Imágenes de páginas

jaws equal, gill cover angular, abroad flat spine before the angle: first dorsal t with nine spiny rays, the second dorsal fin with eleven rays, whereof the first is spinescent, anal fin with twelve rays, whereof three spiny, second ray of the thoracic fin mucronate elongated, a flesh coloured spot at the base of the pectoral fins, tail forked.-Obs. This fish is vulgarly called White Perch, a name common to many species. It is not uncommo, in Pennsylvania, in the Susquehannah, Delaware, and Schuylkill. Size from four to eight inches long. The upper part from the mouth to the first dorsal in is sloping and straight, and the back part is similar. Head, desh coloured, brownish above; gill cover scaly, the second plate serrate, a suture from the eyes to the upper part of the last plate, which is rounded with a membranaceous angular appendage. Scales denticulated. Thoracic fins white with six rays, one spiny; pectoral fins fulvous, with seventeen rays: other fins brownish.

12. Sp. Perca nolata. Body elongated pale olivaceous, with six narrow transverse brown stripes, and many scattered ackish dots, belly unspotted: lower jaw longer; gill cover angular, a broad flat spine before the angle fins olivaceous, first dorsal fin with fourteen spiny rays, with a black spot before and behind, anal fin with ten rays; whereof two are spinescent, tail forked.-Obs. This species has been communicated to me by Gov. De Witt Clinton, who has found it in Lake Erie; it is vulgarly called Yellow Perch, or Brindled Perch, with many other species. Size from three to six inches; head dotted with black. Second dorsal fin with fourteen rays, pectoral fins fifteen, thoracic six, whereof one is spiny. Both this and the foregoing belong to the real genus Perca, having two dorsal fins and a serrate spinescent operculum: they agree besides in the following secondary characters, head wrinkled above, mouth with teeth, the upper jaw extensible, operculum scaly, with four plates, the second serrate, the third spinescent, the fourth with a membranaceous projecting angle, six branchial rays, lateral line following the back, first ray of the dorsal and anal fins short, &c. 13. Sp. Petromyzon leucopterus. Body gradually compressed, lead colour above, silvery beneath, swelled cheeks, large white mouth with yellow teeth in concentrical rows, unequal: gills in a diagonal curved row: dorsal fins white, the second opposed the vent, tail ovate lanceolate acute brown decurrent.-Obs. A curious fish differing from P. sanguisuga of Europe which has a cylindrical body, orange teeth, gills in a straight row, second dorsal fin close to the tail, &c. Vulgar names Small lamprey, Shad lamprey. River lamprey, &c. I have observed it in April 1816, in Philadelphia, the first specimen being communicated by Dr. Mease. It is found in the Delaware, and torments in the spring the shads and herrings. Length from six to 12 inches. Eyes silvery, iris with three rings, the second silvery, the others bluish

brow Teeth of different forms, some bidented or dentellated

14. Sp Phycis marginatus. Brown above, white beath, fins brown, tail rounded marginated oflack, lateral line descending in the middle first dorsal fin triangular with ten rays, jugula fins with two long rays connected only 4 the base, reaching the anal fin. Obs. Myrenus Phycis established in my Sicilian Ichthyology contains the species of the genera Blenius, which have two dorsal fins, jaws with teeth, the lower shorter and. with an appendage or barb, the jugular fins with few rays partly unconnected, and without membrane, &c. Many American species of the G. Gadus Mitchill, belong also to it. This species is found in Long-Island sound, and on the shores of Rhode-Island; its vulgar name is Kusk: its flesh is not quite as good as that of the Cods. Length from one to two feet; the iris and barb is white: the second dorsal fin has about sixty rays, the anal fin about forty, the pectoral are oblong with twelve rays.

15. Sp. Sparus erythrops. Body oval brown shining, covered with large scales, belly yellow; iris purple red, teeth small acute, a transverse wrinkle over the nose: dorsal fin with five spiny rays, tail entire truncated.Obs. This species has been communicated to me by Dr. Mease: it is found in the Chesapeak, the Susquehannah, and Elk river, it is sometimes brought to the Philadelphia market, where it is known by the vulgar names of Oldwives, or Sunfish. It comes next to the Sp. argyrops and Sp. chrysops, length about six inches. body rounded, very compressed, head small, operculum with an angular furrow; scales very large.

16. Sp. Exocetus rubescens. Mouth without barbs, pectoral fins reaching near to the tail, body elongated subquadrangular, entirely reddish; dorsal and anal fins opposed.-Obs. I have observed this species in 1815, in the Atlantic Ocean, south west of the bank of Newfoundland. It has the habit and manners of the other species: the Coryphena hippuris preys upon it: length about ten inches.

