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goaler acquainted the King, and threw him into a moft violent rage, Herod inftantly difpatched his body guard and put his Son to death; the Father outlived him only five days, during these, he made his will afresh; Herod left his Kingdom to his Son Archelaus, made Antipas, Tetrarch of Galilee, and bequeathed to his Son Philip the Regions of Trachonitis, Gaulon, Batanea, and Panias, and he now conftituted them into a Tetrarchy. A legacy both in money and land he left to Salome. Herod died in the feventieth year of his Áge, and he had reigned thirtyfeven.

In spite of all the oaths they had taken and the proteftations they had made, Salome and Alexas, were fo far from executing the last bloody and tyrannical orders of their Brother, that they affiduoufly ftrove to hide the fecret from the nation, they repaired immediately to the Hippodrome, the spacious Amphitheatre where the Jews were fhut up, and caused the gates to be all flung open, and directed them, as by order of the King, to return home, they accordingly fet out on their journey to Jerufalem, after which they published the news of Herod's death, and fummoned to the Hippodrome all the General Officers and Soldiery, and read them a letter from the deceased King, in which he thanked


them, for their paft fervices and fidelity to him, and he wished them now to fhew it to his Son Archelaus, whom he had appointed his Succeffor. Ptolemy, Lord-keeper of the royal Seal, now read to them the will. All the People fhouted, Long Live King Archelaus. Both Officers and Soldiers paid him homage, and affured him of their allegiance and attachment.

A moft magnificent funeral was now fumptuoufly prepared for Herod by his Son, his body was placed in a gorgeous litter all of gold, and enriched with precious ftones, the royal crown on his head, and a golden fceptre in his hand, his Sons, Grandfons, Salome his Sifter and Alexas her Husband, with all the reft of his Relations marched by the fide, and his General Officers, Civil and Military followed according to their ranks; his Guards led the Van, fully accoutred and in order of battle; five hundred of the King's domeftics closed the proceffion with spices and aromatic perfumes, thus in folemn pomp they moved flowly on to the Caftle of Herodion, where according to his laft exprefs orders, they depofited the remains of this bloody, cruel, and abandoned Tyrant.

After the death of Herod, the Kingdom was divided into four parts. Each divifion was called

called a Tetrarchy, and governed by a Prince, who bore the name of Tetrarch.

The Life of HEROD exhibits a ftrange Mixture of Wretchedness and Vanity-A Scene perpetually Shifting-A Soul ever on the RackBold, Enterprizing, Refolute A Man of great Addrefs-Popular in his Behaviour-Generous and Prince-like in his Expences and Entertainments, whofe ruling Paffion was Ambition-He was jealous of Power-DefigningEver on the Watch-Sufpicious of all the World-Inexorably Cruel and RapáciousA Slave to Paffion, he knew no Law but WillOf Implacable Refentment-Uninfluenced by Reafon-Irreconcileable to Penitence-Without Religion and without Humanity.





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HE moft ancient account we have of this


venerable Patriarch, this model of patience ftill held up for our example, is, that he lived on the confines of Idumea and Arabia, he married an Arabian Princefs, his eldest Son was named Ennon, and the Hiftory informs us, he had afterwards fix other Sons, and three Daughters.

Job was the Son of Zarah, and the fifth in defcent from Jacob, in the line. of Efau, he reigned in Idumea, and his Palace was in the City of Denaba. The royal friends who vifited




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