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"Broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be that go in thereat. Narrow is the way which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."-MATT. vii. 13, 14.


The Path of Life, and Death's frequented way,
Who can defcribe? what pencil can portray ?

The way of Death is broad, with downward slide,
Easy and pleasant to man's luft and pride;
'T is thronged with multitudes who glide along
With gold, and drink, and dance, and wanton fong :
Nor thefe alone-but fome of decent mien,
"Harmless" and "ufeless," on the way are seen ;
In ruin's gulph it ends. See! rising there,
Thick clouds of blackness, and of dark despair.

The Path of Life lifts up its narrow breadth,
High o'er the realms of darkness and of death ;
Sky-rifing, still, laborious, and straight,
Leading directly up to heaven's gate;
'T is wondrous strange, and yet, alas! 't is true,
The Path of Life is travelled but by few,
Though ending where the shades of night ne'er fall,
But one eternal Light encircles all.

HERE is depicted the path of life and the way of death. The way of death is exceeding broad, and on an inclined plane. It has a downward tendency; it is occupied by a vast multitude. Some are seen throwing themselves off the way headlong, others are bearing aloft the terrible banners of war. They are elated with victory. Here the man of pleasure revels in delight. The drunkard is dancing with wild delirious joy, and the miser groans beneath his bags of gold. There are, however, fome sober, respectable people on the way. These appear to look grave and thoughtful. The way ends, you perceive, in total darkness. Thick clouds of curling blackness, rifing from a pit or gulf, cover the extremity of the way. The travellers enter the dismal shades, and we see them no more.

From the way of death you fee another way,

or path rather, stretching up, as it were, into the clouds. This is called the path of life. It is extremely narrow. It is moreover difficult on account of its upward tendency. Few persons are seen walking on it; these scattered here and there. This path appears to end well. We can see where it does end. A beautiful palace opens its golden gates to receive the wearied travellers. From its open portals bursts forth a dazzling light that illuminates the pathway beneath.

By the way of death, is signified the way of fin that leads to death eternal. "The wages of sin is death." Its downward tendency denotes that it is much easier to go wrong than to go right. The way of fin is easy and pleasant to man's corrupt nature. He delights in it after the inner man. Were it not fo, furely so many in all ages would not be found walking therein. The Creator himself gives us the reafon. "The thoughts of the imaginations of his heart are evil, only evil, and that continually." Hence man follows the bent of his inclination. He goes with the stream; "every one in his own way." To do otherwise would require self-denial and vigorous persevering effort.

In the engraving, some are seen cafting themselves off the way. By this is meant, not that finners grow tired of the way of fin exactly, but that they are tired of themselves; they are tired of life. Their substance is expended in gambling and profligacy. The means of indulging their depraved appetite no longer exists; hence they commit suicide; plunge into eternity, and add to the number of those who die without hope, for "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish." Others, by their excesses in riotous living and debaucheries, break down their constitution, and destroy life, and thus perish with those who "live not out half their days."

Warriors are also in the way of death, raising to the breeze the flag of triumph. These denote the men "who delight in war," who, for wealth and glory, "fink, burn, and destroy," and flaughter their fellow-creatures. These violate the law of Jehovah, "Thou shalt not kill." Drunkards too are in this way, caroufing with strong drink, dancing with maniac madness, and yet, on the way to ruin, drowning the cares of time, but planting thorns for eternity. These belong to the class of whom it is said, "Such shall not inherit the kingdom of God." one with the bag of gold represents that very large class who worship Mammon on the earth; who never think even of heaven, except when they remember that it is paved with gold. These are idolaters; the meanest of the Devil's drudges, the vileft of the slaves of fin. Others enjoy the pleasures of fin; but he sweats and groans beneath his load; he takes place with the breakers of God's law, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."


Some pass the time in wanton dalliance; these designate the adulterer, fornicator, and the impure. These take pleasure in unrighteousness;

give up their affections to the control of luft; indulge in mere animal delights; imbrute their manhood; quench their intellect, and barter the glories of heaven for a "portion in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone; this is the second death." Others of staid and respectable appearance are in this way. Men of dignity and of confequence; men of morals and philosophy, all honourable men; men who are harmless in their generation, honeft in their dealings. They "render to Cæfar the things which are Cæfar's," but, alas for them, they do not "render unto God the things which are God's." One thing only is wanting. "One thing thou lackest." The heart is unfurrendered; hence there is no repentance-no living faith-no homage-no love-no obedience-no salvation. These, alas, all take rank with the "unprofitable servant," who was caft into outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.

But time would fail to describe the various characters that throng the way of death. The gross sensualist, the haughty Pharifee, and the specious hypocrite, are all here. But is it possible, some one may say, that so many are in the way to eternal death? God himself has answered the question; we have heard his voice. It is not only true that they are going, but that they go of their own accord. The finner is threatened, admonished, and warned, and yet he


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