Whilst summer lasts, and I live here, Fidele, I'll sweeten thy sad grave: Thou shalt not lack The flower, that's like thy face, pale primrose; nor The azur'd hare-bell, like thy veins; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Out-sweeten'd... The Plays of William Shakspeare ... - Página 302por William Shakespeare - 1785Vista completa - Acerca de este libro
 | Nicholas Carlisle - 1828 - 352 páginas
...Fidele, I'll sweeten thy sad grave: Thou shalt not lack The flower, that's like thy face, pale primrose ; nor The azur'd hare-bell, like thy veins; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Out-sweeten'd not thy breath.— Cymbeline, Act. iv. Sc. 2. 7 POCOCKE'S Descript. of the East,... | |
 | William Shakespeare, George Steevens - 1829 - 542 páginas
...I'll sweeten thy sad grave : Thou shall not lack The flower, that's like thy face, pale primrose ; nor The azur'd hare-bell, like thy veins ; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, < *ijt-s weetcn'd not thy breath : the ruddock* would, With charitable bill (0 bill, sore-shaming... | |
 | Henry Phillips - 1829 - 398 páginas
...thy sad grave : thou shalt not lack The flower that's like thy face, pale Primrose ; nor The azured Harebell like thy veins : no, nor The leaf of Eglantine, whom, not to slander, Outsweeten'd not thy breath. The fair poetess, who personated our bard's Perdita so charmingly,... | |
 | William Shakespeare, William Harness - 1830 - 510 páginas
...Fidele, I'll sweeten thy sad grave: Thou shalt not lack The flower, that's like thy face, pale primrose; nor The azur'd hare-bell, like thy veins; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Out-sweeten'd not thy breath : the ruddock p would A^ With charitable bill (O bill, sore-shaming... | |
 | Thomas Dugdale - 1830 - 296 páginas
...thy sad grave, thou shall not lack The flower that's like thy face, pale primrose : nor The azured harebell, like thy veins : no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to alander, Out-sweetened not thy breath." David Ap Gwillym also beautifully alludes to this practice... | |
 | Thomas Dugdale - 1830 - 1078 páginas
...thy sad grave, thou shall not lack The flower that's like thy face, pale primrose : nor The azured harebell, like thy veins : no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Out-sweetened not thy breath." David Ap G willy m also beautifully alludes to this practice... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1831 - 522 páginas
...I'll sweeten thy sad grave : Thou shall not lack The flower, th.it's like thy face, pale primrose; nor The azur*d hare-bell, like thy veins ; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Out-sweetcn'd not thy breath : the ruddock' would, With charitable bill (O bill, sore-shauiing... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1831 - 606 páginas
...Fidèle, П1 sweeten thy sad crave : Thou ihalt not lack The flower, that's like thy face, pale primrose ; Gives not the hawthorn bush a sweeter shade * To shepherds, looking on their silly slander, Out-sweeten'd not thy breath : the ruddock4 would, With charitable bill (O, bill, sore-shaming... | |
 | John Timbs - 1832 - 362 páginas
...'II sweeten thy sad grave : thou shall not lack The flower, that 's like thy face, pale primrose ; nor The azur'd hare-bell, like thy veins ; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom, not to slander, Outsweenten'd not thy breath. ***** Yea, and furr'd moss besides, when flowers are none, To... | |
 | 1832 - 206 páginas
...thy sad grave : thou shalt not lack The flower that 's like thy face, pale Primrose ; nor The azured hare-bell, like thy veins ; no, nor The leaf of eglantine, whom not to slander, Out-sweetened not thy breath. CYMBSLIXE. SHE is the Rose, the glory of the day, And mine the... | |
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