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the genera of that family by the double mouth, want of tail, ears, &c. It contains probably several species; but only two are known as yet, and they have been discovered and ascertained by Mr. Bradbury: they both are found in the Missouri Territory, they burrow under ground and live on roots; they are called Gauffre by the French settlers.

1. Diplostoma fusca. Raf. Entirely brown, length twelve inches.

2. Diplostoma alba. Raf. Entirely white, length six inches.

III. GEOMYS. (Order Gliria.) Feet short, all with five toes and nails, those of the forefeet very long: mouth as in the genus Cricetus, and with exterior pouches, tail round and naked.-Obs. The generic name means Earth-rat; it has the appearance of a mole; but the characters of the family Cricetia, and it only differs from the genus Cricetus by having the tail of a rat and the feet of a mole: the animals belonging to this new genus burrow like the rest of the family, and live on roots: two species are known already.

1. Geomys pinetis. Raf. Murine colour, tail entirely naked, shorter than the body.-Obs. This animal has been called Georgia Hamster, by Milledge, Mitchill, Anderson, Mease, &c. It lives in Georgia, in the region of Pines, where it raises little mounds, size of a rat.

2. Geomys cinerea. Raf. Ash colour, tail very short, nearly naked.—Obs. It was called Mus bursorius or Ash coloured Rat by Dr. Mease: it has very large pouches, and in size is larger than the foregoing.

IV. CYNOMYS. (Order Gliria.) Mouth with pouches, teeth as in Sciurus, all the feet with five toes and nails, the two outer toes shorter, the two inner toes of the forefeet long, with sharp nails, tail distich as in Sciurus.-Obs. This genus, whose name means Dog-rat, belongs also to the family Cricetia, next to the genus Tenotus, (the ground squirrels,) from which it differs by the shape and number of toes, besides living in society and not having the striped back.

1. Cynomys socialis. Raf. Brick red, grey underneath, tail one fourth of total length. Obs. We are indebted to Capts. Lewis and Clarke for the discovery of this interesting animal, which they call in their travels the Barking Squirrel. It lives in the plains of the Missouri, in large subterraneous villages, and several in each burrow, they bark like small dogs, and live on roots and grass. Its whole length is seventeen inches; it is

rather clumsy, with a large head and breast, short legs, &c. they often sit on their hind legs as dogs.

2. Cynomys? grisea. Raf. Entirely gray, tail one third of total length.-Obs. Capts. Lewis and Clarke who describe also this animal, do not say if it has pouches; I have united it to this genus, for the great similarity with the foregoing; but if it has none, it may rather belong to the following genus. Its manners are similar to those of the foregoing; but its villages are smaller; it does not bark, and makes instead a whistling noise; it has a fine fur and long nails: It is found also on the Missouri, and is called Petit-chien by the Canadians.

V. ANISONYX. (Order Gliria.) Teeth as in Soiurus, no pouches, five toes and nails to all the feet, the two inner toes of the forefeet very short, and with blunt nails, the three others long, and with sharp nails: tail distich as in Sciurus.— Obs. It differs from the genera Arctomys, and Sciurus, by the number and shape of its toes; whence its generic name, which means unequal nails: It belongs to the family Myoxia.

1. Anisonyx brachiura. Raf. Brown grey above, slightly speckled with redish white, light brick-red beneath, tail oval, one seventh of total length, redish brown above, iron grey beneath, marginated with white.-Obs. The Burrowing Squirrel of Capts. Lewis and Clarke: they live in society on the plains of the Columbia, in burrows and villages, their burrows have several openings round a mound on which they keep a watch; when any one approaches they make a shrill whistling sound: they feed on the roots of grass. Total length seventeen inches.

2. Anisonyx? rufa. Raf. Fur long, silky, entirely redish brown, ears short, pointed with short hair.-Obs. This animal called Sewewell by Capts. Lewis and Clarke, is of a doubtful genus, since they only saw the fur of it; it burrows and runs on trees like the ground squirrels; length eighteen inches, found in the neighbourhood of the Columbia river.

VI. MYNOMES. (Order Gliria.) Teeth as in Ondatra, five toes and nails to all the feet, inner toes very short: tail hairy, depressed or flat.-Obs. It belongs to the family TIBERIA: it differs from the genus Ondatra by having a tail not scaly, and depressed instead of compressed, and also from the genus Lemmus by this last character: the name means Pasturemouse.

1. Mynomes pratensis. Raf. Dark

brown, hoary underneath, chin and feet white, ears shorter than the fur, tail onefifth of total length, linear obtuse.-Obs. We are indebted to Wilson for the knowledge of this animal, he has described it and figured it in his Ornithology, Vol. 6. p. 59. tab. 50. fig. 3. under the name of Meadow-mouse. It lives near Philadelphia, &c. in meadows and even in salt marshes, where it burrows in all directions, and even perforates the embankments, it swims and dives well, feeds on roots and bulbs of plants: it has appearance of the Ondatra zibethicus or Musk-rat; but is only five inches long altogether, it has small eyes, a thick fur and a blunt nose. Many hawks and owls prey on it.