17. Sp. Callionymus pelagicus. First dorsal fin reaching the tail, gill cover spinescent, tail entire: body silvery, covered with reddish spots, fins spotted.-Obs. Observed in 1815 in the Atlantic Ocean, together with the foregoing: it flies also over the water, length only three inches, very handsome, body slender.

18. Sp. Clupea Sapidissima. Height of the body one fourth of total length, head gilt, jaws equal, gill cover veined; back greenish brown, sides silvery and gilt, an irregular brown spot behind the gill cover, and a row of smaller spots under the scales; abdomen serrated, no lateral line; pectoral fin short; dorsal fin, with sixteen rays, and a brown spot upwards anteriorly; anal fin, with twenty rays. Obs. This species is the Clupea alosa of Mitchill; it was first distinguished and named by Wilson, in the Ame


rican edition of Ree's Cyclopedia, but ot described! Its vulgar names are Shad, ommon Shad, Spring Shad, &c. It has the nanners of the European shad, living in wiper in the dcean, and ascending the rivers in he spring to deposit its spawn: it frequent nearly all the rivers falling into the Atlantic Ocean Total length nearly two feet; very good to eat, better than the European had. Its his tory, which is very interesting; (since it affords an exuberant fishery) shall be undertaken in another place.

19. Sp. Clupea megabps. Height onefourth of total length; body silvery; hack scarcely brownish; snout, upper part of the head and a spot behind it, brown; lower jaw longer; abdomen serrated; gill cover gilt with some flexuous red lines, no lateral line, pectoral fins long; dorsal and anal fins with seventeen rays. Obs. Vulgar name Big-eye Herring, common in the Delaware in the spring, along with the Cl. vernalis (Cl. pseudo harengus of Wilson) of Mitchill, both very different from the Cl. harengus, or English berring. Length from ten to fifteen inches: eyes large blue, iris gilt. This species, with the foregoing and following, will be more particularly described in my Memoir on the American herrings.

20. Sp. Clupea neglecta. Height one-fifth
of total length; lower jaw shorter; a red
spot at the summit of the gill cover; body
silvery, scarcely brownish above; back with
many scattered round blue spots, no lateral
line, abdomen not serrated, pectoral fin
short: dorsal fin, with twenty rays, the first
very short, anal fin with twenty rays.-,
Obs. A common species in the fall on
the south shores of Long-Island, omitted by
Dr. Mitchill. Length about a foot, indiffer-
ent food. Vulgar names Fall Herring, Mars-
bankers, in common with other species.

18. THIRD DECADE of new Species of North-
American Plants.

While other botanists extend their labours in various shapes, I shall proceed to investigate and describe, in preference, new genera and new species, according to the sy noptical manner of classical authors. Since it is high time that all our plants should be known and well named before we attempt to illustrate completely their history.

21. Sp. Euphorbia vermiculata Raf. Upright, nearly dichotomous, pilose : leaves opposite, shortly petiolated, oblong acute acuminate serrate trinerved, base oblique, thin, vermiculate-dotted: flowers solitary in the dichotomies peduncled upright, perianthe campanulated fourcleft, sepals ovate entire, capsuls smooth.-Obs. Found in August, 1816, near Sandyhill and Glen's Falls,State of New York, in fields. Small annual plant, flowers reddish: the vermicular transparent dots of the leaves are very remarkable.

22. Sp. Malus microcarpa Raf. Arborescent, petiols round and pubescent; leaves elliptica! acuminate serrulate, base cordate, pubescent above, tomentose beneath : flowers

racemose pedicels biglandular: fruits globular, red-Obs. A fine new tree, fifteen to twenty-five feet high, which grows on the banks of brooks, near Fishkill, Newburgh, Catskill, &c. It is a real wild apple tree, since the five styles are united at the base, and the fruit not turbinate, that fruit is smaller than a cherry, entirely red when ripe, and very good to eat; it ripens in June and July, the flowers blossom in April and May. The branches and twigs are reddish brown, the upper part of the ovary is woolly, as well as the margin of the calyx, whose divisions are ovate acute reflexed.

23. Neottia plantaginea Raf. Very smooth, radical leaves ovate lanceolate acute carinate, with seven nerves; scape vaginated: spike oblong, flowers three-sided spiral nodding, bracteas ovate acuminate obtuse, longer than the pubescent ovary: labellum canaliculated, broad at the top, reflexed obtuse crenate.-Obs. I found this species with Mr. Knevels, near Fishkill, in meadows, blos soming in June: the flowers are white, the labellum is yellowish towards the top; but the margin is white. Roots palmated, scape half a foot high.

