of the wolf is the language of disquietude and of blood, striking terror into the boldest heart; while the cooing of the turtle-dove, the bleating of the fleecy lamb, speak the language of innocence and peace. We may visit the mansions of the rich, the castles of the powerful, or the palaces of kings, yet if holiness be wanting, in vain do we search for happiness. It is not there. We may visit the abodes of the poor, the cottage of the afflicted, the hovel of the dying. If we find the inmates in poffeffion of holiness, there also we find happiness; poverty does not expel her, affliction does not drive her away, death even cannot pronounce a divorce; united are they in life, undivided in death, inseparable to all eternity. "We have also a more sure word of prophecy."-2 РЕТ. 1. 9. THE WEIGHT OF GOD'S WORD. Look where the impartial balance hangs on high, The Almighty's word against weak man's to try; Huge folios rare, and many a bulky bale, Are brought, and laid upon the even scale : Of "Council's" records many a tome is sent, From the great Nicean down to that of Trent; "Creeds," " 'ifms," creatures of the human thought, Ancient and modern, are together brought; And "fathers" numerous, a learned line, From Pfeudo-Barnabas to Augustine; The Bible now, of prot protestants the pride, Is placed alone upon the other fide: Creeds, councils, fathers, 'isms, twenty ream, Fly up like chaff, and straightway kick the beam. The above engraving represents a pair of scales of equal balance, one side of which is loaded with books, packages, and parchments. Here are the minutes of eighteen general councils, beginning with that held in Nice, in the year of our Lord 325, and ending with that of Trent, which began in the year 1545, and closed in 1563, with many others. There are also the writings of the "Fathers," from those ascribed to Barnabas, but confidered spurious, downward. Then there are Creeds without number, both of ancient and modern date; next follow the various isms of the day, that set themselves up against the word of God. These are all placed on one scale, the Bible is now brought and placed on the other; when, lo! "Creeds, Councils, Fathers, and 'isms" are but as the duft of the balance. Lighter than vanity, they fly up and kick the beam; one Bible outweighs them all. This emblem is designed to show the authority of the Bible over the doctrines and commandments of men. When the lion roars, the beasts of the forefts keep filence; when Jehovah speaks, the inhabitants of the world ought to stand in awe. During the space of fifteen hundred years, God uttered his voice in the ears of the children of men. He has declared his will, and sanctioned such revelation by the repeated manifestations of his almighty power. He employed holy men as the authorized recorders of his laws; and closed the whole with the denouncement of a curse against all who should add to or diminish therefrom, Notwithstanding this, there have been men in all ages who have set up their will against that of C the great Jehovah. They have made a record of the fame, forbidding what God has commanded, and ordaining what God has prohibited. Thus, by their traditions, they make void the laws of the Eternal. What folly is this! what blafphemy! what rebellion! The words of the Lord are tried, pure, and everlasting; those of man are short weight, corrupt, and are paffing away. By the laws of God, not by the opinions of men, we shall be judged at the last day. Terribly has the curse fallen upon those who have established human opinions in opposition to the Word of God; witness the Jews, who, fince the fatal overthrow of their city, have been vagabonds over all the face of the earth. Witness the poverty, ignorance, and misery of those parts of the world where human creeds prevail, and where the Bible is rejected; yea, witness in the case of every man who substitutes his will for God's. To the law and to the teftimony, if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them. "All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness."-2 ТІМ. ііі. 16. "Search the scriptures." - MATT. xxii. 29. "We thank God without ceasing, because when ye received the word of God which ye heard of us, ye received it not as the word of men, but as it is of truth, the word of God."-1 THESS. ii. 13. "Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish aught from it."-DEUT. iv. 2. "If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book." -REV. xxi. 18. "So run that ye may obtain."-1 Cor. ix. 24. THE CHRISTIAN RACE. Behold! the race-course here before us lies; In his exhortations to Christians, the great apostle of the Gentiles very often alludes to the Olympic games. These games were celebrated in different parts of Greece, particularly on the ifthmus which joined the Morea to the main land; hence called the Ifthmian exercises. They were held on the banks of the river Alpheus, near Olympia, a city of Elis. They were con |