"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path."Ps. cxix. 105. "The Lord God is a fun and shield."Ps. lxxxiv. II. THE SUN OF TRUTH. Lo! on a path that through the mountains sweeps, SEE where, among the mountain heights, a long, ftraight path stretches itself till it is loft in the distance beyond. The fun pours wide his rays of living light, illuminating the path, and shedding lustre all around. Two travellers are pursuing their different routes. One advances toward the sun; his shadow is behind, his path is bright before him. As he proceeds, his shadow diminishes, while his path grows brighter and brighter, until directly over head the sun pours the full tide of its glory upon him, and the whole of the shadow disappears. The other has turned his back upon the orb of day. See, he follows his own shadow. It darkens his pathway before him. Now he leaves the track; his shadow lengthens more and more; he wanders into funken labyrinths, and finally loses himself amidst the darkness of night. This emblem represents the moral world. The sun designates the Sun of Truth. The travellers denote, first, those who follow the light: their path shines brighter and brighter unto the perfect day; their fouls become enlightened, vivified, and purified; darkness disappears, and heavenly light shines on their fouls for ever. Secondly, it fignifies those who turn their backs on the light, and who, as they journey, wander farther and farther from his bright beams; their path becomes darker and darker; their shadow lengthens as they proceed, until, having forsaken altogether the way of truth, they lose themselves among the wilds of error, and perish in the darkness of everlasting night. Where shines the Sun of Truth? In the holy Bible. The Scriptures are a "light" to the weary traveller, illuminating all his goings, pointing out his proper path, and showing where the mountains of error lift up their defolating heads. This Sun of Truth shines on the traveller himself. It discovers his ignorance, guilt, danger, helplessness, and, at the same time, his immortality. Again it shines, and he beholds Calvary, with all its weeping tragedies. It reveals to him now his "wisdom, justification, sanctification, and redemption." Where shines the Sun of Truth? In the person of Jesus Christ. He who wisely uses the light of the Scriptures will be led to contemplate Him who is the "Light of the world," "the Sun of Righteousness," "the Splendid Glory of Jehovah," the Way, the Life, and the Truth." The Chriftian, following the light of the glorious Sun of Truth, discovers ever-opening mines of richest knowledge. Fountains of living waters roll their treasures at his feet. Trees of Life overhang his pathway, and drop into his lap their golden stores, till at length he beholds the opening gates of the New Jerusalem, Where Light and Truth their mystic powers combine, And o'er the realms of Love for ever shine. The infidel, turning his back upon the light, walks in the vain shadow of his own opinions. Darker, and yet more dark, the shadow grows; he waxes worse and worse; one truth after another is given up-one lie after another is embraced; farther and farther he wanders from God and bliss, and finally he takes his fearful " leap in the dark," and finds himself, contrary to his expectations, in outer darkness, where there is weeping, and wailing, and woe. "Unto the upright there arifeth light in the darkness." Ps. cxii. 4. "Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for thou art with me." Ps. xxiii. 4. LIGHT IN DARKNESS. Lo! where a Christian walks in darkest gloom, The engraving represents a Christian walking through a dark and shadowy vale, wherein is no light; the mantle of darkness encircles him, the pall of the grave has enfolded itself around him. Nevertheless, his path runs directly through it; he knows not what dangers may lie in the midft; he knows not when or where the end may be. No chink, outlet, or open door presents itself to him, yet he is determined to persevere; it is the path of duty. Addressing himself to his work, he addresses himself also to his Master; he calls on Chrift, whose he is, and whom he serves; the Saviour shows his bright and glorious countenance; the light of his glory falls full upon the traveller; the reflection irradiates his pathway; all is light. He goes on his way rejoicing in the Lord. Every Christian must at times pass through the valley of tribulation. Mental anxiety, fickness, loss of friends, poverty, persecution, death, with many other things, make the materials of the valley of tribulation. The blessed Saviour has faid that all who live godly must pass through this valley. And again, Through much tribulation ye must enter into the kingdom of God. And John the beloved, looking with wonder at the glory of fome who were seen before the throne of God, was informed by the angel that they were those who had come out of great tribulation. But Chrift is the light of the world, the Sun of Righteousness, the fource from which all intellectual and spiritual light is derived. Wherefore God our heavenly Father says to us, "Awake, thou that fleepest; arife from the dead, thou that dwellest among the tombs, and Christ shall give thee light." But to the Chriftian, paffing through E |