PLATE VIII. PLUMATELLA DUMORTIERI and PLUMATELLA ELEGANS. Fig. 1. Plumatella Dumortieri, attached to a submerged stem. Natural size. 2. Portion of the same magnified. 3. End of a branch, with the polypide retracted, still further magnified, to show the trans parent furrow in the ectocyst, with its notch-like extremity. 4. Portion of the calyx of the same, much magnified, to show its festooned margin. 5. Statoblast of the same. 6. Plumatella elegans, attached to the under surface of a leaf of Potamogeton. Natural size. 7. Portion of the same magnified. 8. Portion of the calyx of the same, much magnified, to show its nearly even margin. 9. Statoblast of the same. |