VII. LYNX. (Order Ferea.) Six equal front teeth to each jaw, canine teeth strong, three grinders on each side of each Jaw, with sharp denticulated edges: head rounded; five toes to the forefeet, four to the hind feet, connected by a loose skin, and with sharp retractible nails: tail thick truncated, not reaching the knees, no purse under it; long ears often tufted. Obs. This extensive and beautiful genus had been blended by Linneus, and the other authors, with the genus Felis, or only considered as a subgenus by some modern zoologist; but this last genus differs by having four grinders on each side of each jaw, a long tail, and shorter ears. I had established this genus ever since 1814 in my Analysis of Nature, and ever since 1812 had prepared a monography of it, in which I noticed as many as fifteen species, although only four or five had been described by methodical writers. I have since increased that number to twentyfour species, by collecting and comparing the accounts of travellers and naturalists; of these, two species are from Europe, four at least from Asia, five from Africa, three from South America, and nearly ten from North America. They shall be all described in my new mono

graphy of this genus, and I shall merely give at present the definitions of some, best known, from this continent. Their vulgar names are Catamount, Mountain-cat, Wild-cat, Loocervia, &c.

1. Lynx canadensis. Raf. (Felis canadensis Geoffry.) Ears bearded, white inside, fallow outside; fur grayish with fallow dots, head with some black lines, whitish unspotted underneath.-Obs. In Canada, Labrador, &c. Small size.

2. Lynx montanus. Raf. Ears beardless, black outside, with a white spot, fallow inside; fur grayish and unspotted above, whitish with brown dots underneath, tail grayish.-Obs. On the Highlands of New-York, the Catskill and Peru mountains, the Alleghany, &c. Length from three to four feet, larger than the foregoing.

3. Lynx rufus. Raf. (Felis rufa Genelin.) Ears bearded; fur fallow dotted brown; tail white underneath and at the top, striped of black above.-Obs. In the woods of New-York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, &c. Size of a large cat.

4. Lynx floridanus. Řaf. Ears beardless, fur greyish, sides varied with yellowish brown spots and black waved streaks.-Obs. Small size as the foregoing, lives in Florida, Georgia, and Louisiana. This is the Lynx or Wild cat of Bartram.

5. Lynx fasciatus Raf. Ears bearded, black outside; fur reddish brown above, with blackish stripes and dots, white underneath with black dots; tail very short, white, with a black tip.-Obs. Found by Capts. Lewis and Clarke on the North-West Coast, where many other unnoticed species dwell likewise, of a large size, and with a beautiful thick fur.

6. Lynx aureus. Raf. Ears beardless; fur bright yellow with black and white dots, pale yellow and unspotted underneath, tail very short.-Obs. Small size, observed by Leraye; lives on the plains of the Missouri, and perhaps elsewhere.


The following letter, obligingly commu-
nicated to the editors, by Doctor Mitch-
ill, will be read with interest, as con-
taining an account of the discovery, for
the first time on the east side of the
mountains, of some fossil remains of
the Mammoth.


ON Saturday last, a man in the emor ditch through a miry swamp, discoverploy of my father, in digging a drain ed, about three feet from the surface of the earth, several pieces of teeth of enormous size :-from their appearance, shape, and the manner they are worn

away, the animal must have lived I suppose to a great age, and belonged to the Granivorous species; who have probably inhabited this region, and become extinct previous to the discovery, or at least the settlement of this country by the Europeans. The largest piece appears to belong to the extreme back tooth of the under jaw, and is eight inches in length, four inches in breadth, and three inches in height, from where it has rested on the jaw bone to the head or top of the tooth, (though it evidently appears that one half of its original size is worn away by mastication,) weighing three pounds six ounces, Avoirdupois weight. The enamel is the principal part of the tooth that is preserved; the root or periostium is chiefly decayed, and, upon being exposed to the air, moulders away. The ditcher, before he discovered the teeth, broke them while digging with the spade: these are full of marrow resembling lard. If you should deem a further discovery necessary to aid you in your scientific pursuits, I shall be happy to see you at my residence, or I will carefully preserve the pieces, and bring them with me to New-York for your inspection and examination.

I have the honour to be,
Sir, your most obedient
humble servant,

New Antrim, Rockland County,
September 11th, 1817.

These specimens have since been received, and deposited by Dr. Mitchill, in the Cabinet of the New-York Historical Society.

