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I hear for certain, and do speak the truth,-
The gentle archbishop of York is up,
With well-appointed powers; he is a man,
Who with a double furety binds his followers.
My lord your fon had only but the corps,
But shadows, and the shows of men, to fight:
For that fame word, rebellion, did divide
The action of their bodies from their souls;
And they did fight with queafiness, conftrain'd,
As men drink potions; that their weapons only
Seem'd on our fide, but, for their spirits and fouls,
This word, rebellion, it had froze them up,
As fish are in a pond: But now the bishop
Turns infurrection to religion :
Suppos'd fincere and holy in his thoughts,
He's follow'd both with body and with mind;
And doth enlarge his rifing with the blood
Of fair king Richard, fcrap'd from Pomfret stones:
Derives from heaven his quarrel, and his cause;
Tells them, he doth bestride a bleeding land,
Gafping for life under great Bolingbroke;
And more, and less, do flock to follow him.


• The gentle &c. ) These one-and-twenty lines were added fince the first edition. JOHNSON.

This and the following twenty lines are not found in the quarto, 1600, either from fome inadvertence of the transcriber or compofitor, or from the printer not having been able to procure a perfed copy. They first appeared in the folio, 1623; but it is manifeft that they were written at the same time with the rest of the play, Northumberland's answer referring to them. MALONE.

9 Tells them, he doth bestride a bleeding land, That is, flands over his country to defend her as the lies bleeding on the ground. So Falstaff before says to the Prince, If thou see me down, Hal and bestride me, fo; it is an office of friendship. JOHNSON.


And more, and less, More and less means greater and lefs. So, in Macbeth: " Both more and less have given him the revolt."


NORTH. I knew of this before; but, to speak


This present grief had wip'd it from my mind.
Go in with me; and counsel every man

The aptest way for safety, and revenge :

Get posts, and letters, and make friends with


Never so few, and never yet more need.


London. A Street.


Enter Sir JOHN FALSTAFF, with his Page bearing his Sword and buckler.

FAL. Sirrah, you giant, what says the doctor to my water?3

The method of in

3-what says the doctor to my water?] vestigating diseases by the inspection of urine only, was once fo much the fashion, that Linacre, the founder of the College of Physicians, formed a ftatute to restrain apothecaries from carrying the water of their patients to a dotor, and afterwards giving medicines in consequence of the opinions they received concerning it. This ftatute was, soon after, followed by another, which forbade the doctors themselves to pronounce on any disorder from such an uncertain diagnostic.

or Wha

John Day, the author of a comedy called Law Tricks, would have thought it? 1608, describes an apothecary thus: "-his house is set round with patients twice or thrice a day, and because they'll be fure not to want drink, every one brings his own water in an urinal with him."

Again, in Beaumont and Fletcher's Scornful Lady:

" I'll make her cry so much, that the physician,
" If she fall fick upon it, shall want urine

"To find the cause by."

It will scarcely be believed hereafter, that in the years 1775 and 1776, a German, who had been a servant in a public riding-fchool,


PAGE. He faid, fir, the water itself was a good healthy water: but, for the party that owed it, he might have more diseases than he knew for.

FAL. Man of all forts take a pride to gird at me : 4 The brain of this foolish-compounded clay, man, is not able to invent any thing that tends to laughter, more than I invent, or is invented on me: I am not only witty in myself, but the cause that wit is in other men. I do here walk before thee, like a fow, that hath overwhelmed all her litter but one. If the prince put thee into my service for any other reason than to fet me off, why then I have no judgement. Thou whorefon mandrake, thou art fitter to be worn in my cap, than to wait at my heels. I was never mann'd with an agate till now :



(from which he was discharged for infufficiency,) revived this ploded practice of water-cafting. After he had amply increased the bills of mortality, and been publickly hung up to the ridicule of those who had too much sense to consult him, as a monument of the folly of his patients, he retired with a princely fortune, and perhaps is now indulging a hearty laugh at the expence of English credulity. STEEVENS.


to gird at me:] i. e. to gibe. So, in Lyly's Mother Bombie, 1594: "We maids are mad wenches; we gird them, and Hout them," &c. See Vol. IX. p. 367, n.




mandrake, Mandrake is a root supposed to have the shape of a man; it is now counterfeited with the root of briony.


