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"for your part, you are devoted to them, they "fhall always be your firft advisers, at the head "of your council, you will do nothing without "their confent and approbation, begin instantly fhewing them fome marks of your favour and friendship, upon which they will order my body à royal burial, and support you and your fons in the peaceful enjoyment of the kingdom.

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Upon this wife advice and Alexander's laft directions Alexandra affumed the Government, ingratiated herself with that powerful fect, enlifted under their banner, and fhe invefted Hyrcan her eldest fon with the High-priesthood.

Alexandra reigned nine years, and died in the feventy-third year of her age, leaving by will the whole Government to the High Priest. Ariftobulus, the youngest fon, from the death of his Mother, refolved to oppofe his brother Hyrcan; He fet up his ftandard, headed a formidable army, and marched them to the Plain of Jericho; a most desperate battle was here fought, and almost all of Hyrcan's forces that remained went over to Ariftobulus. Hyrcan had only time to fly to Jerufalem; he here fhut himfelf up with a fmall Party in the Citadel, and was

Before Chrift 79.

Alexandra. Hyrcan the Second,
Ariftobulus the Second.

Before Chrift 69. VOL. II.



glad to accept of any terms and offers of Peace he could procure.

Ariftobulus divefted him immediately both of his Regal and Pontifical dignities, commanding him to refign them up to him, and retire to a dif tance from the capital and a private ftation. Hyrcan had only poffeffed his royalties three months, and he was under the neceffity of giving up without more oppofition and delay, what he found it totally impracticable to retain.

Ariftobulus thus afcended the throne of his Father, but he enjoyed its honours very little, nor indeed the government long. Antipater father of Herod, who had been appointed to the government of Idumea, very foon after this, brought Aretas into Judæa. Aretas was an Arabian Prince, and he headed an army of five thoufand men to espouse the cause and interests of Hyrcan; Ariftobulus collecting all his forces, marched out to meet him, a moft obftinate battle enfued, but Victory was declared for Aretas, Ariftobulus, totally defeated, fled for refuge to Jerufalem, closely pursued by Aretas, who entered the Metropolis without oppofition, and drove him into the Temple, to which he laid clofe fiege, and furrounded it with his army. All Jerufalem declared for the conqueror.


Ariftobulus thus totally forfaken and blocked up, was compelled to have recourfe to the Romans The two brothers Hyrcan and Ariftobulus applied both at the fame time to Scaurus the Roman General, and they both of them offered him a bribe of four hundred talents; Scaurus declared for Ariftobulus, and he wrote a letter to Aretas, the Arabian Prince, commanding him to withdraw his troops inftantly from Jerufalem or Pompey (he faid) would march his army against him, and publicly proclaim Arabia, the Aretas not daring to provoke á Roman General, led his troops out of Judæa, upon which Scaurus marched on with his army to Damafcus.

Enemy of Rome.


Ariftobulus thus timely relieved, affembled all the forces he could raife and purfued Aretas, he overtook him and his brother Hyrcan, and obtained a complete victory, killed feven thoufand of their troops, and amongst them a General-officer, brother to Antipater. It was foon after this, that Pompey marched himself with his army to Damafcus.

To grace and honour a Roman Chief, Pompey was here refpectfully met by the Ambaffadors from all the neighbouring ftates, Judæa, Syria and Egypt, and during this excurfion no less than twelve Kings came in perfon, courteously to pay

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him homage. Pompey had been informed of the competition between the two brothers, and He commanded Hyrcan and Ariftobulus both to appear before him. A court was convened, before which, each brother pleaded his own right to the Jewish Republic. Pompey was fetting out on an expedition against Arabia, he declined therefore deciding in favour of either until his return.


Aretas, the Arabian Prince, had in fome instance neglected to pay due honour to the Roman arms, but he was highly alarmed as foon as ever he faw them at his doors. Aretas on the frontiers of his kingdom fubmiffively met Pompey and paid him homage, notwithstanding his refpectful fubjection, in martial array Pompey entered Arabia, marched his troops up to Petra, took poffeffion of the capital, and placed a Roman guard over the King, afterwards on his renewed offers of fubmiffion, and affenting fully to the terms of the Conqueror, Aretas obtained his release and Pompey with the Roman army returned back to Damafcus. The news of Ariftobulus's revolt and oppofition was here told to Pompey while He was in Arabia, the Jewish Prince had left Damafcus, he was returned to Judæa: Ariftobulus had there fortified himself, and fhut himself up. The Roman Chief inftantly marched his army against him, and entered Judæa: Arif



tobulus was pofted at the entrance in a fortress of immenfe ftrength-Pompey commanded him down, the King's friends, highly awed, perfuaded him to obey-He did fo.-Admitted to an audience, He held a converfation with Pompey, after which Ariftobulus was told he might go back to his fortrefs. afterwards affented to Several parleys were in hopes of inducing Pompey to decide in his favour, but Ariftobulus grew fufpicious, and he carefully garrifoned all his ftrong places and prepared for a vigorous defence. Pompey learned what he had been doing, cbtained another meeting, and obliged him to put all thofe ftrong Holds by way of fequeftration into his hands, and he compelled him inftantly to fign orders for fo doing, to all his Governors, and the Keepers of thofe fortreffes. Alarmed, incenfed, difpirited, Ariftobulus hafted to Jerufalem; Pompey followed clofe at his heels, he encamped his army at Jericho, and then marched forward to the capital.. Ariftobulus came out fubmiffively to meet Pompey, and made him an offer of an immense sum of money: His offer was accepted, and while Ariftobulus was yet with him, Pompey fent Gabinius, his Lieutenant-general with a proper guard to receive the money. On his approach to the City gates, He found them fhut, and Gabinius was told from the walls, the citizens would not


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