Messrs. Editors,

Permit me, through the medium of your valuable Miscellany, to express the pleasure, which I lately experienced at the annual examination of the African Free School, of this City. The subject of education has excited so much enlightened curiosity of late years, that, so far as the general theory is concerned, little seems to have been mistaken or overlooked. The more practical spirit of modern metaphysical philosophy has laid the ground-work of the improvements in the plans of education; and the freer institutions, and more intelligent public spirit of modern society have given opportunity for common and philanthropy to execute their favorite designs for the benefit of community, by the more careful and thorough discipline and instruction of the lower


orders. These improvements, however, appear destined for a time, at least, to confine their immediate benefits to the indigent and subordinate classes of society. There is something in the feelings of the higher orders in a state hostile to the introduction, among themselves, of improvements which have nothing but plain sense and immediate practical utility to recommend them, and they are ever too ready to lavish their patronage upon those who teach what are called polite accomplishments, and who multiply the mere decorations of society; while they neglect those men, and their plans, whose object it is to teach them the earliest and best use of their intellectual powers, and learn them how to think and act. Rich men and their children are too prone to look with contempt upon those plans which are calculated to economise their time or money, when either is to be expended for their own behoof; and the self-complacent spirit of wealth and fashion is hardly willing to admit that it stands in need of any aid in the acquisition of the elements; nature had been too liberal to leave any thing to be supplied. A circumstance which has tended to strengthen this feeling is, doubtless, the fact that all these improvements are put to experiment among the poor and dependent-the perpetual objects of public charity, or the proteges of private associations. The state of feeling alluded to among the higher orders, is much to be regretted; but when it will be otherwise, I will not undertake to say, as it must be left to experience to effect a change. But among the lower orders the time need not be far distant, when the admirable methods of teaching first recommended and carried into practice by Lancaster shall universally obtain. Our legisla tures could do nothing wiser than to enact a law that the whole establishment of common schools, in the several States, should be new-modelled upon the Lancastrian plan, and ordain that the public school-funds should be appropriated accordingly. A great portion of the common schools of our country are of very doubtful utility-many times they are positively pernicious-from the ignorance and perversity of school-masters. It would be superfluous at this time to enter into an exposition of the prineiples of the Lancastrian system, or undertake a detail of its advantages; if this were necessary, one attendance at an annual examination of the African

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Free School of New-York, would speak more than volumes on the subject. At the visit, which I made, I saw enough to convince the most sceptical, that the coloured race is abundantly endowed by nature with every intellectual and moral faculty, and capable of repaying the most assiduous culture. One hundred and fifty or two hundred boys and girls, from four or five, to fifteen or sixteen years of age, constitute the school. They are under the superintendence of a master, who certainly appeared to execute the duties of his station with fidelity and skill; he is aided by a young female, educated at the New York Free School, who made an intelligent and useful assistant. The pupils underwent an examination in reading, spelling, arithmetic, geography, and grammar. Several dialogues and single pieces, discreetly selected, were delivered with much propriety, and one of the boys, with great credit to his own capacity and to the thoroughness of his instructor, explained the use of the globe. A piece of original composition was also read; but this exercise had been proposed to the school so short a time previous to the examination, that only one, a boy, who was among the most improved and ambitious in the school, had been able to prepare himself. The specimens of writing and of needle-work were well done, and there were exhibited a few specimens of drawing, which is merely a permitted, not a required branch of education in the school, which were executed with much correctness and taste. Indeed, if my eyes had not told me otherwise, I should have thought myself in one of the best-regulated and best-taught schools, composed of the fairest-hued children in the land.

This is an interesting subject, and on that account I thought a communication in regard to it would not be unacceptable to you. It is principally by the force of such manners and modes of thinking as depend upon early mental discipline, and the thorough diffusion of practical knowledge, that the republic is to be perpetuated; and he who contributes, in any degree, to objects of such substantial good, will be acknowledged as a philanthropist and

Messrs. Editors,


As you appear to take an interest in every thing that appertains to literature, and as the right use of language is the basis of all elegant or even intelligible

compositions, permit me to request your attention to the course of familiar lectures on grammar, delivered to his classes, by Mr. Ingersoll of this city. Mr. Ingersoll divests his subjects of all mystery, and does not in the outset intimidate the learner with even the sight of a book. He commences his instructions in the way of conversation, and draws all his illustrations from the sensible objects that casually present themselves; thus teaching his pupils that words are signs of real or imaginary existences, and of the relations between them. Having initiated them in the general principles of the science, he proceeds to make the application of the knowledge they have acquired to written sentences. He compels the scholar, by such means, to reason for himself, and furnishes him with the rules which enable him to form a correct judgment. His success is the best evidence of the superiority of his system, over the old fashioned method of getting the accidents' by rote, as a preliminary to the study of grammar. It is necessary to know something of grammar before a book that treats of it can be comprehended.

