Turning difpiteous torture out of door! Out at mine eyes in tender womanish tears. Arth. Too fairly, Hubert, for so foul effect. Arth. And will you? Hub. And I will. Arth. Have you the heart? when your head did but ake, I knit my handkerchief about your brows (The best I had, a princess wrought it me) And I did never ask it you again; And with my hand at midnight held your head; Hub. I've sworn to do it; And with hot irons must I burn them out. Arth. Ah, none, but in this iron age, would do it. The iron of itself, tho' heat red-hot, Approaching near these eyes, would drink my tears, And quench its fiery indignation, [Turning dispiteous torture out of door!] For torture Sir T. Hanmer reads nature, and is VOL, III. followed, I think, without necessity, by Dr. Warburton. Hh I Even Even in the matter of mine innocence : [Hubert stamps, and the men enter. Hub. Come forth; do, as I bid you. Ev'n with the fierce looks of these bloody men. Thrust but these men away, and I'll forgive you, 61 would not have believed a tongue BUT HUBERT'S.] Thus Mr. Pope found the line in the old editions. According to this reading, it is supposed that Hubert had told him, he would not put out his eyes, for the an gel who says he would, is brought in as contradicting Hubert. Mr. Theobald, by what authority I don't know, reads, the transcribers, taking it in this I would not have believ'd him: which is spoiling the measure, WARBURTON; I do not fee why the old reading may not stand, Mr, Theobald's alteration, as we find, injures the measure, and Dr. Warburton's corrupts the language, and neither can be faid much to mend the sense. What 1 Whatever torment you do put me to. Hub. Go, stand within; let me alone with him. [Exeunt. Arth. Alas, I then have chid away my friend; He hath a stern look, but a gentle heart; Let him come back, that his compassion may Hub. Come, boy, prepare yourself. Hub. None, but to lose your eyes. Arth. O heav'n! that there were but a moth in yours, A grain, a dust, a gnat, a wandring hair, Hub. Is this your promise ? go to, hold your Arth. Hubert, the utterance of a brace of tongues Muft needs want pleading for a pair of eyes: Let me not hold my tongue : let me not, Hubert; 7 Or, Hubert, if you will, cut out my tongue, So I may keep mine eyes. O fpare mine eyes! Lo, by my troth, the instrument is cold, And would not harm me. Hub. I can heat it, boy. Arth. No, in good footh, the fire is dead with grief, Being create for comfort, to be us'd The breath of heav'n hath blown its spirit out, 7 This is according to nature. We imagine no evil so great as that which is near us. * No, in good footh, &c.] The sense is: The fire, being created not to hurt but to comfort, is dead with grief for finding itself used in acts of cruelty, which, being innocent, I have not deferved. And strew'd repentant ashes on its head. Hub. But with my breath I can revive it, boy. Hub. Well, see to live; I will not touch thine eye, You were difguised. Hub. Peace: no more. Adieu, Your uncle must not know but you are dead. ۱ Arth. Oheav'n! I thank you, Hubert. Much danger do I undergo for thee. SCENE II. Changes to the Court of England. 1 [Exeunt. Enter King John, Pembroke, Salisbury, and other K. John.U Lords. ERE once again we fit, once again crown'd, And look'd upon, I hope, with chearful eyes. Pemb. Pemb. This once again, but that your highness pleas'd, Was once superfluous; you were crown'd before, Sal. Therefore, to be possess'd with double pomp, Hemb. But that your royal pleasure must be done, This act is as an ancient tale new told, And in the last repeating troublesome : Being urged at a time unseasonable. Sal. In this the antique and well-noted face Of plain old form is much disfigured; It makes the course of thoughts to fetch about: Pemb. When workmen strive to do better than well, 2 They do confound their skill in covetousness ; And oftentimes excusing of a fault Doth make the fault the worse by the excuse : This once again was once fuperfluous.) This one time more was one time more than enough. 1 To guard a title that was by their Avarice, but in an eager to fringe. 2 They do confound their Skill in Covetousness.] i. e. Not I am the most offending Soul alive. THEOBALD. |