24. Negllia lacera Raf. Smooth radical leaves oblong obtuse flat, scapes vaginated, sheaths acute: spike slender, flowers one sided spiral nodding, bracteas longer than the ovary, labellum canaliculated reflexed obtuse laciniated.-Obs. Detected in 1816, in the swampy woods, near Glen's Fall's, Lake George, and the Luzerne mountains, blos soming in July and August, flowers white, scape slender about one foot high, root palmated. Both species belong to the real genus Neottia, having the three upper petals or sepals of the perigone connected, the anthera posterior, &c. and they are very different from N. tortilis, and N cernua.

25. Spirea obovata Raf. Under shrubby, smooth, branches flexuous angular; leaves short, petiolate abovate nearly acute, unequally serrate, base acute entire, corymbs racemose, racemes terminal paniculate, ovate, bracteolated, bracteoles linear, petals obovate crenate undulate, 5 ovaries.-Obs. A small shrub about a foot high, growing on the summit of the Highlands, among rocks; flowers white, blossoming in June, branches reddish, leaves green on both sides, thickly


26. Prunus rupestris Raf. Shrubby, branches glandular; petiols biglandular, leaves smooth ovate oblong acuminate, base acute, serrate, teeth cartilagineous, peduncles geminate or solitary elongated upright, fruits ovate oblong.-Obs. Found among rocks on the summit of the Highland and Catskill mountains. A small shrub two or three feet high. branches upright slender red, petiols and peduncles red, fruit small, ripe in August, blossoming in May.

27. Equisetum montanum Raf. Rough, sterile and fertile stems very branched striated, sheaths rufous nearly quadrifid, divisions ovate acute trinerved, branches two or three-chotomous, small branches adscend


flexuose triqueter or compress- the calyx, capsuls ovate longer than the
calyx.-Obs. A different species, which has
much affinity with the foregoing, found with
Mr. Knevels on the Catskill mountains in
June, in shady and moist grounds, near the
two lakes. It has sometimes four styles!

ent filiform caliculated, leaves subulate,
ed, or opposite.-Obs. A singular species
terna with Mr. Knevels on the Catskill
untains, in woods near the two lakes; it
as some affinity with the E. Sylvaticum,
and rises about two feet.

28. Stellaria tenella Raf. Very smooth, stem, dichotome diffuse slender tetragone; leaves linear entire nearly obtuse, the upper ones oblong cuneate; flowers terminal, phylles of the calyx ovate acute, petals scarcely longer bipartite linear, capsuls globular. Obs. This plant had been taken by Bigelow and several American Botanists, for the St. graminea or St. palustris, while it differs from either. It might also be the un described St. longifolia of Muhlenberg's catalogue. I found it in 1803 near Philadelphia, and in 1817 found it, with Mr. Torrey, abundant near Poughkeepsie in a wood near brooks, it grows also near Fishkill and in many other places. It blossoms in June: flowers white as in the whole genus, the stems are sometimes upright, the lower leaves are short, sometimes a little pubescent at the base or union, bracteas subulate scariose, shorter than the peduncles.

29. Stellaria montana Raf. Smooth, stem upright dichotome diffuse, leaves lanceolate acute entire ciliolate; peduncles filiform, at the dichotomies; phylles ovate lanceolate, margin scariose, petals bipartite shorter than

30. Juniperus depressus Raf. Stems cespitose-depressed spreading decumbent, little branches obtuse trigone; leaves ternate spreading subulate spinous mucronate, white striped above, convex and oneveined beneath: male catkins ternate nearly sessile obovate obtuse, half the length of the leaves, berries globular, shorter than the leaves.Obs. This species of Juniper is very remarkable and distinct; it had been considered as a variety of J. communis by Pursh. It appears to have an extensive range in North America, since it is found in Canada, Maine, and perhaps as far west as the Columbia river; I observed it in 1816 near Saratoga and Lake George, and in 1817 found with Mr. Torrey its southern range in the state of New-York, between Wappinger's creek and Poughkeepsie. It always grows in dry and sterile soil, it forms a circular and flat bush, sometimes twenty feet in circumference, and not above two or three high; its bark is wrinkled cinereous brown, the berries are large sessile trisulcated above: foliage thick, leaves longer than the internodes, not very rigid, appearing decurrent by having the angles under them.



