LIST OF AUTHORS CITED. THE following list of some of the more important Authors, whose works have been cited, may assist the student in his researches. D'AGUESSEAU, HENRY FRANCIS, Chancellor of France, born at Limoges, 1668, and died 1751. His works are collected and published in 13 vols. 4to. ALEXANDER AB ALEXANDRO, a Neapolitan lawyer, born 1461, and died at Rome about the age of 62. D'ARGENTRE, BERTRAND, President of the Presidial of Rennes, born in 1519,. and died in 1590. His works are entitled "Commentarii in Patrias Britonum Leges, seu Consuetudines generales Ducatus Britanniæ." BALDUS, UBALDUS, born about 1324, died 1400. His works are comprised in 4 vols. folio. BARTOLO, or BARTHOLUS, born at Sasse Ferrato, in the March of Ancona, 1313, and died in his 46th year. He was called "the star and luminary of lawyers, the master of truth, the lantern of equity, the guide of the blind," &c. His works were printed at Venice, 1499, in 4 vols. fol., according to Camus, in 1599, in 10 or 11 vols. fol., according to Watt. BOUHIER, J., President of the Parliament of Dijon, born at that place, 1673, and died 1746. His works, relating to the present subject, are published in two vols. fol., and entitled, "Les Coutumes du Duché de Bourgogne avec les Observations du Président Bouhier." BOULLENOIS, LOUIS, advocate in the Parliament of Paris, born at Paris, 1680, and died 1762. There are two works by him, on the present subject: "Traité et de la Personalité et de la Réalité des Lois, Coutumes, Statuts, par forme d'Observations," in two vols. 4to, and "Dissertations sur des Questions, qui naissent de la Contrariété des Loix et des Coutumes," 4to. This last was published first, and is the original outline of the larger work, which afterwards appeared. BRETONNIER, BARTHOLEMEw JOSEPH, advocate of the Parliament of Paris, born at Montrotier, near Lyons, 1656, and died 1727. He is the author of a work in 2 vols. 12mo, entitled "Recueil des principales Questions de Droit qui se jugent diversement dans les differens Tribunaux du Royaume, avec des Réflexions pour concilier la Diversité de la Jurisprudence." He also edited the works of HENRYS. BURGE, WILLIAM, Commentaries on Colonial and Foreign Laws generally and in their conflict with each other. 4 vols. 8vo. London, 1838. BURGUNDUS, BURGUNDIUS, or BOURGOIGNE, NICOLAUS, jurisconsult, born at Enghien in Hainault, 1586. He is the author of a work entitled "Tractatus Controversiarum ad Consuetudinem Flandriæ." BYNKERSHOEK, CORNELIUS VAN, born at Middlebourg, 1673, and died 1737. His works are well known. CASAREGIS, JOSEPH LAURENTIUS DE, born at Genoa, 1670, and died 1737. His works are entitled, " Discursus legales de Commercio," and are published in 2, 3, and 4 vols. folio. CHRISTINEUS, PAULUS, born at Malines, 1533, and died 1638. His works are, "Practicarum Quæstionum Rerumque in Supremis Belgarum Curiis actarum ⚫ et observationum Decisiones"; and "Commentarii in Leges Municipales Mechlinienses." COCHIN, HENRY, advocate in Parliament, born at Paris, 1687, and died 1747. His works are collected in 6 vols. 4to. COQUILLE, GUI, advocate of the Parliament of Paris, born at Decise in Nivernois, 1523, and died 1603. There is a work by him, "Des Coutumes des Nivernois." CUJAS, JAMES, born at Thoulouse, 1520, and died 1590. His voluminous works need not be particularly mentioned. DENISART, J. B., jurisconsult, born 1712, and died 1765. He published “Collections de Décisions nouvelles relatives à la Jurisprudence." DOMAT, JOHN, born at Clermont in Auvergne, 1625, and died 1696. His Civil Law in its natural order is well known through the translation of Dr. Strahan. DUMOULIN, (in Latin MOLINEUS,) CHARLES, born 1500, and died 1560. What he has written upon the present subject is to be found in his Commentary on the first book of the Code, verb. Conclusiones de Statutis, in his 53d Consilium, and in his notes on Alexander, Decius, and