PLATE IV. ALCYONELLA FLABELLUM and ALCYONELLA BENEDENI. Fig. 1. Alcyonella flabellum. Natural size. 2. The same magnified. 3. A young specimen of the same magnified, with the two valves of the statoblast still adhering to it. 4. Longitudinal section of upper part of the cell of A. flabellum, showing certain anatomical details. 5. Alcyonella Benedeni; a portion of a specimen. It is drawn of the natural size. 6. A portion of the same magnified. 7. Free statoblast of A. Benedeni; more convex face. 8. The same; less convex face. 9. The same, viewed on the edge. 10. Adherent statoblast of A. Benedeni; it is surrounded by a portion of the unorganized cement, by which it adheres to the walls of the cell. 11. Young specimen of A. Benedeni, with the separated valves of the statoblast still attached to it. PLATE V. PLUMATELLA REPENS. Fig. 1. Plumatella repens, var. a, creeping over the surface of a stone. Natural size. 2. Portion of the same magnified. 3. Plumatella repens, var. ẞ, growing on a portion of a submerged stem. Natural size. 4. Portion of the same magnified. 5. A cell of P. repens, with the polypide exserted; very much enlarged, to show anatomical details. 6. Extremity of the cell, with the polypide retracted. 7. Statoblast, viewed on the face. 8. The same, viewed on the edge, and seen in section. |