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" Had I but died an hour before this chance, I had liv'da blessed time; for, from this instant, There's nothing serious in mortality : All is but toys : renown, and grace, is dead ; The wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag... "
The Plays of William Shakespeare: With the Corrections and Illustrations of ... - Página 372
por William Shakespeare - 1809
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The Works of Shakespeare in Seven Volumes, Volumen5

William Shakespeare - 1733 - 490 páginas
...hour before this chance, I had liv'da blefled time : for, from this inftant, There's nothing ferious in mortality ; All is but toys -, Renown and Grace...drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. . Enter Malcolme, and Donalbaine. Don. Whatisamifs ? Macb. You are, and do not know't : The fpring,...
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The Works of Shakespeare, Volumen6

William Shakespeare - 1752 - 510 páginas
...hour before this chancy I had liv'da blefled time : for, from this inftant, There's nothing ferious in mortality ; All is but toys ; Renown, and Grace,...'drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. Enter Malcolm, and Donalbain. Don. What is amifs ? Macb, You are, and do not know't : The fpring,...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Eight Volumes: With the ..., Volumen6

William Shakespeare - 1765 - 652 páginas
...hour before this chance I had liv'da blefied time, for^ from this inftant, There's nothing ferious in mortality ; All is but toys -, Renown, and Grace, dead ; The wine of life is drawn, and the mere Ices Is left this vault to brag of. Enter Malcolm, and Donalbain. Don. What is amifs ? Macb. You are,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: in Eight Volumes, Volumen6

William Shakespeare - 1767 - 510 páginas
...hour before this chance, I had liv'da blefled time : for, from this inftant, There's nothing ferious in mortality; All is but toys; renown and grace is...drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. Enter Malcolm, aWDonalbain. Don. What is amifs ? Macb. You are, and do not know't : The fpring,...
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The Works of Shakespear: King Lear. Timon of Athens. Titus Andronicus. Macbeth

William Shakespeare - 1768 - 360 páginas
...hour before this chance, I had liv'da blefled time: for, from this inftant, There's nothing ferious m mortality ; All is but toys; Renown, and Grace, is...drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. Enter Malcolm, and Donalbain. Don. What is amifs? Macb. You are, and do not know't: The fpring,...
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Othello, the Moor of Venice: A Tragedy

William Shakespeare - 1770 - 958 páginas
...and all after, except C. omit trfdift. 0. , « C. omiti jr.j RofTe. There There 's nothing ferious in mortality ; All Is but toys; renown, and grace,...' is dead; The wine of life is drawn, and the mere Jees Js left this vault to brag of. Eater Malcolm, and Donalbain. Don. What is amifs ? Mad', You are,...
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The Works of Shakespeare in Twelve Volumes: Collated with the ..., Volumen9

William Shakespeare - 1772 - 364 páginas
...before this chance, . I had lived a blcfled time : for, from this inftant, . There's nothing ferious in mortality; All is but toys; renown and grace is dead; The wine of life is drawn-, ar.d the mere lecs.Is left this vault to brag of. Enter MALCOLM Don. What is amifs ?Macb. \ ou are,...
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All's well that ends well. Twelfth Night. Winter's tale. Macbeth

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 558 páginas
...before this chance, I had liv'da blefied time •, for, from this inftant, There's nothing ferious in mortality : All is but toys : Renown, and grace,...drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. Enter Malcolm, and Lonalbain. Don. What is amifs ? Macb. You are, and do not know it : The fpring,...
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The Works of Shakespeare: Collated with the Oldest Copies, and ..., Volumen6

William Shakespeare - 1773 - 512 páginas
...hour before this chance, I had liv'da bleffed time : for, from this inftant, There's nothing ferious in mortality ; All is but toys ; renown and grace...dead ; The wine of life is drawn, and the mere lees ji' Is left this vault to brag of. Enter Malcolm, and Donalb'ain. Don. What is amifs ? Macb. You are,...
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The Plays of William Shakespeare in Ten Volumes: With Corrections ..., Volumen4

William Shakespeare - 1778 - 632 páginas
...hour before this chance^ I had liv'da blefled time ; for, from this inftant, There's nothing ferious in mortality : All is but toys : renown, and' grace,...drawn, and the mere lees Is left this vault to brag of. Enter Malcolm, and Donalbain. ' Don. What is amifs ? Macb. You are, and do not know it :' The fpring,...
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