goes on. He is perfuaded, entreated, and invited If you fee a man travelling a road that you know to be frequented with robbers, you tell him of his danger; he persists in going on; the robbers strip him and leave him for dead; who is to blame? The sinner is warned of his danger, and yet he persists in fin. Numbers control not the sword of justice. The antediluvians were faithfully warned; they went on and perished in the flood. The men of Sodom were warned; they persisted, and perished in the rain of fire. The Jews were warned also, even by the Son of God, and yet they went on in rebellion, until of their city not one ftone was left standing upon another, and themselves scattered and peeled among the nations. The finner neglects a great salvation. Neglecting only to get into the Ark will expose him to the flood of fire. Neglecting salvation, he contemns the "love of God." He "tramples upon the blood of the covenant." He does "despite to the Spirit of grace." How shall he escape if he neglects so great falvation. shall go away into everlasting punishment.". "These " I saw the lake of quenchless fires, By the path of life is designated the path of holiness, that leads to life eternal. "Bleffed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." It is narrow and steep; it requires care and effort. The pilgrim must deny himself; take up his cross daily, and watch unto prayer. It is difficult only to flesh and blood; to the carnal, mind, not to the spiritual; to the unregenerate, not to him that is born again. To the righteous its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are paths of peace. Narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there are that find it. Fewer still endure to the end thereof. The few were once in the way of death. They were among the many that were called. They obeyed the heavenly call, forsook the broad way, and entered upon the path of life. The path of life ends well; God delights in holiness. He did not overlook Noah in the overflowing of the ungodly, nor Lot in Sodom. The faithful few are God's jewels; his hidden ones, while tribulation and "anguish are affigned to the disobedient." The patient continuance of the righteous in well-doing will be rewarded with "glory, and honour, and immortality," for the ransomed of the Lord shall return and come to Zion with fongs and everlasting joy upon their heads. They shall obtain joy and gladness, and forrow and fighing shall flee away. " I saw the countless, happy throng White robes-gold crowns and lofty song, Shall aught from heaven sever?' "The world passeth away."-I JOHN ii. 17. "Now is the day of falvation."-2 COR. vi. 2. "Ye know not what shall be on the morrow." JAMES iv. 14. PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. Look on the Past. Behold! wide scattered round, Time's fragments-everywhere they strew the ground : The Dead are there-once blooming, young, and gay, 'Mid putrefaction, lo! they waste away. The aged oak, once tall, and strong, and green, THIS picture is emblematical of the Past, Future, and Present, as these divisions of time appear to us, who are now on the stage of human life. Behold the Past! See there the fragments that time has left behind: there is the burying place, filled with the records of the past-what a volume of Biography is the grave-yard; there they lie, the blooming and the beautiful-the strong and the active-all mouldering into duft. The laughing eye-the noble brow-the dimpled cheek-the teeth of pearl-the musical tonguethe brain creative-and the cunning hand-all, all, are filent in the tomb, and melting into earth. There, too, is the oak, that once towered in strength and beauty, now withered and decayed; once it gave shelter to the beasts of the field, the fowls of heaven lodged in its branches-now it needs a prop to prevent its falling to the ground. The splendid manfion is seen crumbling into duft. Architecture, and sculpture, and painting, |