Imágenes de páginas

Thou, beastly feeder, art so full of him,
That thou provok'ft thyself to cast him up.
So, so, thou common dog, 'didst thou disgorge
Thy glutton bosom of the royal Richard;
And now thou would'st eat thy dead vomit up.
And howl'sst to find it. What trust is in these


They that, when Richard liv'd, would have him


Are now become enamour'd on his grave:
Thou, that threw'st dust upon his goodly head,
When through proud London he came fighing on
After the admired heels of Bolingbroke,
Cry'st now, O earth, give us that king again,
And take thou this! O thoughts of men accurst!
Past, and to come, seem best; things present, worst.
MoWB. Shall we go draw our numbers, and set


HAST. We are time's subjects, and time bids be [Exeunt.


I do not perceive that a trifyllable is wanted on this occafion, as any diffyllable will complete the verse; for instance:

And being now trimm'd in thine own furtout.

Depres, like furtout, is a word of two fyllables. STEEVENS.


London. A Street.

Enter Hostess; FANG, and his boy, with her ; and SNARE following.

Host. Master Fang, have you enter'd the action?
FANG. It is enter'd.


Host. Where is your yeoman? Is it a lusty

yeoman? will a' ftand to't?

FANG. Sirrah, where's Snare?

Host. O lord, ay; good master Snare.

SNARE. Here, here.

FANG. Snare, we must arrest sir John Falstaff.

Host. Yea, good master Snare; I have enter'd

him and all.

SNARE. It may chance cost some of us our lives, for he will stab.

Host. Alas the day! take heed of him; he stabb'd me in mine own house, and that most beastly: in good faith, a' cares not what mischief he doth, if his weapon be out: he will foin like any devil; he will spare neither woman, man, nor child.

FANG. If I can close with him, I care not for his thruft. Host. No, nor I neither; I'll be at your elbow.

Where is your yeoman?] A bailiff's follower was in our author's time called a ferjeant's yeoman. MALONE.

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FANG. An I but fist him once ; an a' come but within my vice ;"


Host. I am undone by his going; I warrant you, he's an infinitive thing upon my score :-Good master Fang, hold him fure;-good master Snare, let him not 'scape. He comes continuantly to Pye-corner, (saving your manhoods,) to buy a saddle; and he's indited to dinner to the lubbar's head in Lumbert-street, to master Smooth's the filkman: I pray ye, fince my exion is enter'd, and my cafe fo openly known to the world, let him be brought in to his answer. A hundred mark is a long loans. for a poor lone woman to bear: and I have borne, and borne, and borne; and have been fub'd off, and fub'd off, and fub'd off, from this day to that


- an a' come but within my vice;) Vice or grasp; a metaphor taken from a smith's vice: there is another reading in the old edition, view, which I think not so good. POPE.

Vice is the reading of the folio; view of the quarto. STEEVENS.
The fift is vulgarly called the vice in the West of England.



lubbar's head - ) This is, I suppose, a colloquial corrup

tion of the Libbard's head. JOHNSON.

See Vol. VII. p. 352, n. 6. MALONE.

9 A hundred mark is a long loan -) Old copy - long one. STFEV.

A long one? a long what? It is almost needless to observe, how familiar it is with our poet to play the chimes upon words similar in sound, and differing in fignification; and therefore I make no question but he wrote A hundred mark is a long loan for a poor lone woman to bear: i. e. a hundred mark is a good round sum for a poor widow to venture on truft. THEOBALD.


a poor lone woman - A lone woman is an unmarried woman. So, in the title-page to A Collection of Records, &c. 1642: "That Queen Elizabeth being a lone woman, and having few friends, refusing to marry" &c. Again, in Maurice Kyffin's Tranflation of Terence's Andria, 1588: " Moreover this Glycerie is a Tone Woman;" "tum hæc fola est mulier. " In The First Part of King Henry IV. Mrs. Quickly had a husband alive. She is now a widow. STEEVENS.



day, that it is a shame to be thought on. There is no honesty in such dealing; unless a woman should be made an ass, and a beast, to bear every-knave's wrong.

Enter Sir JOHN FALSTAFF, Page, and BARDOLPH. Yonder he comes; and that arrant malmsey-nofe knave, Bardolph, with him, Do your offices, do your offices, master Fang, and master Snare; do me, do me, do me your offices.

FAL. How now? whose mare's dead? what's the matter?

FANG. Sir John, I arrest you at the suit of miftress Quickly.

FAL. Away, varlets! - Draw, Bardolph; cut me off the villain's head; throw the quean in the channel.

HOST. Throw me in the channel? I'll throw thee in the channel. Wilt thou? wilt thou? thou baftardly rogue! - Murder, murder! O thou honeyfuckle villain! wilt thou kill God's officers, and the king's? O thou honey-feed rogue! thou art a honey-feed; a man-queller, 4 and






--- malmsey-nose-] That is, red nose, from the effect of malmsey wine. JOHNSON.

In the old song of Sir Simon the King, the burthen of each ftanza is this:


"Says old Sir Simon the king,

"Says old Sir Simon the king,

"With his ale-dropt hose,

" And his malmsey-nose,


Sing hey ding, ding a ding. PERCY.

-honey-fuckle villain! honey Seed rogue!] The landlady's

corruption of homicidal and homicide. THEOBALD.


a man queller, Wicliff, in his Translation of the New


FAL. Keep them off, Bardolph.

FANG. A rescue! a rescue!

HOST. Good people, bring a rescue or two. Thou wo't, wo't thou? thou wo't, wo't thou? do, do, thou rogue! do, thou hemp-feed!

FAL. Away, you scullion! you rampallian! you fustilarian! I'll tickle your catastrophe. *



Testament, uses this word for carnifex, Mark, vi. 27:
sent a man-queller, and commanded his head to be brought."


* Thou wo't, wo't thou? &c.] The first folio reads, I think, less properly, thou wilt not? thou wilt not? JOHNSON.

6 Fal. Away, you foullion! This speech is given to the Page in all the editions to the folio of 1664. It is more proper for Falstaff, but that the boy must not stand quite filent and useless on the stage. Johnson.


rampallian! - fuflilarian! The first of these terms of abuse may be derived from ramper, Fr. to be low in the world. The other from fuftis, a club; i. e. a person whose weapon of defence is a cudgel, not being entitled to wear a fword.

The following paflage however, in A New Trick to cheat the Devil, 1639, seems to point out another derivation of Rampallian:


" And bold Rampallian like, swear and drink drunk. It may therefore mean a ramping riotous strumpet. Thus, in Greene's Ghost haunting Coneycatchers: " Here was Witty Beguily rightly aded, and an aged rampalion put beside her schoole-tricks."


Fuflilarian is, I believe, a made word, from fufty. Mr. Steevens's last explanation of rampallian appears the true one. MALONE.


I'll tickle your catastrophe.) This expreffion occurs several times in The Merry Devil of Edmonton, 1608: "Bankes your ale is a Philiftine; foxe zhart there fire i'th' tail ont; you are a rogue to charge us with mugs i'th 'rereward. A plague o' this wind! O, it tickles our catastrophe."

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to seduce my blind customers; I'll tickle his catastrophe


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