ardently to fulfil his miffion. Is he ridiculed, as were the builders of the walls of Jerufalem? he heeds it not, he ftill goes forward. Finally, does he find himself forsaken? it throws him on his own resources, it makes him firmer in his purpose, as the tree that stands alone and braves the storm strikes deeper its roots into the ground. If engaged in a good caufe, he is, like Milton's Abdiel, "Faithful found Among the faithlefs, faithful only he Nor number, nor example, with him wrought, In the cafe of Napoleon the above points were exemplified; he selected, as the object of his choice, military warfare-he made himself acquainted with every thing belonging to it as a science. He had confidence in it, as a means of procuring him the highest objects of his ambition; hence his devotion to it-hence his perfeverance; dangers and difficulties are feized as allies-he rifes with the ftorm, and "barely poffible" is to him an affurance of fuccefs. To the Christian soldier, decifion is of the highest importance; he has felected the Chriftian warfare as a means of procuring to him, "Glory, Honour, and Immortality." "If the righteous are scarcely faved," it behoves him to know what belongs to "his calling." He needs a knowledge of himself, of his duties, and of his privileges; a knowledge of the way, its dangers, and its difficulties; a knowledge of his enemies, their methods, and their power; a knowledge of his Almighty leader, of his Spirit, and of his word. He needs a living, practical faith, in religion, that it wll fecure to him "Eternal Life." Oppofition, danger, and death, may ftare him in the face, but if decided, he will fay, "none of these things move me," "my heart is fixed, I will fing and give praise;" and having fought the good fight of faith, he will be enrolled among those who perfevere to the end, and are saved : : "Faith, mighty faith, the promise fees and looks to that alone, Laughs at impoffibilities, and cries, It shall be done!'" Decifion of character may, however, belong to very different individuals; to the bad as well as the good, to Satan as well as to Abdiel. We may, like Enoch, "fet ourselves" to walk with God; or be like the wicked whofe "heart is fully fet in them to do evil." We may say with pious Joshua," choose you this day whom ye will serve, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord;" or with ambitious Pizarro, we may draw the line with the sword, and say, on this fide lie poverty and Panama, on that, Peru and gold; as for me and the brave, we will cross the line." With the martyr Paul, we may exclaim, "I go to Jerufalem, though bonds and afflictions await me there." Or with the patriot Pompey, "It is neceffary for me to be at Rome, though it is not neceffary for me to live." The following anecdotes related by Fofter, exhibit ftriking examples of decifion and perse verance: "An estimable old man, being on a jury, in a trial of life and death, was completely satisfied of the innocence of the prisoner; the other eleven were of the oppofite opinion, but he was refolved the man should not be condemned. As the first effort for preventing it, he made application to the minds of his affociates, but he found he made no impreffion; he then calmly told them that he would fooner die of famine than release them at the expense of the prifoner's life. The refult was a verdict of acquittal." What follows is a lefs worthy inftance : "A young man having wasted, in two or three years, a large fortune, was reduced to abfolute want. He went out, one day, with the intention of putting an end to his life; wandering along he came to the brow of an eminence that overlooked what were once his own eftates; here he fat down and remained fixed in thought some hours. At length he sprang up with a vehement exulting emotion-he had formed the refolution that all these estates should be his own again; he had formed his plan also, which he began immediately to execute; he walked forward determined to feize the very firft opportunity to gain money, and refolved not to spend a cent of it, if he could help it. The first thing was a heap of coals fhot before a house; he offered to wheel them into their place—he received a few pence for his labour; he then asked for fomething to eat, which was given him. In this way he proceeded, always turning his gains to fome advantage, till in the end he more than realized his loft poffeffions, and died a miser, worth more than a quarter of a million of dollars.” |