6 I was never mann'd with an agate till now : ] That is, I never before had an agate for my man. JOHNSON.

Alluding to the little figures cut in agates, and other hard stones, for feals; and therefore he says, I will fet you neither in gold nor Silver. The Oxford editor alters it to aglet, a tag to the points then in use (a word indeed which our author uses to express the same thought): but aglets, though they were sometimes of gold or filver, were never fet in those metals. WARBURTON.

It appears from a paffage in Beaumont and Fletcher's Coxcomb, that it was usual for justices of peace either to wear an agate in a ring, or as an appendage to their gold chain: "-- Thou wilt

but I will fet you neither in gold nor filver, but in vile apparel, and fend you back again to your master, for a jewel; the juvenal, the prince your mafter, whose chin is not yet fledg'd. I will fooner have a beard grow in the palm of my hand, than he shall get one on his cheek; and yet he will not stick to say, his face is a face-royal: God may finish it when he will, it is not a hair amiss yet he may keep it still as a face-royal, & for a barber shall never earn fixpence out of it; and yet he will be crowing, as if he had writ man ever since his father was a bachelor. He may keep his own grace, but he is almost out of mine, I can afssure him.-

spit as formally, and show thy agate and hatch'd chain, as well as the beft of them."

The fame allusion is employed on the same occafion in the Isle of Gulls, 1606:

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Grace, you Agate! haft not forgot that yet?"

The virtues of the agate were anciently supposed to protect the wearer from any misfortune. So, in Greene's Mamillia, 1593: "the man that hath the stone agathes about him, is surely defenced against adversity." STEEVENS.

I believe an agate is used merely to express any thing remarkably little, without any allufion to the figure cut upon it. So, in Much Ado about Nothing, Vol. VI. p. 290, n. 9:

"If low, an agate very vilely cut.


--the juvenal,] This term, which has already occurred in The Midsummer Night's Dream, and Love's Labour's Loft, is used in many places by Chaucer, and always fignifies a young man.


8 he may keep it still as a face-royal,] That is, a face exempt from the touch of vulgar hands. So, a flag-royal is not to be hunted, a mine-royal is not to be dug. JOHNSON.

Old copies-at a face royal. Corrected by the editor of the second folio, MALONE.

Perhaps this quibbling allufion is to the English real, rial, or royal. The poet seems to mean that a barber can no more earn fixpence by his face-royal, than by the face ftamped on the coin called a royal; the one requiring as little shaving as the other,


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What faid master Dumbleton about the sattin for my short cloak, and flops?

PAGE. He faid, fir, you should procure him better assurance than Bardolph : he would not take his bond and yours; he liked not the security.


FAL. Let him be damn'd like the glutton! may his tongue be hotter ! - A whoreson Achitophel! a rafcally yea-forsooth knave! to bear a gentleman in hand, and then stand upon security! - The whoreson smooth-pates do now wear nothing but high shoes, and bunches of keys at their girdles; and if a man is thorough with them in honest taking up, then they must stand upon-security. I had

- Dumbleton - ] The folio has-Dombledon; the quartoDommelton. This name seems to have been a made one, and de.. figned to afford some apparent meaning. The author might have written-Double-done, (or as Mr. M. Mafon obferves, Double-down,) from his making the fame charge twice in his books, or charging twice as much for a commodity as it is worth.

I have lately, however, observed that Dumbleton is the name of a town in Glocestershire. The reading of the folio may therefore be the true one. STEEVENS.

The reading of the quarto (the original copy) appears to be only a mif-spelling of Dumbleton. MALONE.


Let him be damn'd like the glutton! may his tongue be hotter!] An allusion to the fate of the rich man, who had fared sumptuoufly every day, when he requested a drop of water to cool his tongue, being tormented with the flames. HENLEY.

3--to bear--in hand, is, to keep in expectation.

So, in Macbeth:


How you were borne in hand, how cross'd."


4 if a man is thorough with them in honest taking up,] That is, if a man by taking up goods is in their debt. To be thorough feems to be the same with the present phrase, -to be in with a tradefman. JOHNSON.

So, in Ben Jonson's Every Man out of his Humour :

" I will take up, and bring myself into credit."

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