falls weltering in his blood. He triumphs. Ah! unhappy man! Remorse is his companion for ever-the ghost of the murdered haunts him continually. He is installed in office. He fcruples at nothing that will but increase his power; the man's pride knows no bounds-he aspires now after conquest and dominion. He will be a Hero; he will attain the high pinnacle of military renown and glory. War, fearful, devastating war, goes before him; Famine and Pestilence attend him; Ruin and Misery follow close behind, but "Pride goeth before destruction!" There are others who wish him out of the way. A fhot from his own ranks cuts him down. From his high elevation he is brought low. His glory is departed. "Heroes are much the fame, the point's agreed, The man with his family in the happy vale, represents Humility. The passions seldom operate alone; humility begets contentment and peace. He is satisfied with the position God has given him. He has learned from the book of wisdom that happiness consists not in the abundance of things which a man may possess; hence contentment is his fafe-guard. He has no defire to afcend the rugged path of pride; he drinks wisdom and knowledge from the fountain of Truth-he quaffs pleasure at the springs of domestic blifs. His greatest treasure is a good confcience -his highest ambition to walk humbly with his God. Free from the consuming, the torturing defires, the fierce paffions, the dreadful fears, and gnawing confcience of the man of Pride, he enjoys peace. He labours to discharge all the duties of his station, with an eye single, doing all to the glory of God. His present path is safe, peaceful, and happy, and his hope of the future, blessed and glorious. "Far from the madd'ning crowd's ignoble strife, Behold how great is the difference between Humility and Pride. Pride assumes an elevated pofition, and looks down with contempt on all beneath. Humility is content with a lowly feat, and mingles kindly with the brotherhood of man. Pride climbs a steep, dry, and rugged path, beset with thorns and briars. Humility walks the verdant vale amid rippling brooks, blushing corn, and flowers of vernal beauty. Pride occupies a dangerous place; even nature contends against him. The thunder, the lightning, and the storm, encompass him about. Humility walks with nature, and her path is safe. Pride is tormented with cares, fears, and vain defires. Humility enjoys the peace of God that passeth understanding. Pride works all, and endures all, to be seen of dying men. Humility courts the eye only of the living God. The path of Pride leads to shame and everlasting contempt; that of Humility to Honour, Glory, and Eternal Life. "Whosoever will lose his life for my fake shall fave it."-LUKE ix. 24. "He died for all." -2 Cor. V. 15. "We ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."-I JOHN iii. 16. THE SACRIFICE. They rush together with the mighty roar BEHOLD, here, the battle-field; the warriors are seen arrayed in all the pompous circumstance of war. Armed with shield and javelin, they stand prepared for dreadful combat. See! the ranks are broken: one is seen rushing into the midst of the enemy; on he sweeps like a tornado, right and left he hurls the blood-ftained spear; he cuts his way through the foe, astounded at his daring intrepidity, give back. Again they rally, and the hero falls, covered with a hundred wounds. He has, however, effected his object -the ranks are broken; his comrades follow up the advantage thus gained-rushing into the breach, they rout the foe, and foon victory fits perched upon their banner. The Romans, being at one time engaged in battle against the Latins, the latter had the advantage, and victory was about to decide in their favour, when Publius Decius, observing how things went, fired with a generous zeal, |