SIR Humphrey Davy has made a further discovery in regard to combustion, which will prove a very great improvement to his safety lamp. He thus describes it in a letter to the Rev. J. Hodgson of Heworth :

"I have succeeded in producing a light perfectly safe and economical, which is most brilliant in atmospheres in which the flame of the safety lamp is extinguished, and which burns in every mixture of carburetted hydrogen gas that is respirable. It consists of a slender metallic tissue of platinum, which is hung in the top of the interior of the common lamp of wire gauze, or in that of the twilled lamp. It costs from 6d. to 1s. and is imperishable. This tissue, when the common lamp is introduced into an explosive atmosphere, becomes red hot, and continues to burn the gas in contact with it as long as the air is respirable; when the atmosphere again be comes explosive; the flame is relighted. I can now burn any inflammable vapour either with or without flame at pleasure,

and make the wire consume it either with red or white heat. I was led to this re

sult by discovering slow combustions without flame, and at last I found a metal which made these harmless combustions visible."

A correspondent of the Philosophical Magazine complains loudly of the omissions and erroneous figures and calculations in the Nautical Almanack. He points out more than 40 considerable errors in the Almanack for 1819.


A work entitled Memoirs of the History of the Fifty Years from 1760 to 1810, by the late Abbe Georgel, is about to be published in three volumes. The announcement of it, from the character and opportunities of the author, who was a distinguished Jesuit, and Secretary to the Cardinal de Rohan, has excited a strong interest.

Constantine Nicolopoulo, of Smyrna, Professor of Greek Literature, has published, at Paris, a Greek Ode on Spring, to which he has prefixed an epistle in Greek verse, addressed to Count Capa D'Istria.


A letter from Naples, dated July 20, says "The present eruptions of Vesuvius are astonishing. Copper, iron, alkaline acid, sulphur, sulphuric acid, chalk, and ammonia, form salts that are sometimes in a mass and sometimes divided. It is observed that copper is very much mixed with volcanic matter; quantities of it are found among the different kinds of lava. Vesuvius, which since the year 1813 has been more or less in a state of commotion, has entire ly covered its former crater with a thick crust, over which the new eruptions have thrown two little mountains, from which come smoke, ashes, and vitrified stones. The earth is covered with bits of transparent glass. This crust is so considerable, that if it is not propped up, the sinking of the matter composing it will produce an effect like that of the eruption which took place in the time of Titus."

Professor Morichini, of Rome, having discovered the magnetizing power of the violet rays of the prismatic spectrum, the Marquis Ridolsi has succeeded in magnetizing two needles, the one in 50, the other in 46 minutes, and can now charge with the magnetic power, by the same process, as many needles as he pleases. The needles thus magnetized (namely by directing on and passing over them, for a period of not less than 30 minutes, the violet rays of the spectrum, through the medium of a condensing lens) possess all the energy and the properties of needles magnetised in a common way by means of a loadstone. Their HOMONOMOUS poles repel, their HETERONOMOUS poles attract each other: and made to vibrate on a pivot, their points turn constantly to the north, their heads to the south! This adds to the wonders of magnetism, and must be regarded as a very extraordinary discovery.


The Political Zeitung of Munich, of the 10th August, contains the following meteorological remarks.

"The great and remarkable opening in the sun's atmosphere of clouds, (wolkigen sonnen atmosphare,) of which notice has been lately taken, was visible only a little before it vanished at the western edge on the 5th of August, at which period a number of little openings began to unite themselves into two spots; storms and much rain followed. It must be of great utility to farmers to be able to foretel fair or stormy weather, from observations of the spots on the sun, which are easily examined in the middle of sum



mer, in the same way as we c. the coming day or night, by the for and setting sun. A great number latest observations confirm Hersche opinion, that like the planets (verander lichen sternen) one half of the sun is less favourable to an abundant discharge of rays than the other, and that many spots on the sun make the year warmer and more fruitful. So much is certain, that in defect of spots on the sun, the atmosphere is more serene, as happened in the year 1811, in which none appeared during the whole summer; but it showed likewise that such a year must not of necessity be unfruitful, as was the case in the years 1795 and 1799. It is yet more certain that very warm and very cold weather can alone depend on the periodical abundance or scarcity of combustible matter (brennstoff) in the sun, since the moon and the planets can neither cause heat nor cold. In the year 541, which was one of famine and pestilence, the rays of the sun, according to Cedrenus, were as feeble as those of the moon, and yet the weather was so clear that in Italy they observed the comets of that time; the chronicle writers remark, that excessively dry summers (as the year 763, and the year 1800, remarkable for spots on the sun, and woods taking fire) follow a very copious appearance of meteors (sternschnuppen.) In nature great matters more constantly depend upon each other than minute, and it becomes us to observe and take advantage of that dependence: it is to be wished therefore, that meteorologists may apply themselves to a diligent observation of the Spots on the sun.”


