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HESE compofitions were made at diffe


rent seasons, and on many and varicus occafions by David, Solomon and Hezekiah, Kings of Ifrael and Judah, and by Afaph, Mofes and others.

Ezra, a very learned Jew, of the house of Aaron, (who by the intereft of Queen Efther had been deputed as Viceroy from the Court of Ferfia) firft made a collection of them at Jerualem.


Ezra prefided over the Jewish Church and Nation thirteen years, and was then fucceeded by Nehemiah. On the arrival of this new Governor, Ezra, with dignity and graceful condefcenfion, applied himfelf wholly to the fervices of the Temple; he fat as Prefident in the grand Sanhedrim, and there, as one of his employments, Ezra revifed, and accommodated to the fervices of the day, this Book of Pfalms. The Jews were great lovers of mufick, and attributed much influence to its charms, it calmed the paffions and excited devotion.

Divine fongs, and Hymns of praife and thankgiving (one part of the chorus answering to another as you now fee in the choirs of Cathedrals) formed a very principal part of the Jewifh Worship, and the Pfalms were referred to, in the order in which they are now placed, by our Saviour himself and his Apoftles.

Jewish hymns were always and justly admired for their grandeur, ftrength and loftinefs of expreffion, and the elegance and beauty of their imagery. Mofes was eminently diflinguished as a Poet as well as a Legiflator, the burfts of eloquence, the flights of fancy and poetic fweetnefs delight you, the fpirit of true piety and warmth of devotion never breathed more fervently than in thefe Divine Compofitions.


The rich vein of Poetry muft, have greatly fuffered by a profe tranflation. How highly captivating and beautiful muft they have been in the original?

Meditations fo fublime are beyond all commendation; Devotion fo devout furpaffes all expreffion; yet in Hebrew, and in elegant verse, fung aloud unto God in the fpacious Temple, with the blaft of trumpets, and the men fingers and the women fingers, with the timbrel and the harp, in Jewish pomp, on a folemn festival and general thanksgiving, we might conceive ftill higher of their loftinefs and Majefty, catch more of the flame of devotion and be loft in extasy. Even now to read them after fo many of their beauties are obfcured, Compofitions fo animated and fublime, draw us off from converfe with men. to devout communion with our Ged.

A felect portion were daily fung as 'morning and evening exercises in the Temple, one was always chaunted at the firft opening of the doors, and another at fhutting them up at night, others while the Sacrifices were offering up. Sometimes the King bore a part alone, fpeaking in his own perfon, the refponfes made by the Priests and Levites, and all the People joined in chorus. They are wifely fuited to private devotion, as


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well as publick worfhip, to folemn fafts and days of humiliation, to feafts, weddings and conviviality, Anthems of commemoration, thanksgiving and joy, as well as folemn Dirges and Funeral odes.

Some were compofed in times of trouble and fcenes of diftrefs, under Saul's perfecutions, Abfalom's rebellion, and in captivity and bondage, fome fongs of Triumph, after fignal deliverances and fung on folemn feaft days, many are penitential, ingenuous confeffions and deep contrition, and it is pathetically and juftly remarked, that no prefent pleasure and gratification, could ever counterbalance the mifery, diftraction and sufferings, the Royal Penitent fo exquifitely defcribes in fome of them. How defirable to escape the heart piercing forrow of fuch Repentance, by avoiding Sin, which cofts fuch bitter anguifh and contrition.

Thefe fublime hymns breath throughout fo divine an eloquence, you grow devout on reading them, and the Jews gave out, that whofoever would make the trial, and repeat them over three times every day, would furely be inhabi

Thus they reduce

tants of the Heavenly Canaan. tighteoufnefs to practice, for while we acquire the fentiments, we perform the offices of devo

tion. Our Saviour ufed them as fuch on the crofs, breathing out his fpirit with the words of David. No tongue of Man or Angel can convey a higher idea of any compofition, or of their felicity who rightly use it.

Many of the Pfalms are Prophecies, and referred to, as fuch, by our Saviour and his Apoftles. To bear teftimony to him and his divine miffion, is indeed one great and ultimate defign of all the facred writers.

Not only the predictions themfelves but even the accomplishment of many is here related. The fufferings of our Saviour are all of them minutely described, and the manner of his death on the cross, with every attendant circumstance of mockery and horror, even to the parting of his garments and to the cafting lots for his vefture. The Royal Pfalmift moft obviously delineates Man's redemption, the incarnation, the paffion, the refurrection and the afcenfion of the Son of God, as if he were an eye-witnefs, afferting what he now faw upon the spot, rather than, as a Prophet, naming events a thousand years before their accomplishment.

The repetitions refemble a form of prayer on extraordinary occafions; the works of creation


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