to be partakers of the inheritance of the Saints in light. To neglect the Cross is to neglect all; it is to go to the feast without the wedding garment; it is to go forth to meet the bridegroom without light, and without oil in our vessels. We may substitute something else for the Cross; fuch as morality, philosophy, or even works of painful penance. It will be all vain; as long as we continue unwashed, unjustified, unsanctified, we are unfafe-in momentary danger of hell fire. There is no neutrality in this war. In revolutions of States and Empires, those who do not take up arms against the foe are deemed as enemies; it is so here. "He that is not with me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad." This is the conclufion of the whole matter. When Christ comes to judge the world, all who will not now take up the Cross will be regarded as enemies; instead of the Crown they will have the curse; instead of Heaven, everlasting fire with the Devil and his angels. Hence it is that fo many "draw back to perdition." Ignorant of the great principles of religion, of its power to save, they wear it as a cloak to hide the deformity within; so inadequate are their conceptions of its excellency, that they will not facrifice a single lust, a momentary gratification, one darling idol, to ensure the "eternal weight of glory" which it promises. "No Cross, no Crown!" Some of the early difciples of the great Meffiah, when the spiritual nature of Christianity was presented to them, were "offended." Their carnal stomachs loathed "the bread which came down from heaven." Companions of the world, they rejected the " fellowship with the Father, and with the Son, Jesus Christ;" the Cross displeased them, and with their own hands they inscribed their names with those "who, having put their hand to the plough, looked back, and so became unfit for the kingdom of God." "Take "No Cross, no Crown;" See! that young man running toward the great Teacher; what can he want with him? He is a noble man, a ruler of the Jews. Strange sight, indeed, to fee! A ruler of the Jews running after the despised Galilean. What is his business? He inquires about the way to heaven; he seems a good deal in earnest; he runs, and kneels at the Saviour's feet; listen to him. O, says he, "what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?" up the Cross, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven," faid the Saviour, as he looked kindly upon him. The young man looks "fad," he is "fad," and 'tis a "fad" fight to fee. He wants the "treasure in heaven." But he wont take up the Cross, and they go together; God has joined them, and what God has joined no man can put asunder. He looks at the Saviour again inquiringly, as much as to say, "Is there no other way?" The Saviour understands him; he points him to the Cross again, saying, "Except a man deny himself, and take up his Cross, he cannot be my disciple." Fearful crisis, what will he do? The Saviour is looking at himthe disciples-the multitude standing aroundGod-the holy angels-glorified spirits-all are looking-yea, hell is looking on this spectacle. What is the issue? O, dreadful infatuation; "heaven that hour let fall a tear." He who knew the commandments by heart, and who had kept them from his youth up-he turns his back on Chrift and heaven, and goes away "forrowful," to be yet more "forrowful" long as eternal ages roll. Have the Cross and have the Crown. Look again at that young man walking boldly up to the Cross; he lays hold of it exclaiming, "when I am weak then am I strong; I can do all things through Christ strengthening me." He finds it " easy" and "light," pleasant and delightful; he bears it faithfully in palaces and in prifons-in the wilderness and in the city on the fea and on the land-among Jew and Greek-Barbarian and Scythian-Bond and Free every where exclaiming as he goes, "God forbid that I should glory, fave in the Cross of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Chrift," and having carried it the appointed time lays it at the Saviour's feet, singing triumphantly : " I have fought a good fight; I have kept the faith :. Henceforth there is laid up For me-A CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS." "They cry unto the Lord in their trouble, and he bringeth them out of their distresses." - Ps. cvii. 28. "Then the waters had overwhelmed us." Ps. cxxiv. 4. Loud yell the winds escaped from caves beneath, With maddened rage his mountain billows rife, At this dread crifis, on the mountain wave HERE is portrayed the life-boat haftening to the rescue; the winds, escaped from their prifonhouse, issue forth roaring indignantly at having been confined so long. Ocean is fummoned to the feast of Death; Neptune obeys the summons -inftantly he is all commotion, stirred up from his lowest depths, impatient to satiate his devouring appetite; he dashes his billows against the earth-he affails the very heavens. Behold the frail ship exposed to all the fury of his rage; she is laden with precious treasure. Her ruin appears inevitable. Loud roars Neptune; loud roar the winds; loud too, snap and crack the cordage and the fails; high rises the mountain furf. The bark "mounts up to the heaven," deep yawns the gulph beneath; she goes down again into the |