Fool in so mistaking the true ends of life,-in fo mistaking the nature of things as to think the foul could be satisfied with dust and corruption; in employing the noble powers of the mind about things so base, mean, and contemptible, in loving that which cannot return our love. Fool, in substituting the body for the foul,-time for eternity, the world for God. Fool, to be "bit by rage canine of dying rich, guilt's blunder, and the loudest laugh of hell." Fool, in heaping up riches and knowing not who shall gather them. "High built abundance heap on heap, for what? This is bad enough, but what is worse the man of selfishness is a man of guilt, often of deep, double-dyed, damnable guilt; even in its most innocent form selfishness dethrones the blessed God from his proper place in the human heart. Selfishness is a rank idolator-he worships the creature more than the Creator. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me." Like the horseleech, he is continually crying, Give, give; he covets his neighbour's poffeffions-he is determined to obtain them if he can, either by fair means or by foul-to this end he often bears false witness against his neighbour-nay, he will destroy his reputation, sometimes take his life. He is a devourer of widows' houses; he forestalls and forecloses whenever he can gain by fo doing. Selfishness is a thief-first, in withholding what belongs to God and the poor; secondly, in actually seizing upon the property of others. See him go forth to take possession of his neighbour's farm or house-in the face of day he goes; the fun is looking at him, and God is looking at him, and the prophet of God within his breastconfcience-remonftrates, as did the prophet Elijah, when Ahab had gone down to the vineyard of Naboth, to take possession thereof. But felfishness is deaf to the voice of the prophet, and the helpless family is turned out into the streets, and another inheritance is added to his rent-roll. How great is the guilt of selfishness; by him the commandments of God are all fet at nought; nay, standing on the mountain of his ill-gotten wealth, he takes the two tables of the law, and breaks them to pieces, trampling the remnants beneath his feet. His heart is offified, callous, hard as the nether mill-stone; the minifters of religion plead for help-he regards it not; the daughters of benevolence plead for objects of charity all in vain; the weeping widow and the wailing orphan stand before him, begging only what will fupport life a day-he spurns them from his prefence. He has more than he needs, or ever will need, yet-dog in the manger like-he snarls and keeps it all. In the map of Palestine may be seen the Dead Sea; several rivers pour their streams into the midst thereof, and among them the Jordan; here they are all fwallowed up; the Dead Sea gives nothing back but bitterness and dearth. It was formerly said that birds in their passage over it dropped down dead. Selfishness is a Dead Sea, receiving all, giving nothing, save misery, and want, and death. In the engraving, the house in the back ground looks ruined and desolate-selfishness has been there. It is related of the locusts that "the noise they make in browsing the plants and trees may be heard at a distance, like an army plundering in secret; wherever they march the verdure disappears from the country, like a curtain drawn aside. The trees and plants, despoiled of their leaves, make the hideous appearance of winter instantly succeed the bright scenes of spring-fire seems to follow their tracks." Selfishness may look behind him if he will, and see in his rear the same marks of defolation. Selfishness is a great advocate for the protection of his own interests; he has become rich, yet he is not rich God-ward. He has mortgages, but he himself, alas! is mortgaged to the devil, and when the time expires, he will foreclose and take possession. He has pledges enough on earth, but no pledge of a future inheritance in heaven. And where! where is the hope of the wretch, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his foul! "How shocking must thy fummons be, O death! |