Knowing Feminisms: On Academic Borders, Territories and Tribes

SAGE, 1997 M03 10 - 224 páginas
Knowing Feminisms looks at feminism as a vital source of new knowledge and new ways of working throughout a range of disciplines. It also scrutinizes the sometimes highly problematic forms its presence within academia can take. The contributors, all well-known feminist academics, discuss the epistemological and ontological borderlands' that feminisms inhabit, which although within, still remain other' to, the academy.

The book addresses fundamentally important questions such as: Should feminists work within traditional disciplines or abandon them in favour of Women's Studies? Is the idea of feminist pedagogy as empowerment' actually one which de-skills? Does the feminist transformation of some academic disciplines signify that these are no longer significant sites of knowledge and/or power? Do the essential organizational features of disciplines and institutions depend upon repressive means, or is it possible to transform these according to feminist principles? Are some disciplines and types of institutions particularly resistant to feminist ideas? Is an intellectual home' for feminism ever possible or desirable within academia, or is critical thinking best done from the margins? Can Women's Studies as an organizational presence within the university encompass dissenting positions on these foundational questions, or will it contain and control what can be said and by whom?



On Academic Borders Territories Tribes and
Whose Womens Studies? Whose Philosophy? Whose Borderland?
A Musing on Contradictions
Women and Resistance in the
Nursing the Academy 122
Bordering on Change
Myth Mystery or Monster?
Negotiating Routes for the
Experiences of Teaching a
Borderline Crosstalk
Whats a Nice Girl Like You Doing in a Place Like This?
A Conclusion
Subject Index
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