Imágenes de páginas
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Zoology of Assyria and Mesopota-
mia, 315-327. Bears, 315. The
glutton, ib. Panther, 316. Lynx,
wolf, and fox, 316, 317, 318.
Deer, antelope, 316. Angora and
Taurus goat, 316, 317. Bats,
317. Lion and tiger, ib. Hyena,
ib. Domestic cat and dog, 318.
Otter, beaver, and gerboa, ib.
Hare and rabbit, ib. Wild boar,
horse, and ass, 318, 319. Camel,
dromedary, and gazelle, 319.
Sheep, 320. Ornithology, 320-
323. Vulture, eagle, owl, 320.
Blackbird, thrush, nightingale,
321. Lark, sparrow, bee-eater,
ib. Grouse, partridge, pheasant,
322. Ostrich, bustard, pelican,
geese, and duck, 322, 323. Rep-
tiles, 323, 324. Tortoise, lizard,
snake, frog, 323, 324. Fishes,
324, 325. Insects, 325-327.






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