The following Letters apply in all the Plates where they are used to corresponding parts of the structure : 4. Ovary. DESCRIPTION OF THE PLATES. Fig. PLATE I. CRISTATELLA MUCEDO. 1. Cristatella mucedo; an adult specimen, adhering to the submerged stem of Ranunculus aquatilis. Of the natural size. 2. The same enlarged. 3. Statoblast of Cristatella mucedo in an early stage; it is surrounded by a ciliated membrane, and there is as yet no appearance of the marginal spines. 4. The same more advanced; the enveloping membrane is destitute of cilia, and the spines have begun to grow out from the margin of the disc. 5. The same, still further advanced; the spines have impinged on the enveloping membrane. 6. The mature statoblast; the enveloping membrane has been torn by the pressure of the spines, and has disappeared, and the statoblast has become free. 7. The same, viewed on the edge. Figs. 3-7 are magnified about 50 dia meters. 8. Natural size of mature statoblast. |