Chasseneuz. DURANTON, A., Professor of Law at Paris. His works are, "Cours de Droit Francais, suivant le Code Civil,” in 20 vols. 8vo. EMERIGON, ALTAZARD MARIE, advocate of the Parliament of Aix, born about 1725, and died 1784. His “Traité des Assurances," 2 vols. 4to, is referred to in the present Commentaries. ERSKINE, JOHN, Professor of Law at Edinburgh. His principal work is entitled "Institutes of the Laws of Scotland." EVERHARD, NICHOLAS, born in the island of Walcheren, 1462, and died 1532. FELIX, M., Editor of the "Review Etrangère et Francaise," a learned periodical published at Paris, beginning in 1833 and still (1840) continued. FROLAND, LOUIS, advocate of the Parliament of Rouen, died 1764. His works relating to the present subject, in two 4to vols. are entitled, "Mémoire concernant la Nature et la Qualité des Statuts." GAILL, ANDREW, born at Cologne, 1525, and died 1587. He was called the Papinian of Germany. GROTIUS, HUGO, born at Delft, 1583, and died 1645. His works are well known. HEINECCIUS, JOHANNES GOTLEIB, Professor of Philosophy and Law at Halle, born at Eisenburg, 1681, and died 1741. His works need not be particularly mentioned. HENRYS, CLAUDE, jurisconsult, born at Montbrison, 1615, and died 1662. His works are collected in 4 vols. folio. HERTIUS, JOHANNES NICOLAUS, born near Giessen, 1651, and died 1710. His treatise "Collisione Legum" is to be found in his select works in 2 vols. 4to. HUBERUS, ULRICUS, a lawyer, historian, and philologer, born at Dockum in the Dutch territories, 1635, and died 1694. His treatise "De Conflictu Legum" is to be found in his " Prælectiones Juris Civilis," 3 vols. 4to. KAMES, LORD, (HENRY HOME,) born at Kames, in Berwickshire, 1696, and died 1782. The reader is referred to his " Principles of Equity." Le Brun, DENIS, advocate, died 1708, before the publication of his principal work," Traité de Communautés." LEEUWEN, SIMON VAN, born at Leyden, 1625, and died 1682. His work referred to, in the present Commentaries, is translated into English, with the title of "Commentaries on the Roman-Dutch Law." LIVERMORE, SAMUEL, of New Orleans, died 1833. He is the author of "Dissertations on the Contrariety of Laws.” MASCARDUS, JOSEPHUS, an ecclesiastic and Italian jurisconsult, born at Sarzana towards the end of the 16th century, and died about 1630. He is the author of an extensive work, entitled "De Probationibus Conclusiones." MERLIN, M. (de DOUAL.) His voluminous works are entitled, "Répertoire Universel et Raisonné de Jurisprudence"; and "Questions de Droit." MORNAC, ANTOINE, born near Tours, first appeared before the Parliament of Paris in 1580, and died 1620. His works are comprised in 4 vols. folio. Pardesseus, J. M., “ Cours de Droit Commercial,” 5 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1831. POTHIER, ROBERT JOSEPH, born at Orleans, 1699, and died 1772. His works need not be particularly mentioned. PECK, PETER, born at Zirckzee, in Zealand, 1529, and died 1589. His works are collected in 1 vol. folio. PUFFENDORF, SAMUEL, born in Upper Saxony, 1632, and died 1694. His works are well known. RODENBURG was a judge of the Supreme Court of Utrecht, and flourished about the middle of the 17th century. His treatise, "De Jure quod oritur ex Statutorum vel Consuetudinum Diversitate," is to be found at the end of Boullenois's "Traité de la Personalité et de la Réalité Des Loix.” STOCKMANS, PETER, born at Antwerp, 1608, and died 1671. His works are comprised in 1 vol. 4to. STRYKIUS, SAMUEL, born 1640, and died 1710. His son, JOHN SAMUEL, was born 1668, and died 1715. Their works, with those of RHETIUS, are collected in 14 vols. folio. VOET, PAUL, (the father,) born at Heusden, in Brabant, 1619, and died 1677. His work on the present subject is entitled, "De Statutis et eorum Concursu." VOET, JOHN, son of Paul, born at Utrecht, 1647, and died 1714. His Commentary on the Pandects contains a short chapter, "De Statutis." |