A Monograph of the Fresh-water Polyzoa, Including All the Known Species, Both British and ForeignRay Society, 1856 - 119 páginas |
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Página 63
... Naisa , a change entirely uncalled for , and founded on erroneous views of the structure of the genus ; and though Lamouroux retains the name of Naisa in his ' Exposition Méthodique , ' † published in 1821 , Deslongchamps is the only ...
... Naisa , a change entirely uncalled for , and founded on erroneous views of the structure of the genus ; and though Lamouroux retains the name of Naisa in his ' Exposition Méthodique , ' † published in 1821 , Deslongchamps is the only ...
Página 84
... Naisa reptans . Lamouroux , Exp . Méth . , p . 16 , tab . 68 , figs . 3 , 4. ( Figures copied from Trembley . ) 1824. Naisa reptans . Deslongchamps , Encyc . Méth . Zooph . , 1824 , p . 561 . 1826. Plumatella cristata . Blainville ...
... Naisa reptans . Lamouroux , Exp . Méth . , p . 16 , tab . 68 , figs . 3 , 4. ( Figures copied from Trembley . ) 1824. Naisa reptans . Deslongchamps , Encyc . Méth . Zooph . , 1824 , p . 561 . 1826. Plumatella cristata . Blainville ...
Página 95
... Naisa repens for Tubularia repens , employing Müller's diagnosis , though referring to Vaucher , and in the latter work reproducing his figure . De Blainville , in 1834 , enumerates without any diagnosis Plumatella repens , quoting as ...
... Naisa repens for Tubularia repens , employing Müller's diagnosis , though referring to Vaucher , and in the latter work reproducing his figure . De Blainville , in 1834 , enumerates without any diagnosis Plumatella repens , quoting as ...
Página 96
... Naisa repens . Lamouroux , Pol . flex . p . 223 . 1821. Naisa repens . Lamouroux , Expos . Méth . , p . 16. ( Not the figure tab . 68 , f . 2 , which is a copy of Vaucher's Tubularia repens . ) 1824. Naisa lucifuga ? Deslongchamps ...
... Naisa repens . Lamouroux , Pol . flex . p . 223 . 1821. Naisa repens . Lamouroux , Expos . Méth . , p . 16. ( Not the figure tab . 68 , f . 2 , which is a copy of Vaucher's Tubularia repens . ) 1824. Naisa lucifuga ? Deslongchamps ...
Página 97
... Naisa campanulata . Lamouroux , Hist . des Pol . flex . , p . 224 . 1820. Plumatella campanulata . Schweigger , Handbuch der Naturg . , § 76 . 1824. Naisa campanulata . Deslongchamps , Encyc . Méth . , Zooph . , p . 562 . 1826 ...
... Naisa campanulata . Lamouroux , Hist . des Pol . flex . , p . 224 . 1820. Plumatella campanulata . Schweigger , Handbuch der Naturg . , § 76 . 1824. Naisa campanulata . Deslongchamps , Encyc . Méth . , Zooph . , p . 562 . 1826 ...
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adherent Alcyonella Alcyonella fungosa Alcyonella stagnorum alimentary canal Allman anatomy animal annulus Ascidian attached become Beneden Bowerbankia Brachiopoda branches branchial sac Brit Brux campanulata cavity cell character cilia cœnæcium crescentic Cristatella Cristatella mucedo d'eau douce described Difflugia disc distinct Dumortier ectocyst embryo endocyst epistome exserted external fibres flabellum fluid fresh-water Polyzoa funiculus ganglion genera genus Gervais hæmal Hancock hippocrepian Hist homologous intestine invaginated l'Acad Lamarck layer Leidy Linnæus lophophore Lophopus crystallinus margin Mém membrane memoir Meyen mouth Müller Naisa naturalists observed œsophagus organ orifice Original figures ovary ovum Paludicella parieto-vaginal muscles peculiar Pedicellina perigastric space Plumatella repens Polype à Panache polypide Polyzoon portion present Raspail respiratory retraction retractor retractor muscles Rösel seen septa side species specimens statoblasts stomach structure surface tentacles tentacula tentacular crown tentacular sheath thoracic chamber transparent transverse Trembley tubes Tubularia repens tunic Tunicata Urnatella walls Zooph Zoophytes