By giving a place to this hint in your valuable publication you may render a service not only to a deserving individu al, but to the rising generation..



As the visit of the great Sea-Serpent to our Eastern shores has awakened a new spirit of curiosity in regard to the monsters of the deep, I send you the following notices, of the Mermaid, which, as you will perceive, I have cut out of the English newspapers, within a few years past. It is useful to collect and record coincident testimony on subjects of so much doubt. The insertion of these extracts may, perhaps, lead persons who have observed animals in any degree an swering to this description to communicate the information which they possess. Respectfully Yours,


"In a History of the Netherlands, it is stated, that in the year 1480, the dikes were broken near Campear by an inundation; and when the inundation had returned, a Merwoman was left in the Dermot Meer; and the milk-maids, who used to cross that Meer in boats, when they went to milk, saw a human

count is mentioned in the Talliamed, p.232. Hudson, the great navigator, in his Journal, written by himself, in the British Museum, has the following entry:

ing one of our company looking overboard, saw a Mermaid, and calling up some of the company to see her, one more came up, and by that time she was come close to the ship's side, looking earnestly on the men. A little after, a sea came and overturned her. From the navel upwards her back and breasts were like those of a woman; (as they say that saw her;) her body as big as one of us; her skin very white, and long hair, hanging down behind, of colour black. In her going down they saw her tail, which was like the tail of a porpoise, and speckled like a mackarel. Their names that saw her were Thomas Nelles, Robert Rayner, and Joseph Wilson."

Arasaig, 28th Sept. 1809.-The following declaration was this day emitted, in presence of the after subscribing witnessses.

head above water, but believed their eyes deceived them, till the repeated sight confirmed their assurance; whereupon they resolved one night to watch her, and saw that she repaired to a sed-June 15, 1607, 15 lat. 75. 7. this morngy or flaggy place, where it was ebb, and near the side; whereupon, early in the morning, they got a great many boats together, and environed the place in the form of a half moon, and disturbed her; but she, attempting to get under the boats, and finding her way stopped up by staves and other things, on purpose fastened, began to flounce and make a hideous deafening noise, and with her hands and tail sunk a boat or two, but at last was tired out and taken. The maids used her kindly, and cleaned the sea-moss and shells from off her, and offered her water, fish, milk, bread, &c. which she refused; but with good usage, in a day or two they got her to eat and drink, though she endeavoured to make her escape again to sea. Her hair was long and black, her face human, her teeth very strong, her breasts and belly to the navel were perfect; the lower parts of her body ended in a strong fish tail. The magistrates of Haerlem commanded her to be sent to them, for that the Mere was within their jurisdiction. When she was brought thither she was put in the Town-house, and had a dame assigned her to teach her. She learned to spin, and show devotion in prayer; she would laugh, and when women came into the Town-house to spin with her for diversion, she would signify by signs she knew their meaning in some sort, though she could never be taught to speak; she would wear no clothes in summer; part of her hair was filleted up in a Dutch dress, and part hung long naturally. She would have her tail in the water, and accordingly had a tub of water under her chair, made on purpose for her. She eat milk, water, bread, butter, and fish; she lived thus out of her element (except her tail) fifteen or sixteen years. Her picture was painted on a board with oil, and hangs now in the Town-house of Haerlem, with a superscription in letters of gold, giving an account when she was taken, how long she lived, and when she died, and in what church-yard she was buried; their annals mention her, and their books have her picture, and travelling painters draw her picture by the table. By the above mentioned relation the querist may be satisfied, that she exceeds all the other creatures in cunning and docility that have ever yet been known."-This acVOL. No. 1,


Neil M'Intosh in Sandy Island, Canna, states that he has heard from different individuals in the island of Canna, that they have seen the fish called Mermaids; that these animals had the upper parts resembling the human figure, and the lower extremities resembling a fish. In particular about six years ago, Neil Stewart and Neil M'Isaac, both alive in Canna, when walking upon the sea beach on the north end of the island, on a Sunday, saw, stretched on a rock at a small distance, an animal of the above description, having the appearance of a woman in the upper parts, and of a fish below; that on seeing them it sprung into the water, after which they had a more distinct view of its upper parts, which strongly resembled a female of the human species. That Lachlan M'Arthur, of the same island, informed M'Intosh, that some years ago, sailing from Uist to Skye in a stormy day, he saw rising from the water near the stern of the boat in which he was, a figure resembling a woman in its upper parts, which terrified him extremely.

Neil M'Intosh further states, that he himself, about five years ago, was steering a boat from Canna to Skye in a stormy day; that when about one fourth of the passage from Canna he saw something near him of a white colour, and of the human figure, spring almost out of the water, which he took for the animal above described; but as it instantly disappeared again, he had no opportunity of examining it minutely; that be felt

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