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" his possessions : unto the man that hath nothing to vex him, and that hath prosperity in all things: yea, unto him that is yet able to receive "
Fraser's Magazine for Town and Country - Página 327
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The rule and exercises of holy living and dying. Revised, abridged, and ...

Jeremy Taylor (bp. of Down and Connor.) - 1838 - 612 páginas
...death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liveth at rest in his possessions, to a man that hath nothing to vex him, and that hath prosperity...all things, yea unto him that is yet able to receive meat 1 !" said the son of Sirach. But the parts of this exercise help each other. If a man be not incorporated...
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The Whole Works of the Right Rev. Jeremy Taylor: With a Life of ..., Volumen4

Jeremy Taylor, Reginald Heber - 1839 - 604 páginas
...death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liveth at rest in his possessions, to a man that hath nothing to vex him, and that hath prosperity...things ; yea, unto him that is yet able to receive meat!" said the son of Siracli. But the parts of this exercise help each other. If a man be not incorporated...
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Miscellaneous pieces in poetry and prose

Samuel Dobell - 1840 - 226 páginas
...lesson of the grave. " O death ! how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liveth at rest in his possessions, unto the man that hath nothing to...hath prosperity in all things ; yea, unto him that yet is able to receive meat! O death! how acceptable is thy judgment unto the needful, and unto him...
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The mother's help towards instructing her children in the excellencies of ...

John James - 1842 - 562 páginas
...of prosperity ! " O death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a " man that liveth at rest in his possessions ! unto the man that hath " nothing...vex him, and that hath prosperity in all things." Not so to the strugglers and sufferers in the world's sore strife ! " 0 " death ! acceptable is thy...
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The Poetical Works of Robert Southey: Collected by Himself, Volumen1

Robert Southey - 1843 - 510 páginas
...have no friend beside I O Death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that liveth at rest in his possessions, unto the man that hath nothing to...all things; yea unto him that is yet able to receive meat I O Death, acceptable is thy sentence unto the needy, and unto him whose strength faileth, that...
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The Works of Thomas Jackson, D.D.: Sometime President of Corpus ..., Volumen10

Thomas Jackson - 1844 - 664 páginas
...Ecclesiasticus, chap. xli. 1: O death, how bitter is the remembrance qfthee to a man that liveth at rest in his possessions, unto the man that hath nothing to...things: yea, unto him that is yet able to receive meat! Yet is not the loss of life, of sense, or the foregoing of worldly contentments, the only cause...
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The Works of Thomas Jackson, D. D.: Sometime President of Corpus ..., Volumen3

Thomas Jackson - 1844 - 492 páginas
...when God shall call us. O death, how hitter is the remembrance ofthee to a man that liveth at rest in his possessions, unto the man that hath nothing to...and that hath prosperity in all things: yea, unto 806 him that is yet able to receive meat m ! To like purpose, if I mistake not the circumstances, was...
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Prayers and Other Pieces of Thomas Becon, Volumen4

Thomas Becon - 1844 - 662 páginas
...xii. to a man that sceketh rest and comfort in his substance and riches, unto the man «ga¡a«t the that hath nothing to vex him, and that hath prosperity in all things, yea, unto him that eetteth all his mind on belly-cheer ! О death, how acceptable and good is thy judgment unto the needful,...
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The poetical works of Robert Southey, Volumen10

Robert Southey - 1845 - 846 páginas
...When I could think upon a dear friend dead, that liveth at reit In hli possession», unto the man tnat hath nothing to vex him, and that hath prosperity...all things; yea unto him that is yet able to receive meat] " О Death, acceptable ii thy sentence unto the needy, and unto him whose strength failcth, that...
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The Works of Isaac Barrow, Volumen1

Isaac Barrow - 1845 - 692 páginas
...Wise Man observe : О death, how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man that lieeth at rest in hù possessions ; unto the man that hath nothing to vex...him ; and that hath prosperity in all things ; Yea, adds, he, unto him, that is yet able to receive meat /'' And how bitter, then, must the remembrance...
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