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appointed Captain-general over all the forces of Judæa.

Simon maintained his Government and high dignities eight years. At this time he fet out on another tour, a progress through the cities of Judah, in order to regulate whatever he found amifs, and provide for the comfort and fecurity of all his people; two of his fons Judas and Mattathias accompanied him, at the gates of the City of Jericho, they were met by Ptolemy the Governor; Ptolemy had married his daughter, and he dutifully and refpectfully invited them to the Caftle, where he had ordered an entertainment. Simon and his two fons pleased with his courtefy and fufpecting no evil, readily accepted his invitation, and they all drove up to the Governor's apartments. Ptolemy had perfidioufly lain a plan for the government of Judæa, ambitious and vain he had for this purpose concerted all his fchemes with the court of Syria, in order to accomplish which, he plotted the deftruction of his Father-in-law, and both his fons, most inhumanly after dinner when his guests were in high joy, and in the midst of their caroufals, he brought forth his murderers, whom he had fecreted, and affaffinated all three, while they were ftill fitting at the banquet. The young Governor then inftantly difpatched a party


to Gazara, the refidence of John, who was Captain-general of the forces of Judæa, in order to murder him; but John had luckily received timely notice of what had been done at Jericho, and he courageously fallied out on the party, and cut them all to pieces.

John on feeing his danger fet off inftantly and made the beft of his way to Jerufalem; young Ptolemy (Governor of Jericho) arrived as foon as He, and they both prefented themfelves at different gates, and demanded admittance. From the high respect they bore the Father and Anceftors, John was with open arms received, whilft the murderer of Simon and the two young Princes Had the mortification of being repulfed with all his bloody followers.


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Affuming now the name of Hyrcan, John was publicly proclaimed Prince of Judæa, and High-Prieft in his Father's ftead. He headed his fortified himself on the mountain near the Temple, and provided for his own fafety and his People's. Ptolemy chagrined and forely difappointed returned back with his army, and laid all his fufferings and difgrace before the court of Syria. Thus was the city of Jerufalem and the

John Hyrcan,


Temple happily preferved, and peace restored in the moment of danger, confternation and alarm.. Hyrcan affumed the ftile of Prince and the dignity of the High-priesthood, and employed his utmost care, wisdom, and diligence in providing for the fafety and establishing the peace and happiness of the Nation. In the eighth year of his fovereignty Hyrcan fent an embaffy to Rome, to renew the league made with Simon his Father, the Senate respectfully complied, received the Jewish Ambaffadors with honour, ordered their expences to be paid from their own treafury, and they gave them honourary letters of recommendation to all the States through which they were to pals. Hyrcan and all his Court were fo pleased with the politeness of the Senate, and the honours they had done them, that they fént another embaffy the year following, returned them thanks, and prefented them with a magnificent cup and a fhield of gold of great value; the Senate graciously accepted both presents, ratified and confirmed to the Jews their priviidges, and the league of amity and alliance, before granted, and already recorded in the archieves of Rome.

Hyrcan was thus fecurely established and fettled

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in his dominions, whilft his two powerful neighbours Syria and Egypt were distracted with broils at home, and war abroad. Having added Sa maria and Galilee, to the territories of Judah, the Jewish Prince became more and more formidable, and he kept poffeffion of both as long as he lived. Hyrcan's Wifdom and Prudence in Council at home, and his Bravery and Conquefts abroad diftinguishingly honoured and fignalized his Reign. The Common-wealth and the Jewish Religion recovered their glory more at this period than at any other fince their Captivity and return from Babylon. Three high and fignal dignities were all, at one and the fame time enjoyed by Hyrcan, Royalty-the Prieft-hood-and the gift of Prophecy, and he retained them nine and twenty years. This Prince was fo exceffively fond of his two eldeft fons, he avoided naming either his Succeffor. His third fon, Alexander, he took a diflike to, in a Vifion, Hyrcan faid, this fon had been pointed out to him as the one, who would fucceed to his Government, but Hyrcan never took one ftep to prevent his fupplanting his elder brothers: He left indeed five fons, Ariftobulus, Antigonus, Alexander, a fourth unknown and un-namand, and Abfalom who was his youngeft. In the latter end of his life, this amiable Prince was most infolently and mali


cioufly treated by the haughty Pharifees, a fect he had honoured and highly favoured, but on their growing fo arrogant, afpiring and mutinous, Hyrcan totally deferted their party and refufed to meet them, much civil commotion and troubles his fhynefs occafioned, and Hyrcan died the year after they had begun, many infults he bore, and many fufferings he endured which embittered his life, and very probably fhortened it,

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According to the Jewish Law eftablished by Mofes, Ariftobulus as his eldest fon affumed his Father's dignities and government, but he lived in a habit of fo much love and friendship with his brother Antigonus, that he admitted him from the firft to fhare the Government with him. The other three brothers, Ariftobulus commanded to be kept close prifoners. Hyrcan's widow at this time presented a petition and fent a message to her fon, informing him, by the will of his Father fhe had been appointed to the Sovereignty, upon which meffage, Ariftobulus caused his mother to be immediately fent under a guard into confinement, and she was there cruelly ftarved to death.

Ariftobulus affumed the title of King and he wore a royal diadem.

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