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entry, or directly over-againft it, it is faid r, She looked, and, behold, the king flood upon his pillar at the entring in, and the princes and the trumpets by the king.-Then Athaliah rent her cloaths, and faid, Treafon! Treafon! Hereupon the high-prieft, Jehoiada, ordered the commanding officers to have her forth of the ranges; which, according as their armed Levites were pofted, could not more conveniently and with greater furety be done, than in opening the ranks towards the gate of Afuppim, which was over-against the king's entry to the fouth (L). By this gate then Athaliah was thruft out of the temple immediately; and, the better to hinder her from returning to her palace, they conducted her towards the fields, hrough the eaftern gate of Jerufalem, called Miphkad, or prifon-gate"; then, turning to the right by the corner, own to the horse-gate, eastward of the palace, therebouts fhe was killed. Soon after, the high-priest brought he king from the temple to the palace, by the way of he gate of the guard (M), and thence through the great

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(L) Being divided in three carts, the Levites had three ifferent pofts joining to one nother (68); one third part as to guard the king's houfe, er apartment, next to the temle, fouthward; another to be t the gate of Sur, or turning, hich feems to be that of Juppim, whereat the king arned to his throne. It is, inreed, called by another name, ut very like it in the Hebrew, iz. the gate of Sippim, where Gur verfion has doors or threold. The laft was at the ate beyond the guard, or runrs (69), which feems to be at of Shallecheth. For the


t2 Kings

Nehem. iii. 31. y 2 Kings xi. 16.

king coming to the temple through this gate, any one may fee, that there was their proper ftation in the avenue. It is alfo called the gate of foundation, because of the projecture .there made with the terrace, as has been obferved.

(M) So fays the first of the facred hiftorians (70), meaning, as we take it, the gate that before has been called the gate beyond the guard, viz. Shallecheth, or fouth-western gate. But if one had rather, that the gate of the guard, here, which is fomewhat dif ferent from the other, should fignify the fame with the high

(68) See 2 Kings xi. 5, &c. 2 Chron. xxiii, 4, &c.
em, 2 Sam. xv. I.
Kings i. 5. xiv. 27.

(69) See of (70) 2 Kings xi. 19.

or high gate of that palace. This we reckon is the true fenfe; though fome would understand by this high gate, a gate of the temple; but there was no fuch gat: in the temple till the reign of Jotham, of whom it faid in exprefs terms 2, He built the high gate of the b of the LORD; which is generally taken to be that towards the eaft (N). But let this fuffice: poffibly have launched out too far, and ventured upon too ma conjectures; but we hope the reader will do us the ju to acknowlege we have kept our word, in carefully dis guishing between probable opinions, and things of gre certainty.

WE beg leave to conclude the whole with one remai It is allowed, that the main scope of the facred writing was not fo much to fatisfy our vain curiofity, as to incre us with the love of all Chriftian virtues; and there though we may juftly expect, that every thing which lates to this latter, which is the effential of relig fhould be delivered with all poffible clearnefs, it w be abfurd to expect the fame fatisfaction about the former Thofe lefs important points, many of which are we worth inquiring after, make a branch of Chriftian ph logy, in which every man, being forced to fupply the wa of evidence with probable conjectures, is intitled to diffe from others, whenever he thinks his own better grounde But though, in points like this we have been upot be almoft lawful to err, yet thofe are more excufable, wh keep a conftant regard to the facred original above things, than those who manifeftly depart from it to folk their own fancies, or the fabulous accounts of the

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The Exp

A The Sheep Gate

В The Fish Gate C The Old Gate, 17 The Station of 18 The Money-c 19 The Pool by

called Be

20 The middle Ga

21 The Dragon'sh
22 The Kings Poo

23 The Broad W

24 The Miczoa

the Wall

MB. See the partic the foregoing Plan

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p Gate

In Gate

"Gate, non of


awn the greatest part of our light are fenfible, that thofe, who have all the pompous defcriptions we furprised to find this come fo vaftly magnificence of that facred building. bered, that, as this was defigned to ian could be met with in, or fairly dered writings; fo the reader will at from it, that he will now be better or is not, authentic in other plans A he could have been without it..

ption of JERUSALEM.

count we have given of the holy city's
ent, the temple of SOLOMON, we have
ot be unacceptable, for a more com-
the whole, to fubjoin a defcription of
ording to the facred hiftorians.

fuppofition, though, as we prefume, Its origin rgument to fupport it, that Melchife-and names. the fame place, where afterwards was

ol by ubject of our prefent inquiry (A). We me, undertake to decide the queftion; Bae notice of the habitations of the Ca

t here, and in the adjacent parts, being Jebufia, David, having taken from le Gain, upon the top of which was their




d W





it his place of refidence ; and this is
Zion, or the city of David c. Under
of either
of Jerufalem either firft began, or first
he other; but there being no fure reafon

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Knerally al- faid Solymus for Hierofolymita-
nus (2).

ernacle was es only that 225d or abridgty, like that even have

Solyme nigrantem pulvere fraș


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