The following extract of a letter from Count De La Cepede, President of the French Academy of Sciences at Paris, to Dr. Mitchill of New-York, dated 14th June, 1817 is flattering and interesting to Americans.

After generously making a tender of his elaborate and admirable work on Fishes, the illustrious writer proceeds thus: "I have just finished another great work which will probably occupy two volumes in quarto, and which will be entitled Ages of Nature, and History of the Human Species. I read the preliminary discourse to it, at a public sitting on the 19th of the last month, when I opened my course of zoology in the royal Museum of Natural History. This performance will be found to contain numerous proofs of my admiration for the respectable nation of the United States, and for the illustrious men who honour it, and


Religious Intelligence.

have honoured it; as well as a picture, such I have been able to conjecture, on the subject of its glorious destiny. "The ministry of our king, a few days ago, actuated by the enlightened zeal of our minister plenipotentiary in the United States, asked of the Academy of Sciences, a body of instructions relative to travels through the different countries of North America, for the express purpose of promoting the Natural Sciences. On this occasion I observed to the Academy, that nothing better could be done on that subject, than to have recourse to the information and complaisance of yourself, and the other distinguished scavans of the United States."

The St. Stephens paper of Oct. 10 contains the following interesting article. "The woods between this place and Chickasawks are filled with yellow butterflies, migrating at the rate of 4 or 5 miles an hour, when on the wing, and all marching in an eastern direction. The species appears to have been unobserved before. From tip to tip of its wings, it is from 2 to 2 1-2 inches. The body, when divested of its down, is black. The wings are decked with spots of orange or brown. It has the general appearance of feebleness; and has, probably, lately emerged from the caterpillar state.

"The first notice taken of these butterflies was about three weeks ago. They frequently loiter in groupes about mud holes, or stop to regale themselves on the flowers with which the woods still abound.

The opposite direction of the wind has
no influence on their course.

"This phenomenon not only excites the
attention of the planter, as having a pos
sible and not improbable connexion with
his interest; but it affords ground for a
curious speculation on the nature of that
impulse, to which it is owing that these
insects persist in migrating in a course,
which will afford them no additional pro-
tection against approaching cold weather,
nor seems to be favourable, in any one
particular, to their existence."

The Medical College in Transylvania University, Kentucky, is completely organized and in operation. The courses of lectures were commenced in November. The faculty consists of James Overton, M. D. Professor of the Institutes and Practice of Medicine; B. W. Dudley, M. D. Professor of Anatomy and Surgery; Daniel Drake, M. D. Professor of Mate ria Medica and Botany; W. H. Richardson, Professor of Obstetrics, and the Diseases of Women and Children; James Elythe, D. D. Professor of Chemistry.

The Rev. Horace Holley, of Boston, has been chosen President of Transylva nia University.

The Hon. S. L. Mitchill, of New-York, has been elected a Fellow of the Royal Medical Society of Copenhagen.

We understand that the complete edition of Franklin's works, which William Duane, Esq. of Philadelphia, has been several years in preparing, will soon be published in five volumes octavo.,

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The Ninth Report of the Committee of the London Society for promoting Christianity among the Jews, states that great progress has been made towards completing a Hebrew translation of the New Testament. The gospels of St. Luke and St. John, the Acts of the Apostles, and the Epistles to the Romans, Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Phillippians, Colossians, Thessalon ians, to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, I have already been published. The pros pects of the Society are represented as flattering. The success in circulating the Testament has been greater among the Jews on the Continent than in England. It is estimated that the number of Jews in the f which Russian Empire is 2,000,000 ; 400,000 are in Poland. VOL. 11.-No. 111.



Missionaries have been sent out to

The following Societies have become
Auxiliaries to the American Bible So-

convert the Mongul Tartars.

The Female B. S. of Harpersfield, N. Y. formed in October, 1817; Mrs. Catharine M'Intyre, Secretary.-The Auxiliary B. S. of the towns of Preble and Tully, N. Y.-The Aux. B. S. of William and Mary, and St. Andrew, parishes, Md. instituted in November last; Rev. John Brady, President; M. C. Jones, Secretary; Robert Hammet, Treasurer.-The B. S. of the young men of Pitts burgh, Pa. recently formed.--These make the number of Auxiliaries known, 122.

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