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" Full little knowest thou, that hast not tried, What hell it is in suing long to bide : To lose good days, that might be better spent; To waste long nights in pensive discontent; To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow; To feed on hope, to pine with... "
Laconics; or, The best words of the best authors [ed. by J. Timbs]. 1st Amer. ed - Página 294
por Laconics - 1829
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Johannes von Müller sämmtliche Werke, Volumen14

Johannes von Müller - 1812 - 466 páginas
...alte ©penfer. to waste long nights In pensive discontent to speed to day, to be put back to morrow to feed on hope, to pine with fear and sorrow to have thy askings, yet wait many years, to fred thy soul with croffes and with cares to ead thy heart through...
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The American Law Journal, Volumen5

John Elihu Hall - 1814 - 604 páginas
...try'd, What hell it is, in suing long to bide, To lose good days that might be better (pent, To pus long nights in pensive discontent, To speed to-day, to...To feed on hope, to pine with fear and sorrow; To fret thy soul with crosses and with care, To eat thy heart through comfortless despair; To fawn, to...
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The Quarterly Review, Volumen12

William Gifford, Sir John Taylor Coleridge, John Gibson Lockhart, Whitwell Elwin, William Macpherson, William Smith, John Murray, Rowland Edmund Prothero (Baron Ernle), George Walter Prothero - 1815 - 556 páginas
...What hell it is in suing long to bide ; To lose good days that might be better spent, To waste long nights in pensive discontent ; To speed to-day, to...put back to-morrow ; To feed on hope, to pine with tear and sorrow : To have thy prince's grace, yet want her peers ; To have thy asking, yet wait many...
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Volumen2

Francis Wrangham - 1816 - 624 páginas
...What hell it is in suing long to bide, To lose good days that might be better spent, , To waste long nights in pensive discontent ; To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow, To feed in hope, to pine with fear and sorrow ; To have thy Prince's grace, yet want her peers', To have thy...
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The British Plutarch: Containing the Lives of the Most Eminent ..., Volumen2

Francis Wrangham - 1816 - 616 páginas
...What hell it is in suing long to bide, To lose good days that might be better spent, ' To waste long nights in pensive discontent ; To speed to-day, to be put back to-morrow, To feed in hope, to pine with fear and sorrow ; To have thy Prince's grace, yet want her peers', To have thy...
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Memoirs of the Court of Queen Elizabeth ...

Lucy Aikin - 1818 - 544 páginas
...What hell It is in suing long to bide ; To lose good days that might be better spent ; To waste long nights in pensive discontent; . To speed to-day, to...despairs; To fawn, to crouch, to wait, to ride» to run; To spend, to give, to want, to be undone." Mother Hubbard's Tale. One of the most laudable objects...
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The Quarterly Journal, Volumen9

1820 - 494 páginas
...language of Spenser, they were doomed " To lose good days that might be better spent, To waste long nights in pensive discontent, To speed to-day, to...To feed on hope, to pine with fear and sorrow, To fret their souls with crosses and with cares, To eat their hearts through comfortless despairs : Unhappy...
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Sir Ralph Willoughby, an historical tale, by the author of Coningsby [signed ...

sir Samuel Egerton Brydges (bart.) - 1820 - 336 páginas
...better Spent; To waste long nights in pensive discontent; To speed to day, to be put back to-morrpw; To feed on hope; to pine with fear and sorrow; To have thy Prince's grace; yet want her Peer's; To hare thy asking, yet wait many years; To fret thy soul with crosses and with cares; To eat...
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Sir Ralph Willoughby: An Historical Tale of the Sixteenth Century. In which ...

Sir Egerton Brydges - 1820 - 330 páginas
...better spent; To waste long nights in pensive discontent; To speed to day, to be put back to-morrowf To feed on hope; to pine with fear and sorrow ; To have thy Prince's grace; yet want tier Peer's; To hare ihy a'sking, yet wait many years; To fret thy soul with erosses and with cares;...
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The Retrospective Review, and Historical and Antiquarian Magazine, Volumen12

1825 - 364 páginas
...better spent ; To waste long nights in pensive discontent j To speed to day, to be put back to morrow ; To feed on hope, to pine with fear and sorrow ; To have thy princes grace, yet want her peers; To have thy asking, yet wait many yeers ; To fret thy soul with...
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