted the governments of several ensuing years, especially as connected with the Directory. Legendre, the butcher, who, on the 22d of June, 1795, began to declaim against the


spirit of moderation," which he said was gaining ground, more than once denounced Madame de Stael and her party as directing the political intrigues of that time.

A domestic calamity varied the public tenor of her existence. She was summoned to attend the death-bed of her mother, to soothe whose affliction, it is stated, she was playing on a musical instrument a few moments only before she expired. On this melancholy occasion Madame de Stael flew which she appears always to have applied to her pen for consolation; a resource to under the charges which party did not fail when pressed by care or grief, or smarting versions of critics, to which she was uncomto heap upon her, or soured by the animadposed the first part of the essay monly sensitive. At Lausanne, she comOn the Influence of the Passions upon the Bappiness of Individuals and Nations," which was published at Paris in 1796, and the second part in 1797. This production is reckoned

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* She wrote a Defence of Marie-Antoinette in 1798. The mother of the Lameths was of the Broglio family, into which Mademoiselle de Stael had just married.

Sir F. D'Ivernois' Thoughts on War was an answer to this work.

one of her best, and was translated, in 1798, into English; a language in which the writer was well versed, as indeed she was in English literature generally, far beyond the usual acquirements of a foreigner.

Madame de Stael was with her father when the French troops invaded Switzerland; and though he had been placed on the Emigrant list by Robespierre, and consequently exposed to death wherever the troops came, his daughter's influence with the Directory was sufficient to secure him not only safety, but respect, and the erasure of his name from this sanguinary roll. She then returned to Paris and her husband; but in a few months, either tired by the persecutions to which she was exposed, or prompted by some other motive, hastened back to the repose of Copet. In 1798, the dangerous illness of the Baron de Stael recalled her to Paris, where she received his last sigh, and soon left the metropolis for Switzerland. After this period she published an essay On the Influence of Literature upon Society," which may be considered as a continuation of the two last mentioned works. In 1800, Bonaparte, in passing through Geneva, had the curiosity to visit M. Necker, and, according to rumour, Madame de Stael took this opportunity to read him a long dissertation on the course he ought to pursue for the prosperity of France. The First Consul, it is added, who did not relish the political plans of ladies, Tistened to her very patiently, and in the end coolly inquired "who educated her


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The well-known novel of Delphine, written during this retirement, was printed at Geneva in 1802, and excited great attention in England, France. and Germany; where it has been translated, attacked, criticised, and praised, according to the wants or humours of the parties. The author published a defence of her work.

In 1803 she revisited Paris, and formed that connection with Mr. Benjamin Constant, a Swiss, of considerable literary attainments, which lasted to the day of her death Whether for past or present offences is not easy to tell, but Napoleon was not slow in banishing her to the distance of forty leagues from the capital. Report says, that on this occasion the Lady told him: "You are giving me a cruel celebrity; I shall occupy a line in your history." This sentence is so ambiguous, that we shall not venture to pronounce whether it was a defiance or a compliment! Madame de Stael first went to Auxerre, which she left for Rouen, and with an intention to settle in the valley of Montmorency, in search, as she gave out, of more agreeable society. But Rouen and Montmorency were within the forty leagues, and Bonaparte was not accustomed to have his prohibitions infringed upon. She was ordered to withdraw, and, in company with her daughter, and

otector Mr. Constant, journeyed to Frankfort, and thence to Prussia, where she applied herself to the cultivation of German

literature. From Berlin, in 1804, she hastened to Copet, on receiving intelligence of her father's danger; but he died before she reached the place. A mortality in her family invariably consigned our subject to the occupation of the study. At Geneva, in the year 1805, issued the "Manuscripts of Mr. Necker, published by his daughter."

Still further to divert her mind, she next travelled into Italy, and collected materials for perhaps her most celebrated work, “ Corinna, or Italy," which has been translated into many languages. Having returned to Geneva, Madame de Stael amused herself with appearing upon the stage in 1806, and Se. performed in tragedy with considerable skill There is a drama from her pen, called " cret Sentiment," but we do not know its date. She has also given to the world a work entitled" Germany," embodying her observation on that country. It has provoked "Letters and Reflections some controversy. of the Prince de Ligne,” in two volumes; an Essay on Suicide;" and several minor publications, as well as many contributions to the periodical press in Geneva, Paris, and elsewhere, complete the catalogue of her productions.

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Madame de Stael has twice visited England; formerly during the revolutionary conflict, when she resided in a small Gothic house at Richmond, which is visible from the river above the bridge; and again about three years ago. During her stay in London, she was much courted by persons of the highest rank, and of all parties. Some of her bon-mots are in circulation, but we can neither vouch for their authenticity, nor have we left ourselves space for their repetition.

The party in France with which she was most intimately connected at the time of her decease, is that known by the name of Constitutionnel." The Mercure, we the " have reason to believe, recorded the latest of her opinions, and the last tracings of her prolific pen.

Faithful to the promise with which we set out, we shall now refrain entirely from discussing the merits or demerits of her life and writings. These merits assuredly raise her to a foremost rank among the female authors of our age; and these demerits, whe

* Since writing this we have ascertained that this piece was composed in 1786, and the Tragedy of Lady Jane Gray in 1787. About the same time Madanie de Stacl wrote an "Eulogy on Guibert," not published, but quoted in the Correspondence of Baron


This work was suppressed by Bonaparte, and subsequently published in London, from a copy secreted by the author, in 1814.

Translated into English by Mr. D. Boileau.

We beg permission to annex, in a note, a neat and epigrammatic opinion on these points, for which we are indebted to a very able countryman of M. de Stael.

"Née à Paris d'un père Génevois, et ayant épousé un Suédois, Madame de Stael sembla réunir en elle les qualités particulières des trois nations qui sembloient avoir indué sur son existence. On trouve dans ses ouvrages le brillant de l'imagination Françoise, la métaphysique de Genève, et les principes littéraires particulièrement adoptés dans le Nord de l'Europe:

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