the playsyr of godą to whome I fudmytte al myy entle to brick no thynge that ought to be blas mgdy/ne but that it be to the Gels the e sauacion of every persone/ Denne for os late Pade fenyssede in enprynte the wok of the noble & Sycoryous kynge Arthur fyrst of the the moost noble & woz - the of crysten kynges/andy also tofon had edund im to englissie the noble hystore & lyf of Go eftop of Bobyn kenge of Jerus falem/last of the faidy in worthy Somme persones of noble estate andy degree haue despede me to reduce thystore andy lyf of the noble and crysten prynce Chart les the frete king of frauuse & emperour of Rome / the second of the thw worthy/tw.thende.that thystores/acts/ e lpues may ke hady in onr maternal tongue lyke as they be in laten or in Fren Me/For the moost quanty: te of the people Bnerstone not Latyn ng fensse leve in this no Ble ropame of engano/And foz. to satysfye the despre & wqueste of my good? synguler bzes e fpecpal mapsters and fenes haue enpresede and concluded in my self to reduce this fayde -Book in to our englyffle /as all abnge and playnely xe may rede/bere/ and see in tips ook here fowlbyng/Besechyng al them that shal fyne faute in the fame to correcte ande amence it/And also to pardone me of the rude symple reducing and though so be there be no gae ærmes/ne fußtyl ne nelbe eloquena / yet I that e to that entente I have specys ally weduwd it /after the sym ple connynge that god hath lente to me/werof I humbly & wyth al my are thanke Hym & also am bouncen to praye for my fa dez anos moders soules/ that in my youthe sette me to scole /bywhycke by the suffrauna of god I gete my Crunge I hope truly Andy that I may so do & antys nue I byseck Hym to graute me of his grace / andy so o laboure and occupye my self Bertuously that I may come out of atte & deely synne/that after this lyf I may come to hye blyfle in bes um AMEN / Charles the Grete, sig. a ij verso The Prologues and Epilogues of BY W. J. B. CROTCH, M.Α. GEORGE SMITH STUDENT, UNIVERSITY OF LONDON, KING'S COLLEGE. LONDON: UBLISHED FOR THE EARLY ENGLISH TEXT SOCIETY HUMPHREY MILFORD, OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS AMEN HOUSE, E.C. 4. |