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is, that we might be completely faved by Him." This is the ground of his rejoicing, that Jesus hath made "a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifice, oblation, and satisfaction for the fins of the whole world," since "he by the grace of God tafted death for every man." He regards his fins as being of such a nature that nothing but the " precious blood of Christ" could avail to purge them away. Thus the man of God confiders Jesus. He goes from strength to strength, making mention of His righteousness, who died for his fins, and rose again for his justification.

Such, however, is man's nature, such are his wants, trials, and destiny, that the Lord Jesus Chrift has for his fake assumed various offices and titles. Does man feel his helplessness, that he cannot of himself do anything that is good?-he is invited to look from self to Jesus as the "Mighty God." "Look unto me, and be ye saved, all ye ends of the earth, for beside me there is no God." While others look at their own weakness, at the difficulties of the way, at the strength and number of their foes, the man of faith looks from these to Jesus. Is he tempted to think that after all he shall never fee the King in his beauty? He may look to Jesus as his "Advocate" with the Father, who takes care of his interest in the court of heaven, and who is no less watchful over his affairs below. Does he need a subject calculated to fill his mind with mean ideas of self? he looks to Jesus as “the wonderful," wonderful indeed, God made man for man to die. In his birth, in his life, in his death, in his refurrection, and afcenfion, He is wonderful. In his character, in his operations, both of nature and of grace, in drawing, foftening, fanctifying, and glorifying the believer, He is wonderful! O the depth both of the wisdom and the goodness of God!

Does he find the affairs of earth too intricate for him, and that the children of this world are wifer in their generation than the children of light? He looks to Jesus as "the Counsellor" who is able to guide the feet of his faints.

In the time of trouble the Christian looks to his counsellor, and finds him a "very present help," and no expensive charges, or ruinous issues follow. He looks to Jesus as the Author or Beginner of Faith, who has called him to be a Chriftian, who has pointed out to him the proper path of duty, and who will at last award to him a crown of righteousness.

Painters, fculptors, and others have, in order to be perfect in their art, studied models of excellence. The Christian studies Jesus; he is his "model" or "example." Are his trials many ? is his cross heavy? He confiders Jesus who " endured the cross and despised the shame." Is he poor? "The Son of man had no where to lay his head." Is he rich? for the rich are also called; he confiders Him "who was rich, and for our fakes became poor." Is he tempted with the glories of the present world? To the Saviour "all the kingdoms of this world and the glory of them" were offered. Is he persecuted? He

looks to Jesus on the cross and prays, "Father, forgive them." Thus he looks from earthly glory to that far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; from earthly poffeffions to that "inheritance that fadeth not away," and from earthly pleasures to those that are spiritual and eternal. Adopting the language of the poet, he looks unto Jesus as

"His all!

His theme, his inspiration, and his crown;
His strength in age, his rife in low eftate,
His foul's ambition, pleasure, wealth, his world,
His light in darkness, and his life in death,
His boaft through time, bliss through eternity,
Eternity too short to fing his praife."

I fend the joys of earth away;
Away ye tempters of the mind,
Falfe as the fmooth, deceitful fea,
And empty as the whistling wind.

Now to the shining realms above,
I ftretch my hands and glance mine eyes;
Oh for the pinions of a dove,

To bear me to the upper skies!

In vain the world accosts my ear,
And tempts my heart anew;
I cannot buy your bliss so dear,
Nor part with heaven for you."



"For we walk by faith, not by fight." -2 COR. V. 7.


The convert here turns on the world his back,
And walks by faith along the narrow track;
Before him mists arife, and o'er his head

Thick clouds of darkness roll, and round him fpread,

A bottomless abyss beneath extends,
And still new danger to his pathway lends,
While ever and anon a lurid wreath
Comes rifing upward from the pit of death.
Though all around him spreads the gloom of night,
His footsteps sparkle with a brilliant light;
His Lamp-the Book of God-doth brightly shine,
And pours upon his path a light divine.
Between the murky columns as they rife,
Sometimes he fees a palace in the skies :
His heart is cheered, nor death nor danger dreads,
While circumspectly on his way he treads.
Thus step by step, he walks the narrow road,
Till at the end he finds himself with God.

HERE is depicted a man just starting from what appears to be solid ground, to walk upon a narrow plank, stretched across a deep gulf, and which ends nobody knows whither. Before him thick clouds of mist and vapour slowly but continually afcend; from the gulf or pit, rolling clouds of pitchy blackness also afcend. They spread themselves around him; in wreathy columns they stand before, and hide the future from his vision. Still he proceeds; he is a wonder to many, who cannot tell what to make of it. The man himself, however, appears to know very well what he is doing. He holds in his hand a book which he reads as he goes along; though it may seem to some unsafe, yet he finds it advantageous, rather than otherwise. The book, he thinks, throws light upon his path; now and then the wind blows the clouds of smoke a little on one fide, and he beholds, apparently far off in the distance, a fplendid


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